Sorry, but it sounds horrible. Did you record it in a toilet, or something? I know the track itself sounds shit, and so do the stems, but you've achieved what I didn't think possible, and made it sound worse!
Further, the volumes are up, down, and all over the place, and the mix isn't 'balanced' at all. You've also mistimed the background instruments on the "I'm a man with a one track mind..." bit, and it just sounds a mess.
Apologies if that sounds harsh, but you did ask for comments, and the standards of some of the mixes here are far superior to this one. Don't take it personally. :)
Perhaps you need better audio mixing software? What are you using?
thank you 4 your comment.
I'm sorry, but this was one of my old remixes. Also I do not know much about mixing.
I would be honored if you wanted to teach me,Master.
I use magix music maker 18 mx.
Thanks again!
Do you have facebook?
See this plz : link
Sorry, I'm not in a position to be able to offer tuition! I had to learn myself, from firstly working with cassette tapes, then a 4 track mixer into a CD Recorder, then computers came along. It can be done, though, with practice, as others here have shown. I've never heard of the software you're using, so I don't know if it's any good - I used Sony Soundforge and Adobe Audition for my mixes.
keep trying, you appear to have some good ideas,
and your "near misses" will get closer
as for software - audacity is free and a reasonably good multitrack editor
adobe audition is good (used to be called cool edit pro)
also reaper, ntrack and soundforge are all quite good.
one final tip - get the wave windows as "zoomed in" as you can when lining them up. it'll help the timing issues