Hola Queeneros , este iso fue armado por nuestro amigo John y posteado para todos :):)
Queen: Live in Ahoy Hall, Rotterdam 29/01/1979
30 Minutes
Carátula cortesía de Matty link
Extractos de:
Bicycle Race
I'm In Love With My Car
Private silent 8mm recording
overdubbed with the bootleg audio
Algunas Imagenes :
Japanese tv report link link link
Interview link link
8mm link link link
Descargar link link link link link link link link link link link
queenside wrote: thank you. i have a question. was this ever shared on queenzone in better quality?
no lo se , no lo he encontrado por aqui , lo que hizo mi amigo fue recopilar varias fuentes
La mayoria de estos videos están en youtube, hay algunas partes que están en Queen Jewels.
Igual, buen aporte.
Most of these videos are on youtube, there are some parts in Queen Jewels.
Still, good contribution.
javirock88 wrote: La mayoria de estos videos están en youtube, hay algunas partes que están en Queen Jewels.
Igual, buen aporte.
Most of these videos are on youtube, there are some parts in Queen Jewels.
Still, good contribution.
Si , la idea es unir todo y quemarlo en un dvd , para tener todo en un solo dvd :):)
gaabiizz wrote: Hola Queeneros , este iso fue armado por nuestro amigo John y posteado para todos :):)
Queen: Live in Ahoy Hall, Rotterdam 29/01/1979
30 Minutes
Carátula cortesía de Matty link
Extractos de:
Bicycle Race
I'm In Love With My Car
Private silent 8mm recording
overdubbed with the bootleg audio
Algunas Imagenes : link link link link
Descargar link link link link link link link link link link link
La mayoria de estos videos están en youtube, hay algunas partes que están en Queen Jewels.
Igual, buen aporte.
Most of these videos are on youtube, there are some parts in Queen Jewels.
Still, good contribution.
Here we go again..
Can someone please post screenshots from the 8mm version? We shouldn't have to download over 1 Gb of data just to see what the quality is... especially if we already have 4 versions of the video already, and would just like to see if it's an upgrade.
So, gaabiizz... can you please press the "print screen" key, paste the image into Windows Paint, crop the image, and post it here as an attachment to a post?
Sir GH wrote: Here we go again..
Can someone please post screenshots from the 8mm version? We shouldn't have to download over 1 Gb of data just to see what the quality is... especially if we already have 4 versions of the video already, and would just like to see if it's an upgrade.
So, gaabiizz... can you please press the "print screen" key, paste the image into Windows Paint, crop the image, and post it here as an attachment to a post?
Japanese tv report link
Interview link
8mm link link
Thanks for the screens. Unfortunately this isn't an upgrade.. but thanks for sharing nonetheless.
Note to certain people on the forum - take notes from this. This is how it should be done.