david (galashiels) wrote:
black clouds and silver linings..
I like how people on this forum love this album (most other people I've talked to don't particularly care for it). That said, if I had to pick a Dream Theater album, it would probably be Scenes From A Memory, because that album just has such a greater variety of different kinds of music. If you've never listened to that one you really should. It's either that or Octavarium (that epic is 24 minutes of musical perfection).
Barry Durex wrote:
Would that be on shuffle?
Of course not? Most great albums are best heard with the songs in the correct order.
Probably Bob Dylan's Blonde On Blonde, or Highway 61 Revisted, or the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper or Revolver, or Queen's A Night at the Opera, or the Pulp Fiction soundtrack.
One of those. Depending on what mood I'm in.
If compilations count, I'd go with the 3CD version of the 2007 compilation called "DYLAN". Either that or the Platinum Collection.
Chuffing ipods.
I prefer to use something once known as a Hi Fidelity Stereo system with great big massive fuck off speakers capable of delivering incredible sound and clarity of all the little nuances a Queen recording (or any for that matter) contain therin.
brians wig wrote:
Chuffing ipods.
I prefer to use something once known as a Hi Fidelity Stereo system with great big massive fuck off speakers capable of delivering incredible sound and clarity of all the little nuances a Queen recording (or any for that matter) contain therin.
You can still load lossless WAV files to an iPod, and play them back via a dock through any sized speakers you choose! :-)
brians wig wrote: Chuffing ipods.
I prefer to use something once known as a Hi Fidelity Stereo system with great big massive fuck off speakers capable of delivering incredible sound and clarity of all the little nuances a Queen recording (or any for that matter) contain therin.
brians wig wrote:
Chuffing ipods.
I prefer to use something once known as a Hi Fidelity Stereo system with great big massive fuck off speakers capable of delivering incredible sound and clarity of all the little nuances a Queen recording (or any for that matter) contain therin.
^^ This + a vintage turntable with a nice cartridge.
Fuck iPod, fuck apple, fuck mp3, fuck cds.
i couldn't begin to do this. why?
simple: i have about a dozen LPs that i consider as great as each other - so the minute i picked one and was in effect left with only that choice
i'd find myself thinking "i wish i'd brought XXXXX instead" and then if someone gave me a "mulligan" i know i'd rescind again after making a second choice etc etc etc
brians wig wrote: Chuffing ipods.
I prefer to use something once known as a Hi Fidelity Stereo system with great big massive fuck off speakers capable of delivering incredible sound and clarity of all the little nuances a Queen recording (or any for that matter) contain therin.
Amen to that brother, a nice Pioneer stereo system and set the volume to 11. Even with the bootlegs it can make an awful difference to the overall enjoyment.
I have a pair of Genelecs myself, studio monitors. Still, I don't get this purist view on sound quality - what if you feel like listening to Queen but don't happen to be in your living room? In fact, the moments I enjoy Queen the most are probably while walking around in town with a pair of cheap in-ears and just have to fight the urge to start head banging in the middle of the street.
I'll say the same as a few others..............heck with an iPod.........
Get this instead.....I got one and love it......... link
Oh yeah, and get the free Rockbox firmware...............
Captain Fantastic & The Brown Dirt Cowboy... never got tired of that one... next up is News of The World.
As much as I like Queen II... and as many times as I've heard it... it's not quite the desert island album.... i mean... with all due respect to side black... i've never been a fan of the second half of side white. So it lacks a bit of consistency in terms of quality... which i don't find in captain fantastic or News of The World.
Some dislike Who Needs You.... i think it's the perfect song to fit between Sleeping on the Sidewalk and It's Late. A respite and fitting setup.
Who dislikes Who Needs You?
I love that, as well as Some Day One Day and The Loser in the End.
I wouldn't want to be stuck on an island with just one album, though. That would be lame.