the title of this thread would be a great maxim for many of the current "remixers" using the rockband stems ...all it needs is the removal of the parenthesis and it reads perfectly
"There Must Be More To Life Than This Remix"
brENsKi wrote:
the title of this thread would be a great maxim for many of the current "remixers" using the rockband stems ...all it needs is the removal of the parenthesis and it reads perfectly
"There Must Be More To Life Than This Remix"
well if Greg denied it, it's carved in stone...
what I really wanna hear is the "I think I can edit this monster down to 3 minutes"-mix of Bo Rap by JRD and compare it to Elektra's "Bet you can't butcher a song like this"-mix of Liar
There's a chance that John might have remixed TMBMTLTT at one point, because in 1996 reports confirmed that he was working on a boxset that eventually became The Solo Collection. If he was working on the set in '96, he might have remixed a fair few tracks in '96 too - we just have seen light of them. Wonder just how much Brian and Roger are keeping from us. Note to Bri and Rog: RELEASE THE HIDDEN RECORDINGS FOR AN ANTHOLOGY!
you say that like you believe that QPL mightactually have genuine intent to release some anthologies...
have a lie down, you'll feel better if you let the wave of over-optimistic delusion just wash over you
It states in the Autumn 1996 issue of the Fan Club Magazine:
"John had a small studio built in his home and will concentrate on remixes, some production and other projects. He in fact did a remix of a Freddie track, There Must Be More To Life Than This for possible use on a future Queen compilation album."
Maybe Greg hasn't been able to find the John Deacon Remix because it is still at John's home studio?
Good point Adam. A few years ago GB was seeking info from us when starting to compile the as yet unseen 'I Want It All' book, and also making statements to say that he knew exactly what demos, unreleased stuff etc existed (based purely on whether it was held in the official archive or not).
I suggested half seriously/half light heartedly as to whether there may well be swathes of memorabilia and demos etc sitting in John's attic, and had they asked him what he has. The reply was effectively along the lines that they'd tried asking him but not really for much of a response.
As a result, there will almost certainly be John's original demos at least for his tracks, and possibly working versions of other tracks taken home from the studio by him, plus any memorabilia he may have collected over the years, stashed away at his home/office etc....
Greg can carry on looking rather silly by denying the existence of numerous things based purely on the fact that he hasn't seen/heard it, when other info and facts (the fan club report quoted above being one) say different.