Remember when Journey discovered Steve Perry's replacement on YouTube?
Here's hoping the members of Queen check out Arrested 'Drunk' Guy's "Bohemian Rhapsody," as filmed in the back of a Canadian police car.
He may be more Sam Kinison than Freddie Mercury. But it's a riveting performance that starts with him pleading his case to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
"I have done nothing wrong," he insists. "And even the situation where you grabbed me has nothing to do with having been sort of intoxicated, as you proclaim. But it doesn't even matter what it has to do with brotherhood of men on the planet earth."
And then, he slurs and howls his way through a soulful, demented yet pitchy rendition of Queen's finest hour, supplying the musical interludes with mouth-guitar and mouth-piano. It's ridiculous and, in its own way, brilliant (although like that TV commercial, he leaves out the word "magnifico").
At one point, he pounds out the drum fills on the glass partition separating him from the RCMP.
It's shortly after the drum fills that we hear from the police.
"Calm down," he's told.
"I can't," Arrested Drunk Guy responds.
And then, he finishes the song, changing the final line to "Nothing really matters, even the RCMP."
By this point, they're already at the station and he asks, "Do you have to cuff me?" adding that "physical violence is the least of my priorities." link
This is now officially my favorite video interpretation of The BoRhap (until the next one comes along).
The "I can't" moment is priceless. Boy do I know THAT feeling!
Funny how a drunk man made a better 'Bohemian Rhapsody' than Bad News.
If you've never heard the Bad News version of Bohemian Rhapsody, do yourself a favor and don't do it. It's not even so bad it's good, it's so bad it's sad. Especially considering that Brian May produces. Makes Dappy sound good.
Assuming you've all been as riveted as I have to learn of the dispensation of Mr. Drunkface's court case, you'll be thrilled to know I stumbled across this today. As most of us likely anticipated, he showed up for court in Viking horns. link
That was one of the all time best versions of Bo Rhap...ever! And YES...far better than Adam Lambert. I know few people who can sing that all the way through...then to sing the musical parts...well, way way funny. If I'm ever drunk and arrested...I will do the same..belt it out at as loud as possible. hehe