Not that I am COMPLETELY obsessed (and am drinking wine!), but which era of Freddie do you lust after the most? Haha...
Late 60's Freddie? (Curly hair, pre-pixie look?)
70's Freddie? (Pixie looking, long-haired, heavy eye make-up?)Late 70's Freddie? (Shorter hair, less eye-make up - leather?!)Early 80's Freddie? (Short hair, THAT moustache, vests/tight jeans?)Late 80's Freddie? (Clean shaven OR with a beard, either a tuxedo or casual wear.)Me? Late 80's Freddie all the way. He is PURRFECTION to me. YUM/SQUEE/OBSESS. [img=/images/smiley/msn/heart.gif][/img] Sorry in advance, people... XD
dragon-fly wrote:
No 60's Freddie with curly hair? :)
Yeah, if you're going to do this list right you need that pre-pixie look in the late 60's/very early 70's. Long haired and exotic looking, but not yet that strong glam/fey vibe.
Haha, okay. Late 60's Freddie has been added. ;) And as far as the 90's responses go, I was expecting that, you sick bastards. Haha! =P Cyborg Freddie 2012 is an interesting one... And, thank you, GratefulFan!'Squee' indeed. Heh. ;)
I didn't want to annoy people in the main Queen section. And it says you can post anything you like here in the Personal section, so thought it was appropriate? Unless there is a secret Freddie Obsessive section I don't know about? Heh.
I have a new category for you! I was just watching this with my son, who had never seen older Queen footage. And he said "That's Freddie? Really?! He looks a really weird school girl." So I propose that the post-pre-pixie period, just before pixie, specifically 1973, be christened the 'Really Weird School Girl' period.! :)
GratefulFan wrote:
I have a new category for you! I was just watching this with my son, who had never seen older Queen footage. And he said "That's Freddie? Really?! He looks a really weird school girl." So I propose that the post-pre-pixie period, just before pixie, specifically 1973, be christened the 'Really Weird School Girl' period.! :)
Haha, that's great! Yeah, I can dig 'Really Weird School Girl' Freddie, hahaha! ;) X
plumrach wrote:
during the barcelona era when he was clean shaven, although he did look very different
An Interview? Oh don't be ridiculous
YES! I'm so glad it's not just me. I think he looked delectable during that era, in suit/dinner suit/tuxedo! Perfect. [img=/images/smiley/msn/heart.gif][/img]
I prefer the early 70s look, with the long hair and make-up. The problem is, I,m seriously worried about finding a man attractive who looks like a girlie , being a girlie myself.........