Since they are bouth written about cats i find it valid to put them one against the other. Which one do you prefer?
My vote goes for delilah cos its more idiosyncratic and "out there", although i guess all dead all dead is musicaly and lyricaly superior.
But really it depemds on my mood anyway becouse non of them hits really a chord.
Even cool cat dosent do the trick.
However there must be something about queen and cats.
I thought 'All Dead All Dead' was written about a Japanese Friend of Brians?...his Instrumental Guitar Orchestration represents her soul leaving the body? it is indeed a much loved song than Delilah to a lot of Fans I believe it has nothing to do with a Cat. peace.
My baby does me also mentions a cat... but likely not literally a cat. *possibly though.
Definitely moreso than cool cat which is an expression
I call three way tie with my baby does me in second. It's a basic song but John and Brians guitar and Freddie' s bold delivery once again make something cool.
That kinda stuff got more popular when Sade came around
I always rather liked All Dead.....and I do remember reading somewhere about it being about Brian's pet cat.....
I was racking my brain to think of any other Queen songs that mention cats........Killer Queen's the only one I can come up with......'playful as a pussy cat'......heh
I always thought Delilah was about Mary Austin.
(you take all my house and home... even try to answer my telephone......
of course the line:when you pee all over my chippendale suite must be about Jim H.
I never got the intense dislike for Delilah from some people. I think it's a cute, funny song.
That said, All Dead, All Dead is one of my all-time favs, so it's a 'no contest' answer for me as well.
Delilah hands down. It's a shining example of Freddie's camp humour mixed with emotion. That moment when Roger replies to the talk-box sound in Brian's solo with a cat meow of his own... quirky genius! One of Freddie's best songs off Innuendo.