It's great to see the level of conversations where the respected posters of QZ can reach when they really try.
I suppose this should be the aim of every poster?
brENsKi wrote:
and ^^^ your "sense of humour by-pass operation" was a complete success then ?
One time could be seen as a joke (a lousy one), but three different topics with the same "joke" within a few hours just tells everybody that you're an idiot who has personal agenda against somebody.
That's really not how you want to portray yourself, is it?
brENsKi wrote:
and ^^^ your "sense of humour by-pass operation" was a complete success then ?
One time could be seen as a joke (a lousy one), but three different topics with the same "joke" within a few hours just tells everybody that you're an idiot who has personal agenda against somebody.
That's really not how you want to portray yourself, is it?
Christ! Gerry your mother ^^^ is calling you in for your tea
gerry wrote:
Andrea Faustini was very good singing "somebody to love"
and did put AL to shame big time.
not disagreeing with you for the sake of it - am disagreeing because you missed a couple of huge "cop outs" in Faustini's STL - there were key changes and creative edit to "avoid" singing the two high notes in the song - therefore he was pretty average.
Akister's - Don;t Stop Me Now - abysmally slow - because the guy can't sing fast. whoever thought of singing a song called "don't stop me now" at walking pace should be fucking shot
Stevi Ritchie's - Bo Rhap - an apology should be due to anyone who likes music for this abomination. esp when you factor in his crazy "Phantom" section.
Jay James - show must go on - maybe he did have tonsil problems...but it was still shite
brENsKi wrote:
and ^^^ your "sense of humour by-pass operation" was a complete success then ?
One time could be seen as a joke (a lousy one), but three different topics with the same "joke" within a few hours just tells everybody that you're an idiot who has personal agenda against somebody.
That's really not how you want to portray yourself, is it?
Christ! Gerry your mother ^^^ is calling you in for your tea
It's annoying when somebody acts like an adult, isn't it?
What your "joke" has managed to do is make it obvious that is Gerry the victim who's been bullied, and WKMahler sound like well rounded conversationalist.
You have SINGLEHANDEDLY (yes, this time it's the correct word to use) proved that the established posters are worse than the the new posters they are bitching about.
Good job!
brenski might be acting like a bit of a jerk here, but that in no way absolves gerry from being a rude, trolling, uncivilized bastard. He's no victim except to himself.
If Gerry was the only person being a "rude, trolling, uncivilized bastard" it would be easy to see that he's no victim.
When you have a gang of other posters being "rude, trolling, uncivilized bastards" against him, it isn't that obvious anymore.
It sends the message that it's okay to be a "rude, trolling, uncivilized bastard" as long as you have the right opinions, approved by the right people.
No wonder QZ has gone down the drain!
Talk about oversimplification. You are implying everyone ganged up on him instantly for holding the 'wrong' views, when in reality, he gradually alienated dozens of regular posters by incessantly flaming them for not accepting his views as the gospel truth and playing the victim-card whenever someone repaid him in kind. I repeat - gerry is no victim except to himself.
@ Tero! 48531
who the fuck died and made you God?
how about YOU try looking at it from the point of view of someone who has continually tried to reason with the guy but gets called all sorts just for correcting blatant inaccuracies Gerry tries to pass off as fact?
so forgive me - but you know what? i couldn't give a flying f*ck that YOU think I've made gerry into a "victim". fact is, he's always considered himself a victim - you only have to read his "woe is me" posts. My jokey posts have done no harm - except to YOUR fragile (distorted) sense of what's right and wrong.
The fact that a certain other troll is currently "on-side" and behaving seems to be a direct (albeit unplanned bonus) offshoot of these two threads...don't believe me - go re-read them.
haven't you got some other "sanctimony drum" needing a bashing?
thomasquinn 32989 wrote:
Talk about oversimplification. You are implying everyone ganged up on him instantly for holding the 'wrong' views, when in reality, he gradually alienated dozens of regular posters by incessantly flaming them for not accepting his views as the gospel truth and playing the victim-card whenever someone repaid him in kind. I repeat - gerry is no victim except to himself.
Not just that, but as recent events proved once again, he makes up lies about things some people here supposedly have "said," for some weird convenience to himself, and he will not apologize or admit he is wrong even when multiple people point out the same glaring mistake.
He's clearly on his own little myopic warpath.
^^^^ what brENsKi and inu-liger have both said.
Anybody who has had a knowledgeable and reasonable point of view that Gerry hasn't agreed with, he has resorted to claiming not to have had the opinion he clearly posted and/or resorted to insulting members posts or members themselves before anyone started to be personally negative towards him.
Anyone who doesn't believe this should go back through the various, and many posts where Gerry has posted.