We have a few tickets left for Queen on Fire (the top Queen tribute band) appearing at Ounsdale High School tomorrow night (22/11). Tickets are priced at £10 each and all profits will go back into the school. It is a bring your own drink / food do, and we have a really good raffle planned with the top prize being a mountain bike.
Tickets will be available on the door. Doors open 8pm.
If you are coming and need to use your satnav :
Ounsdale High School
Ounsdale Road
The TOP Queen cover band? I think our pal Wayne Jeong could have something to say about that. But if you are the TOP Queen cover band, why are tickets only £10?
How much is Top QCB getting paid to play this event? I paid a lot more to see a Queen cover band here in the States, so I'm wondering if I got a bad deal or not.
RMT wrote
we have a really good raffle planned with the top prize being a mountain bike.
Oh, well then never mind then.
I want to ride that bicycle, I want to ride it where I like.
Not so negative about Queen cover bands! I enjoyed Merqury the other day.. just a week before QPR, was fun! Had a good time. It is fun listening Queen music played live and get a nice feeling of what the music of queen has for effect on people..
QPR isnt Queen, but it is also fun.
Writing this makes me sad... missing Freddie. Damn those dark days...........