[p]Does anybody know which concerts will be recorded in video? One is Kharkov, that's for sure. I've read that:
[p] They WON’T film another Show but will use the Kharkov fotage for a Live-DVD from this Tour (from queentour2005.wegotit.at)
[p]Is that true? It's very strange that they record just ONE concert. According to Wikipedia, they recorded 3 or 4 shows from 2005 tour: "Sheffield, Lisbon, Hyde Park and possibly Budapest concerts were professionally filmed". So why only one?
[p]On the other hand, it's a sad new that Kharkov was the only DVD from this tour: they played just two new songs! I'd like they record one brazilian show to be released, including some new tracks: We Believe and Surf's up School's out (which they are playing now), Small and Runaway (which they are playing in the soundcheck)...
[p]Sorry for my english and thanks for the answers...
The fact that SOSU and WE BELIEVE won't be on the DVD is... GREAT!!! I can't believe they are playing those songs anyway- those are, next to SINT two WORST things on it...
[p]What about THROUGH THE NIGHT? This one song is better than all others put together... What the hell happened with WARBOYS- it was BRILLIANT!!!
[p]Anyway... I evenm think that TAKJE LOVE is better than 90% of the stuff they released on the album, so...
I have an opinion more positive than yours about the new album. I had forgotten Warboys and Time to Shine, but they deleted them, so I guess these songs didn't work very well in live... Anyway, I would like to have a live DVD more different from Return of the Champions...
My problem with them releasing Kharkiv is that it's a far from perfect show. Paul fluffed some lyrics (SINT and Ga Ga), the whole of SINT sounded terrible - everyone was to blame for that one, and the vocals on the C-leb chorus were abysmal. The pacing seemed a bit off as well.
(Add to that the fact that everyone has a DVD-quality copy of the show already!!)
After seeing them last night, they've definitely put together a much tighter show and should really film something else to release.
Would be great to film a few shows and put out a 40+ song setlist with everything they've been playing. One can but dream!
It makes literally no sense to film and release one of the first nights of a tour, but this is QPL remember. They care not that the band will most likely be rusty and out of shape - they can just overdub! lol
I'm agree with dbruce about Radio Ga Ga and C-lebrity. I hope they will record some more shows and they will see that Kharkov is not a great one to be released... In fact, it's not a Rock the Cosmos Tour concert! Just two new songs! Anyway, I'm ok with releasing Kharkov if they release another concert too. I want a really Rock the Cosmos Tour DVD. But maybe we'll have to resign with an audio bootleg to listen Surf's up... Schoo'ls out!, We Believe, etc.
I jst can't imagine that they will not record a UK show, a SOuth American show en possible a US show also. Hopefully they release something like a concert through space and time like they did in the eighties but then for this tour. At the other hand I hope they release Rainbow (on DVD), Hyde Park or Houston instaed of another QPR dvd
I think they screwed up BIGTIME in choosing the first gig of the tour as their DVD show. Paul screwed up lyrics like no performer I can remember and you'd think they would wait until they were in peak form before committing something to their catalogue.
At least that show has several differences from last tour, unlike the current set list which is so deeply dissapointing.
It's sad that when I see someone post a set similar to the last set, but with one addtion of a non-hit oddity, I immediately am convinced that it's one of these worthless gimps who tease everybody, trying to trick them into thinking that Queen would want to give us a taste of something refreshing and original.
I still remember how blown away I was when B and R on the Japanese DVD came out and did I Was Born To Love You. And they did Teo Torriate because it was local. Maybe when they go to South America they can likewise do 'Las Palabras'.
They would be SO incompetent to not film a show with a bunch of "The Cosmos Rocks" songs performed live. They also would be incompetent to once again like the foolishness of not filming Knebworth perform in one of the biggest audiences as the upcomming South American show or shows will be to not film that as well IN ITS ENTIRETY!!!
alex_unbreakable wrote:
I'm agree with dbruce about Radio Ga Ga and C-lebrity. I hope they will record some more shows and they will see that Kharkov is not a great one to be released... In fact, it's not a Rock the Cosmos Tour concert! Just two new songs! Anyway, I'm ok with releasing Kharkov if they release another concert too. I want a really Rock the Cosmos Tour DVD. But maybe we'll have to resign with an audio bootleg to listen Surf's up... Schoo'ls out!, We Believe, etc.
Let's give Queen Productions some credit for being not stupid shall we!! With the exception of Live in Rio and Rare Live - official releases have been pretty good. They've released more Videos/ DVD's than any other band!!
I'll be shot down in flames I know but what the hell!
If they are going to release a DVD of this tour then they will release a concert which has a certain quality about it. Queen fans can be generally too demanding, fussy, expect too much and let's face it - bloody whingers!! especially on this site!!
All I really care about is a great DVD release of this tour if there is one. After last nights gig in Cardiff you'd be in for a treat! Also Queen have only ever played a maximum of around 4 new tracks from albums over the years and if you want a Rock The Cosmos tour DVD then you'll have to settle for a Cosmos Rocks singles DVD when it's released.
Don't forget that Vol 1 singles collection is being released in Novermber and there are 4 of these. Flooding the market springs to mind so don't expect an early release of a tour DVD until late next year at the earliest.
On tour they're using cameramen (or women) to film shots for the big screen behind the stage. Is this stuff actually recorded or is it just a feed? If it's recorded. they could release a compilation DVD featuring new songs, of they could release Kharkov with these as extras.
Extra's? Doesn't sound like something QP would do these days. Started off good with GVH1/2, Wembley - but got worse with Montreal, Bowl and ROTC... I guess we'll get the Kharkov show with the Mandela performance as a bonus or something.
Pim Derks wrote:
Extra's? Doesn't sound like something QP would do these days. Started off good with GVH1/2, Wembley - but got worse with Montreal, Bowl and ROTC... I guess we'll get the Kharkov show with the Mandela performance as a bonus or something.
To be fair to Bowl the extras were pretty decent - those tour highlights were a nice bit of extra live Queen, and even gave us an extra Hot Space song or two from memory. The interviews were less than enthralling though I guess.
Better than a kick in the teeth. Which is pretty much what Montreal's extras were - i.e. flipping Live Aid in place of something less widely available (like an American TV performance or something was going to be there at one point wasnt it?)