Whenever I take my queen album to my friends when 'Someobody to love' comes on my friend always tells me Freddie was right high up and the atmosphere was electric with everyone singing. Unfortunately my friend tends to tell the odd white lie and im still unsure whether to believe that he was actually there. I can only find one youtube clip of Freddie signing this life and I believe he plays the piano on this track.
Was anyone at Elland Road and was Freddie high up during this song or maybe another song that my friend might have got mixed.up with. Or maybe it was a stage like Wembley where it was on different levels maybe.
I was at Elland Road & your friend is Quite correct the atmosphere WAS Electric, I tend to think if they filmed "Leeds" instead of "Milton Keynes" it would have made a better Video/DVD.
During the show there was a raised section that Freddie strutted his stuff & at one point Freddie did climb onto a scaffolding rig, but to be honest I can't remember if it was during "Somebody To Love" (It was 32 years ago,) but there is a photo of this on Bob's (The Real Wizzard) website. (see Photo link ). I do tend to think that it could have been during "Somebody To Love" because the song was quite early in the set & if you look at the photo, in the background it's still daylight/dusk, so this photo WILL have been taken during the first lot of songs.
He was mentioning in particular the song "somebody to love" he said he was "high up" and everyone in that crowd sung every word. Maybe he did get on the scaffolding. How the hell did he manage to climb up there in the first place.?
To the left and right of the main stage were sets of steps that went up to a second level side gantry walks (I would say the second levels were about 8 foot above the main stage.) The scaffold rigging was to the side & above the gantry walks & Freddie climbed up onto the scaffolding, elevating himself I would say by about another 3 foot. So it was high up, but only a little above walkways. it wasn't like he climbed 30 foot up into the air or something, but if he fell (especially outwards) He still could have hurt himself.
A very emotional time for Freddie was 1982.
When I thought he was upset/angry/emotional, he really brought it out in his performance. He had very good reason to be emotional that night.
Rogers Untidy Bottom wrote:
A very emotional time for Freddie was 1982.
When I thought he was upset/angry/emotional, he really brought it out in his performance. He had very good reason to be emotional that night.
Rogers Untidy Bottom wrote:
A very emotional time for Freddie was 1982.
When I thought he was upset/angry/emotional, he really brought it out in his performance. He had very good reason to be emotional that night.
isn't this picture, link, from Milton Keynes, we will rock you fast version?
Just look at this video, link
At about 1:45 Freddie is in the same position as the picture. Or is it just a coincindence?
woessie wrote:
isn't this picture, link, from Milton Keynes, we will rock you fast version?
Just look at this video, link
At about 1:45 Freddie is in the same position as the picture. Or is it just a coincindence?
Quite possible, but Freddie did climb up at Leeds, but from I can remember it seemed to be a little higher than that.
I think Leeds its Brian's favourite becouse he especially played great. Listen to Back Chat ( especially after 3:40) . John is also exellent !!! with that groove : link