love lies bleeding
cowboys and indians
love on a tightrope
man on fire
heaven for everyone
feel the force
i'm in love with my car
laugh or cry
lte's get drunk
it's a illusion
shove it
strange frontier
let's get crazy
stand up for love
Someone might have to explain this to me, but if FLAC is meant to be lossless, why are there different encoding levels?
Does encoding at level 5 reduce the quality of the audio, in which case it can't be lossless, can it?
FLAC level 5 is the default setting and is the best setting to use for speed of encoding compared to filesize & bitrate. Level 8 will compress slightly more, but the difference between the two is minimal.
brians wig wrote:
Thanks for the upload, but why FLAC level 5?
Someone might have to explain this to me, but if FLAC is meant to be lossless, why are there different encoding levels?
Does encoding at level 5 reduce the quality of the audio, in which case it can't be lossless, can it?
The audio quality isn't denatured, only the compression is better with a higher level.
a flac 5 take more space on you HD than a lvl 8 but it's quicker to encode it from wav.
FLAC level 5 is the default setting and is the best setting to use for speed of encoding compared to filesize & bitrate. Level 8 will compress slightly more, but the difference between the two is minimal.
So it doesn't actually affect the sound quality then?
To be fair, Level 8 is what most people on here use (I believe), and so I always thought it was the best setting to use and produced the least compression not the most!
brians wig wrote:
So it doesn't actually affect the sound quality then?
To be fair, Level 8 is what most people on here use (I believe), and so I always thought it was the best setting to use and produced the least compression not the most!
Every level of FLAC is lossless. It's just a difference in time to compress.
Level 0 is the biggest file size, and is the quickest to compress.
Level 8 is the smallest file size, and is the slowest to compress. links are not working anymore, so here is a new set of files posted on this time: link link link link link
Have a nice download !
My last year posted links are all dead, so here is a new set of files. Hopefully they will have a longer life :) link link
edit 28-01-2012 new links: link link
Hell, what is this??? earlanger,numereng,west germany
1. earlanger = Erlangen
2. numereng = Nuremberg
3. Nuremburg is not Erlangen
4. west germany? I heard they tore down the wall in 1989???
Alex, thanks a lot for the link.
BTW, it seems to me it's not the same source as the one mentioned on Martin's site as the one of the best Shove It tour recordings. This recording is average mono recording.
NastyQueenie74 wrote:
Could someone post a mega link?
To everyone who keep asking for re uploads, remember to check bokkepoot's signature, there you can find a link with the excel file containing all QZ's downloads link