Hey Queenfans!
I've been away from Queenzone for a while (a few years), but I just heard of a local supergroup contest where our Freddie is up against Robert Plant (who I also love, just not as much as our Freddie) for the lead singer role... Lets show them who Rocks!
Right now, Robert Plant is in the lead, so go ahead and vote here... link
Skip to 29:14 (and again at 30:59), he does a pretty nice shout-out here to Freddie. I find it hilarious that these two - even in their older years with a lot to offer - would ever be insecure about losing their voices.
Anyway - retarded topic, retarded poll. Freddie botched Immigrant Song and Robert botched Innuendo - it goes to show that it's big old world with room for a lot of music in it.
malicedoom wrote: Robert did not botch Innuendo.
What Robert did to Innuendo... there are no proper words to describe it...
Zebonka12 wrote: Right. Like Freddie and the Immigrant Song.
The Immigrant Song was done far worse than Innuendo, HOWEVER it was an off-the-cuff impromptu performance. Innuendo on the other hand was supposed to be rehearsed, however I wonder how much it was even rehearsed considering how awkward it turned out in places! There was no excuse for the botch job, however that being said at least Robert managed to remember most of the words which couldn't be said at all for Freddie and Immigrant Song.
Freddie's better. Especially when comparing live singing. Freddie even played the piano (as well as guitar) at the same time when singing. Robert only singed.
Don't get me wrong... I like Led Zeppelin, but can you actually classify what Plant did as singing? Most of the the time he was moaning, screaming and/or wailing.
A spot on impersonation of a porn actress!
"moaning, screaming and/or wailing"
Welcome to music!
"however I wonder how much it was even rehearsed considering how awkward it turned out in places"
Wasn't just Plant screwing up, either. Brian and Roger had a couple of moments, haha. I dunno - just a wrong place, wrong time kind of deal I think. Plant was sounding fantastic from around '95 to '98 - I won't even preface this with any kind of disclaimer, but he was sounding better than he had for a good chunk of the 70's.
It'll always be one of those 'great on paper' scenarios. Same as Queen with the Immigrant Song, I spose. Baha.
Indeed; I love them both, even in periods where one argues that their voices were slipping. The fact that they thought so highly of each other should send a message to anyone who tries to credit one at the expense of the other.