mooghead 29.06.2017 15:26 |
I have never seen Highlander. The premise is shit, the clips I HAVE seen look badly acted and low budget. It's really bad that Queen have an association with it to be honest. |
RS_Protos 29.06.2017 15:45 |
AL because "The premise is shit, the clips I HAVE seen look badly acted..." "It's really bad that Queen have an association with it to be honest. " |
mooghead 29.06.2017 16:02 |
Top fucking response! |
matt z 29.06.2017 19:21 |
This Tour looks absolutely BIG budget. The guy actually works this time with the addition of a great rock set and Tyler RE:'s an old concept of the immortals but introduced as being finite for they've got to duel each other until only one stands (*very cool) I dislike the original US version AND the make up was very much of its time on Connor Macleod 's aged wife. Still kinda teared me up. If you lend yourself to the belief. ...also the nazi scene and the French duel scene add a lot of weight to the story, silliness/reality Anyways the international version patches things up far better. I haven't indulged in any Queen ....uhhh... No oh wait... i DID go see WWRY (*USA) VERSION and it was terrible. And farking asinine. Best part was hearing some of seldom played tunes being performed live. The worst part was the entire show except that. Even then. ... I DIDN'T PAY FOR THAT CRAP. My friend's wife bought tix for the fam and her son didn't want to go. I only went (*keep in mind this was FREE- even transportation) because I thought they'd have planted one of the Freddie statutes/blow ups by the theater (*they didn't) Ummm....i haven't bought any recent collections of theirs. Didn't RE BUY any boxed sets. ..nor the hot sauce. Just those i guess. I saw QAL in 14' and regretted it. I saw QAL in 17' and friggin loved it. So. ...I'm not hard lining. If it's good, it's good. If it's not then. ..meh |
Fireplace 29.06.2017 19:40 |
So everyone else on QZ got the Monopoly game and the vodka? |
matt z 29.06.2017 20:54 |
Haha NO - Vodka possibly later - MONOPOLY NO - Queen - the holy hand grenade of Antioch orb edition NO - Wembley boxed set with balloon NO - Colored Vinyl set NO - ON AIR (missed opportunity if they didn't horde the live tracks) Possibly later -Freddie replica statue NO - those terrible knuckle bonez figurines. Icould do a much better they take submissions for portion of the sales? I really feel that John Deacon needs a bust ;-) (am i serious or am i Not?) |
dysan 30.06.2017 03:05 |
My last 20 years of (official) Queen purchases: On Air (a leaving present from work) NICE TO HAVE Rainbow box (a leaving present from work) GREAT Deep Cuts x3 INTERESTING AT THE TIME about 4 of the 2011 2-disc reissues THE ONES WITH GOOD BONUS TRACKS A full set of the 00s vinyl reissue were given to me and I sold them immediately LOAD OF SHIT Most of the Hollywood CDs because they looked interesting on import in Tower Piccadilly DISAPPOINTING A couple of bootleg t-shirts because thy looked cool and I was drunk SEXY |
dive2063 30.06.2017 04:04 |
I have never seen Flash Gordon movie ) with no regrets at all... |
dysan 30.06.2017 05:02 |
It's fun |
Chopin1995 30.06.2017 05:30 |
I love Flash Gordon movie! |
Arnaldo "Ogre-" Silveira 30.06.2017 06:00 |
Chopin1995 wrote: I love Flash Gordon movie!Me too. Come on, I knew half of the actors' lines beforehand, due to previous OST brainwash! LOL Cheers, Ogre- |
KJ 30.06.2017 08:07 |
Furia |
MercurialFreddie 30.06.2017 08:23 |
Dysan, where the heck do you work ? :)) |
dysan 30.06.2017 08:25 |
I got into Queen via Flash Gordon. I listened to the title track on GH1 when in about 1983 on repeat and then SSOR was directly after it so I got into that as well. Then within about 2 years I had all their tapes. Happy happy days. @MercurialFreddie - I was very lucky :) |
Pingfah 30.06.2017 09:08 |
Well, there's a whole bunch of re-releases and compilations I didn't buy, but as far as big and unique items go, I didn't go and see WWRY. I hate musicals, a bunch of people who weren't talented enough to make it in the music industry running around a stage overacting and murdering otherwise good songs. Love Highlander though, and Flash. By no means the greatest movies of all time, but amongst my favourites nonetheless. |
vince73 30.06.2017 11:20 |
Never bougth any WWRY The musical related stuff. Wait... Bought Party at the Palace DVD. My fault. |
andres_clip 30.06.2017 12:10 |
I've never seen Zabou If that counts as Queen related. |
mooghead 30.06.2017 13:24 |
I have another one actually, speaking of Flash Gordon. I have never owned an original copy of the album, either on LP, CD or tape. I have only ever had cassette copies and even then I think I have only ever listened to it all the way through once in my life. |
Fireplace 30.06.2017 17:52 |
matt z wrote: Haha NO - Vodka possibly later - MONOPOLY NO - Queen - the holy hand grenade of Antioch orb edition NO - Wembley boxed set with balloon NO - Colored Vinyl set NO - ON AIR (missed opportunity if they didn't horde the live tracks) Possibly later -Freddie replica statue NO - those terrible knuckle bonez figurines. Icould do a much better they take submissions for portion of the sales? I really feel that John Deacon needs a bust ;-) (am i serious or am i Not?)I've seen certain leaked pictures that suggest John gets LOADS of bust..... |
Sheldon 01.07.2017 11:47 |
"What Queen related 'thing' have you never indulged in?" Freddie's excessive amount of anal sex and steam room visits. |
mooghead 01.07.2017 12:00 |
Yeah... whatever... |
Nitroboy 01.07.2017 16:45 |
Calling people 'darling' |
matt z 03.07.2017 17:20 |
Sheldon wrote: "What Queen related 'thing' have you never indulged in?" Freddie's excessive amount of anal sex and steam room visits.Oh. Right. DITTO. Neither that nor the coke. |
Saint Jiub 03.07.2017 18:48 |
I never cheated on my wife (heterosexually nor homosexually). Wow! I must be awesome ... blah blah blah ... |
ggo1 04.07.2017 13:20 |
I loved both Highlander and Flash Gordon. Flash Gordon in the cinema was a tremendous experience, loud as fuck and the brightest colours you've ever seen on a screen. I contend it was just ahead of it's time. Although these days I imagine the hawkmen attack on the rocket ship would be done a teensy bit faster. They fly so slowly it's hilarious. Never bothered much with the non music related stuff, can't imagine I'd buy a vodka just because it had the Queen logo on it. |
matt z 05.07.2017 12:20 |
For the record. ...I TRIED to buy their beer....but couldn't order it directly here in the USA ...AND there was so much red tape. I even tried through BEVMO! Nothing. That was 2 years ago. ....and I'd actually forgotten all about it. Fucking make it accessible! |
cmsdrums 12.07.2017 10:18 |
This....I will NEVER EVER 'indulge' myself in anything like this absolute load of shite. Why must they continue to act like a cheap online gift store rather than one of the greatest and most innovative bands there has ever been: link |
RS_Protos 12.07.2017 10:23 |
LOL, they are completely losing it, wow |
on my way up 12.07.2017 14:38 | :-) :-) |
matt z 12.07.2017 19:40 |
^yeah I'd seen those China sets. But as others have pointed it out by now. ...lots of these things (*except the hot sauce) have dedicated connotations as being "Freddie-ish" tributes. Likely this with earl grey tea the vodka the monopoly thing may slightly reference the last public celebration. (Cake) [*although qz ppl have pointed outit ought to be a SCRABBLE board for true Queen connotation Freestone's (*cough:::rather expensive) cookbook ...err.... anybody care to help me? I'm trying to pretend these are all dignified outputs. Little help? |
Day dop 27.07.2017 22:31 |
Buying any Roger Taylor albums. I've heard them though. I might buy Fun in Space on vinyl soon. |