Been listening to Mr. Bad guy again recently, both in original and the (countless) remixed versions.
I agree with releasing I Was Born To Love You (obviously) and Living On My Own as singles but, now that I've gone through the whole album again, I'm thinking Your Kind Of Lover would have made a better choice as a single release than Made In Heaven. It's catchy as hell.
I think Foolin' Around was chalked up to be a single because it was in a film, which is actually where I first heard it, watching TV with my parents in the late 80s, not realising it was Freddie, because I must have been only 7 or 8 at the time.
I have that Teachers soundtrack with Foolin' Around, and I seem to recall that it actually features a slightly different version of the song... (It was after all released the year before the FM album.)
But I think they saved the best for last with Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow... It's a shame he had been abandoned by the Queen fans by that point.