GregSynth, this is AMAZING!! WOW! I love Freddie '89 the most, haha! [img=/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif][/img] I have rated you 5 stars for each one, gonna add you on YouTube, as well. This must have taken you ages, well done!!!
EnglanE wrote: GregSynth, this is AMAZING!! WOW! I love Freddie '89 the most, haha! [img=/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif][/img] I have rated you 5 stars for each one, gonna add you on YouTube, as well. This must have taken you ages, well done!!!
Thanks for the compliments! I love the Miracle Era Freddie also: He got his nose broken, yet STILL had the strength to get that title! I accepted the friend request!
The video took 2 days to make: I was going to get it all done in one day, but my voice was getting bad, so I waited until the next day to do the commentary.
And Crazy Tour Freddie demonstrated how NOT to play in the TLC match! LOL
You should do more of these Freddie vs Freddie matches Greg, I really appreciated and enjoyed watching it! I really like how you use 'The Fallen Priest' as 'Barcelona Freddie's entrance music, too! [img=/images/smiley/msn/heart.gif][/img] Is it entirely random as to who actually wins the match, or did you program it?
Thanks for the compliments EnglanE! I will plan on making another Freddie Match (with new eras) sometime in the near future (so I don't kill the idea early , ya know?)! The way I make the matches is this: I set up the match and put a DVD in my DVD recorder and start filming (just like taping a show using WHS-but digitally). I watch the entrances, but as soon as the actual match starts, I LEAVE the room, and just listen to the audio. That way I will be surprised at the match when I commentate it (notice the surprise in my voice on those high/dangerous spots). I return when I hear the ref say "1, 2, 3," or I hear a bell. The only things I see initially are the entrances, and the winner. I then take the DVD out and convert it into a movie file using "Prism." I then import that into my iMovie and that's where I put the music in, edit the video, and add the commentary, etc. Then I upload the video to Youtube!
So yes, it's 100% random/computers playing. I have no influence on the match outcomes.
Hope that helps! LOL
I just made a new TLC match featuring the 4 new Freddies:
Jazz FreddieMontreal FreddieMontreux FreddieLive AID Freddie
Also, there's 2 new Freddie's appearing in a hardcore match:
1975 FreddieHyde Park Freddie
The TLC match should be up later tonight.
Gregsynth wrote:
I just made a new TLC match featuring the 4 new Freddies:
Jazz FreddieMontreal FreddieMontreux FreddieLive AID Freddie
Also, there's 2 new Freddie's appearing in a hardcore match:
1975 FreddieHyde Park Freddie
The TLC match should be up later tonight. Montreux Freddie and Live Aid Freddie?! YUM. 1975 Freddie, woot! I very much look forward to watching this!
[li]My voice isn't in too good of shape (nodes acting up), but it's still listenable.
[li]I give a shout-out to Queenzone at the beginning of the second part