Hi! I read something very sorpising in Classic Rock today...I want to share it with you guys...
"Contributions from Queen guitarist Brian May have apparently been axed from Guns and Roses's new album, Chinese Democracy. May recorded lead guitar parts....May said: "Well......."
Its most likely for the reason Brian mentioned on his soapbox - that Axl probably wants the GNR lineup as it stands to play on the record. As decent as I remember Brian's bits being on the demo I've heard, thats a fair enough reason.
Not that I think this is GNR at all - its the Axl Rose Band. Somehow the manner in which he's made it just him (stealing control of the band then sacking the original members) makes a difference to how I perceive the band, unlike Queen where death/retirement have left just Bri and Rog.
I dont think Axl should be allowed to use the name, but sadly he owns it.
This is a piece of crap journalism fuelling a non story.
Someone writes to Brian and says , I've seen the leaked GNR sleeve and guess what you're not on it.
Brian replies on his website , journalist reads website and reprints story on classicrock.
People read classic rocks website so therefore it must be true.
April wrote:
Really? There will be no original members in the band? Terrible! Why did he sack them?
Well, there will be Axl himself, but he sacked 3 of the 4 four other original members, the other one left of his own accord a while before the sackings started.
But in a sense, the GNR on this record are 1/5 of the original line up plus a load of hired... er... guns.
Given Slash was chief music writer (particularly on the guitar based tracks) I think this removes a huge portion of the GNR sound and direction (which you can clearly hear in Velvet Revolver - its got that dirty Slash riff sound) - at least in Queen there were four musicians who wrote.
Perhaps this album should be by a band called Guns N Roses + *insert hired band member names here* !!
used to be a GNR fan, too; I have great memories of when Use Your Illusion I & II was released, and when I saw them live in Barcelona with Brian (first time I saw Brian!!!!)
Marcelo_argentina wrote:
It's ok if you d not like Guns And Roses, but please, do not say they were a bad or a mediocre band, they were a kick ass rock band indeed!
I also agree with this point of view. It was a very good rock band.
Marcelo_argentina wrote:
It's ok if you d not like Guns And Roses, but please, do not say they were a bad or a mediocre band, they were a kick ass rock band indeed!
Look, it's a big world with a lot of good music in it. They're just not that special. I guess you're right; they're not 'bad'. That's the best that can be said about them though.
Are you sure he was really cut out of it? I just got the real thing (it's in piratebay for whomever is interested, and no it's not the countless fakes, it's real) and it seems that it's (still) Brian in Catcher in the Rye.
And... it's not bad actually, mostly if you are a GNR fan. Visually the big hat man might not be there anymore, but they sound the same. I'm surprised.
Axl posted today on two gnr forums and he answered questions
about catcher in the rye and brian:
Brians solo itself is a personal fave of mine
and I really couldn't understand as he's such a rock legend why it
wasn't openly appreciated more at the time.
In actuality all that feel and emotion referred to now had a lot to do
with Sean and I and the parts I chose out of Brian's different runs,
versions, practice runs etc to make sure we had those elements in one
version. It's entirely constructed from edits based around one specific
note Brian hit in a throw away take. And though Brian seems to have
warmed a bit to it at least publicly he was unfortunately none to
pleased at the time with our handiwork.
I remember looking at Brian standing to my left
and him staring at the big studio speakers a bit aghast saying "But
that's not what I played."