Hello !
I'd like to ask if you could provide any information on that change. Why the date has been pushed back to 27th of June ?
I hope that the things which were announced in the interview by you, Greg, were not put aside.
Is there any precise date when will we see the tracklisting ?
Hoping that you'll answer ( & I think that the rest of the Queenzone community is too)
Cheers and thanks for the great insight in the last interview how your opinion differs from what the band has to say about what will make its way onto the disc.
It was on QOL... link
and GN...nothing specific was said but he did state:
Can we look forward to some good bonus material on batches 2 and 3 of the re-releases?
Very much so, it's very exciting actually... rather startling. A few great surprises are in store.
27th June???
Oh F*@%$£g hell.
I was hoping they'd be out on the 6th June alongside Deep Cuts 2 (or has that been put back as well).
Oh well. It wouldn't be a Queen release without a 'put back'.... :(
Yes I believe everything was pushed back - the second batch, deep cuts 2, and the platinum collection will be released that day too....and it's all about the original date the BBC Documentary was slated to be shown...
I'm not sure why they'd release Deep Cuts in the same batch anyway - surely it should precede the 5 albums by a couple of weeks to ensure maximum promotion.