A few years back i saw some pics of Freddie at a older age, photoshopped or something.
But i never saw any good one, except the one i attached.
Are there people here that are good in aging photo's of people ?
What year, maybe 1989, was the last year that Freddie didn't look sick ?
Would that be a starting point of aging him ?
Too bad i suck at manipulating photo's
pretty sure would have gotten some botox or plastic surgery done.. a la Cliff Richards... that would have given him the appearance of the earlier post in this thread. Otherwise, he'd probably go the way of the latter.
To be honest I think if you wanted to know what Freddie might have looked like aged 69, I always thought that in the Brits 1990, he looked well over 43 - in retrospect it's clear to see that he aged very quickly between the Magic Tour and the Brits, and I think by 1990 if you'd told me he was in his mid to late 50s, I'd believe you. By Days of our Lives, he looked like a frail old man trying to recapture his youth. Now, I KNOW that wasn't the case, but I'm not the first person to have noticed this.
Also, he looks quite like his father, so his father in pictures around 1977 (I think there's one with his parents taken in his London flat, right?) would probably show accurately how Freddie might look now if he wasn't a rock star. Since he was a rock star and would probably like to keep himself in shape, quite possibly dye his hair, and possibly have a little filler here and there, and a nip and tuck, I bet he'd look like he did in say, Headlong or Days Of Our Lives, but with more weight, and deeper wrinkles.
One thing's for sure - he'd be bald. Most of the photos I've seen just show him with a receding hairline. He already had a receding hairline and a balding crown in 1990 - so by now it would be much more than just receding.
Not sure he'd be bald, to be honest, his father still had hair in the pictures we have seen of him - even the photo in 1978, Bomi was older than Freddie would be now.
I know you've all seen them before (well most of you will have), but it's worth another look, except that one that seems to be a paparazzi shot... link
miraclesteinway wrote:
Not sure he'd be bald, to be honest, his father still had hair in the pictures we have seen of him - even the photo in 1978, Bomi was older than Freddie would be now.
I know you've all seen them before (well most of you will have), but it's worth another look, except that one that seems to be a paparazzi shot...
It's true that Bomi had hair at least up till the 1980s. But male baldness doesn't follow the paternal line for the most part. It's a combination of genetic factors, but the most important genetic factor is the mother's father - i.e. Jer's dad. That said, you can find two brothers, one of whom is completely bald, while the other has hair.
Freddie's hair started receding at the temples around 1984 - in most photos you can see that his previously very thick hair at the front had thinned out. It became more noticeable around 1986. Then by 1990 he'd receded quite a bit more. His crown was balding even worse - he himself maintained he had a 'double crown' and that he wasn't balding - like most men he was sensitive about the matter.
Now it's possible that his receding hairline would have progressed very slowly. Take Jude Law for example, he's had a receding hairline for at least a decade, but once it reached a certain (very noticable) point, it has since receded very slowly. Others might progress very quickly, and lose all their hair in a few of years (e.g. Bruce Willis).
I think Freddie would have progressed slowly - especially since at 45 he still had a decent hairline all things considered (him being sick probably made it worse). But by now I'm pretty confident his hair would be similar to how John's looked in that recent (2015) photo somebody snapped of him getting into his car.
Supersonic_Man89 wrote:
I think Freddie would have experimented with hair pieces to be honest.
Like Darryl Hall or like Bill Shatner?
Or would he have STARTED with a Bill Shatner like, then moved up to a Darryl Hall fancier rug?
Or could it have been possible that he would've been one of the first recipients of truly great hair pieces according and affording his wealth?
Geez his pops lived to be 95..... It can be fairly said that he truly died before his time
He would not go gray...meaning that he would dye his hair.
If he started losing hair I'm sure he would get transplants...knowing how much he hated when people mentioning his thinning crown.
I think he would have aged gracefully..he always looked younger than his age.
Yeah he'd probably look 10 years younger than he actually is.
Even in Headlong, which for me is the last video where he really looks like himself, he looks good - it's been well shot of course, but even allowing for that he looks OK. If he hadn't been ill he would have looked better, probably closer to how he looked 4 or 5 years before, but of course there is no way of knowing.
I think most of the later ageing (before he looked completely ravaged) was down to being unwell.