Hi. I remember there was a YouTube video of a man covering Under Pressure. There was about 17s long silent 8mm footage from Indianapolis 1977 at the beginning. Or at least it was signed as Indianapolis 1977. Could anybody paste a link for this video or share his version if possible?
I'm looking for the second footage of Indianapolis 1977 too. The longer one, which looks for sure better and it's full of colors. Every version I saw was like version shared by someone, who was downloading it through torrents and has stuck at 70%.
I guess I'm not the only person looking for them. Thanks, if someone could upload these.
The Real Wizard wrote:
Here you are... both sources in a single file.
Enjoy !
Come on, what have you done to it? It looks and sounds like shit, and the original was far from great :-(
Well my original video was very bad due to lots of corrupted frames so this is welcome. If you have a better source, share it if you please, as it would be very appreciated.
The Real Wizard wrote:
Here you are... both sources in a single file.
Enjoy !
Come on, what have you done to it? It looks and sounds like shit, and the original was far from great :-(
All I did was clean up the audio a bit - there were harsh cuts between the songs. The sound itself I left exactly as it was. I'm just surprised you used the Cleveland audio instead of Seattle like you did for the last couple songs (but I guess you wanted to be closer to the actual date wherever possible, while compromising the quality).
As for the video - I'm using Adobe Premiere, and this was the best I could do without creating an .avi file that's about 1.5gb, which is pretty silly for a 6 minute video. link
^ there's my audio. Feel free to add my audio to your video, and post your results !
Closer to the date?
I'd sooner have SILENT footage rather than the WRONG audio.
It's not the first time Pittrek has come across all high and mighty AFTER somebody brings something to the table.
To be honest, I'd prefer he kept his thoughts to himself rather than make himself look an ass.
Well the mp4 is extremely blocky when you watch it fullscreen, plus there are some extra damaged frames which I don;t remember from the original. And the sound is now way too "digital", it's hard to explain but there is some annoying digital noise in the background.
Barry Durex - I have promised many years ago I will never ever share anything for a very simple reason - 100% of my shares were either released on bootlegs, or were uploaded to various paid download sites, or now are on youtube and being monetized. I just grew sick of it all. Bob has the same version as I because I sent it to him some years ago. The only reason why I asked why he uploaded "this" is not to show that I have something better, but to ask why he decided to share a re-encode of a video instead of the original file.Or in this case 2 files
pittrek wrote:
The only reason why I asked why he uploaded "this" is not to show that I have something better, but to ask why he decided to share a re-encode of a video instead of the original file.
It was because the edits between audio clips weren't smooth - there was a click on almost every single one.
It's best to have a quick fade in/out of each clip instead of a jarring click.
Barry Durex wrote:
Closer to the date?
I'd sooner have SILENT footage rather than the WRONG audio.
I hear you. But if someone's going to make the effort, then all the power to them. And if you don't want to hear audio from another date, that's what the mute button is for ;)
pittrek wrote:
I have promised many years ago I will never ever share anything for a very simple reason - 100% of my shares were either released on bootlegs, or were uploaded to various paid download sites, or now are on youtube and being monetized. I just grew sick of it all.
So you declared being a leech many years ago?
The truth is you probably can't share what you have, because you sold your arse to get it.
On top of that, promises were made that you would take it to the grave.
All you can do now is bleat when something leaks out.
What a burden.
pittrek wrote:
I have promised many years ago I will never ever share anything for a very simple reason - 100% of my shares were either released on bootlegs, or were uploaded to various paid download sites, or now are on youtube and being monetized.
These things are inevitable. But if it other people can monetize, that means you can too !
As for bootlegging - it's pretty much dead. A few hundred people will buy bootlegs, but thousands more will just watch and enjoy, as they always have.
So these are pretty poor reasons to stop sharing.
If you simply lost interest, then just say so - it comes and goes in waves with me too.
But as long as you genuinely enjoy the idea of these shared experiences with people, nothing should trump that out.
Wanker, it happens that when somebody is furious for any reason, it's hard to straight him. Looks like pittrek it's furious due to people who obtain money thanks to his efforts. But he's blind about this facts:
[listu] [li]Bootleggers are actually dying out of their stupidity and the nature of internet. Refer to, for example: http://qz.thinkingwebsites.com/forums/1453011/queen-bootleggers-stupid-as-fuck.aspx. There are many other examples which I won't take the time to refer now, and given that things are now being uploaded to YouTube at the speed of light, people prefer to watch things free than buying anything that you don't know if it's truly what it's said. [li] [li]Believe Music is actually taking down vids about Queen or monetizing them. In consequence, the people that inmorally were monetizing those clips, are actually receiving U$S 0. And the rare footage is still up. [li] [li]About the various paid download sites, just forget them. Just think of you as another user. Don't you actually think that if you don't upload anything, maybe other people will do the same thing? Maybe those guys has the same reasons as you, and if you change of opinion they'll actually start sharing again. [/listu]
I don't know, just think about it.