Hello everyone
This has been a long time coming for me, I had recorded this when it was broadcast on 16th June 1998 & my friend did also, however I accidentaly recorded in mono & long play (Derr). My friend on the other hand did record properly but missed the Tommy Vance intro & the start of on my way up (My friend has recently explained that I had arrived at his door with a crate of lager & that's why he missed it).
So having not seen my friend for many years, we recently got in contact again & I asked him if he would transfer his old VHS version to DVD & send to me, which I am glad to say he has done. The result is an un edited version of the event Sky > VHS > DVD & is the best version of this gig that I am aware of.
All adverts & whatever was recorded afterwards has been left as it was recorded
So any thanks must go to my good friend "Rock Dave" who rummaged through his garage for over a week to find this & covert to DVD.
I hope you like it & as with anything I have, it must be shared & enjoyed by the fans !!!!
Cheers : Jon
Thanks for this video!!!
Can you upload some screen capture? (sorry for my english)
Muchas gracias por este video, puedes subir alguna captura de pantalla?
I have the whole thing on VHS (recorded in stereo on a Professional High Grade tape back in 1998). I can't reacll offhand if it has the Tommy Vance intro or not, but certainly all the songs and interviews are complete. If anyone wuld like me to upload this version, let me know & I'lll author it and get it up here sometime over the next week or so. (Busy busy at work at the moment.
waywardgenius wrote: I have the whole thing on VHS (recorded in stereo on a Professional High Grade tape back in 1998). I can't reacll offhand if it has the Tommy Vance intro or not, but certainly all the songs and interviews are complete. If anyone wuld like me to upload this version, let me know & I'lll author it and get it up here sometime over the next week or so. (Busy busy at work at the moment.
Yes... please :)
deleted user 05.03.2011 16:56
bigV wrote: waywardgenius wrote: I have the whole thing on VHS (recorded in stereo on a Professional High Grade tape back in 1998). I can't reacll offhand if it has the Tommy Vance intro or not, but certainly all the songs and interviews are complete. If anyone wuld like me to upload this version, let me know & I'lll author it and get it up here sometime over the next week or so. (Busy busy at work at the moment.
Yes... please :)
It's always nice to see alternatives, please upload. Thanks.
.....and thanks also for this share :)
Sounds good, if quality from this & the two other sources are as good as or better, then we should have no issue in comiling an ultimate version if need be??
Can I suggest you upload all alternatives & we can compare/suggest which should be used
Best regards : jon
FriedChicken wrote: Pim Derks wrote: Awesome, thanks for sharing. I think I have this somewhere as a SVCD, but DVD ofcourse is much better :)
You got it from FVTB? :D
No, the only items I bought from swinging Freddie were
- Brian May - May Day (Utrecht, 23/9/1998)
- Brian May - Gijon (15/9/1998)
- Roger Taylor - Live At The Garage (23/3/1999)
- Roger Taylor - Cyberbarn (23/9/1998)
Still a shame, as I can't believe I ever paid for cd-r's.
Thank you very much for this. It's nice to see some semi acoustic Queen stuff for a change.
I just D/L'd an mpeg version of this so I'm looking forward to the upgrade.
Cheers from Downunder.
QueenAllTheWay wrote:
yes, upload to mega.nz pleaaaaasee?
Give me an hour or two and I'll re-upload waywardgenius' version, and as an extra I'll also share the audio in FLAC format. I've been meaning to extract the full audio and it's a good excuse to do it now.
It is also available on MEGA if you check the Queen concerts database shared here, but give me a moment and I'll make a new thread.