Mr Mercury 21.09.2008 12:25 |
Just been announced on Radio 1 it has gone straight in at number 5 on the album chart. Surprise surprise, Metallica is still number 1. |
MartynR90 21.09.2008 12:38 |
ur like me (ears glued to the radio)! lol fairly good chart position, top 5! yer cant say i'm a metallica fan to be honest... |
Michael Allred 21.09.2008 13:43 |
Well top 10 was expected so it's a solid debut. |
im_on_the_wembley_dvd 21.09.2008 13:46 |
Great News... i must admit i didn't think it would get this sort of response.. hope it goes higher next week Thanks |
Raf 21.09.2008 13:47 |
Wow, #5? I'm impressed!! :) After C-Leb peaking at #33, I didn't expect the album to do so well. |
Raf 21.09.2008 13:48 |
link |
April 21.09.2008 14:48 |
I think it could be #3 after Metallica and Oasis. But even #5 is very good!!! |
radio_what's_new 21.09.2008 14:56 |
link |
Ray D O'Gaga 21.09.2008 17:43 |
Mr Mercury wrote: Just been announced on Radio 1 it has gone straight in at number 5 on the album chart. Surprise surprise, Metallica is still number 1.TOP FIVE, MUTHAFUCKAS! Shove that up your asses too, haters! HA! |
Ray D O'Gaga 21.09.2008 17:46 |
Raf wrote: Wow, #5? I'm impressed!! :) After C-Leb peaking at #33, I didn't expect the album to do so well.Well, #1 on the rock singles chart is nothing to sneeze at, especially considering the crap that dominates the pop singles chart these days, but really, who buys singles anymore? BEsides obsessive fans, obviously. *ahem* |
Raf 21.09.2008 18:43 |
Ray D O'Gaga wrote:I know. I'm not criticising the song, neither blaming it. I'm just pointing out I'd expect Queen not to do so well in the charts, exactly because nowadays people seem to prefer crap like The Pussycat Dolls, Britney Spears...Raf wrote: Wow, #5? I'm impressed!! :) After C-Leb peaking at #33, I didn't expect the album to do so well.Well, #1 on the rock singles chart is nothing to sneeze at, especially considering the crap that dominates the pop singles chart these days, but really, who buys singles anymore? BEsides obsessive fans, obviously. *ahem* |
radio_what's_new 21.09.2008 19:03 |
TCR Enters the Dutch album chart this week at 8: link C-lebrity goes up from 80 to 50. link Not bad at all |
marcenciels 21.09.2008 20:59 |
i'm happy for them...but for how long will it stay charted ? i'm waiting for my copy to give a full opinion of the LP. i wonder if it will have any air-wave in canada ? or the states even... all seems concentrated for U.K. & europe. but that is fully normal ;-) |
Ray D O'Gaga 22.09.2008 00:16 |
marcenciels wrote: i wonder if it will have any air-wave in canada ? or the states even... all seems concentrated for U.K. & europe. but that is fully normal ;-)I wouldn't expect it to be concentrated anywhere besides the UK and Europe, since its not being released in North America til October 28th. Assuming Hollywood is planning any kind of promotional push, it certainly won't be this week. I doubt they've even serviced a single to radio yet, assuming they're going to. Everybody has to put this whole project in a context - the music business has changed a LOT in the 17 years since Innuendo, or even in the 13 years since Made in Heaven. The music business is even more youth-oriented than it used to be, fewer new acts are having long careers, and there's much less crossover for artists than there used to be. And in light of all that, how many bands made up of guys in their early 60s are charting albums in the top five? How many are charting singles on the pop charts at all? Not too damn many. How well did The Who's last project chart? And McCartney's? When was the last time the Stones had a single on the pop charts? Its astonishing to me that they're having this much success. |
Double-U 22.09.2008 02:36 |
Hey folks, "C-Lebrity" entered the German charts at position 67. The album "The Cosmos Rocks" is not in the Top 20 yet. regards W. |
vonkeil 22.09.2008 03:17 |
@Double-U What do you expect?? We're living in a country where it's possible to hold the peak position for weeks with something highly qualitative like a 'Burger Dance' oder moronic kids-songs about crocodiles... |
Bo Rhap 22.09.2008 06:45 |
Queen's Greatest Hits is also in the charts too. Hey.You never know.We could have a top two next week XD |
PieterMC 22.09.2008 09:07 |
Ray D O'Gaga wrote: Assuming Hollywood is planning any kind of promotional push, it certainly won't be this week. I doubt they've even serviced a single to radio yet, assuming they're going to.C-lebrity went out to radio on September 9th in the US, although according to Entertainment Tonight it does not actually come out until tomorrow. |
queenside 22.09.2008 10:32 |
new album in top 5 is great! especially when we know that they are all (almost all) 60 year old men and that they're missing half of the original band including most loved member which is by far queen best known for. i really don't think who else could've done that! i don't think stones would make top 5 without jagger. qpr deserve that recognition! |
new one 22.09.2008 10:33 |
Shame the single didn't do a bit better. I'm surprised the album has debuted so high as I wasn't expecting much in the way of public response given the low key advertising. I wonder will it climb next week or fall off the edge of the cliff? |
Tero 22.09.2008 10:52 |
Next week will be the reality check. This week's figures include all the fans that will buy anything with the Queen name in every possible format (including the ones from across Europe who want to get it cheaper), and next week will show the opinion of the general public. Top 10 will mean there are actually people who are buying the album for the music instead of blind loyalty, and anything beyond top 40 means the general interest in new "Queen" material without Freddie is practically non-existent. Personally I'm guessing something around #30 with a sales of few thousand copies, which isn't exactly worthy of Queen's legendary status, but enough to keep the Brian-worshippers happy. ;) |
PieterMC 22.09.2008 10:54 |
I expect it to drop fast, but not that fast. The CD is still #15 and CD / DVD #13 on I predict that it will fall to #9 |
new one 22.09.2008 11:05 |
PieterMC wrote: I expect it to drop fast, but not that fast. The CD is still #15 and CD / DVD #13 on I predict that it will fall to #9Yea I'd be tempted to agree with a small fall, outside the top 10 maybe 12 or 13. All the die hards will have picked it up in the first week, perhaps when the tour gets to the UK it might see a small resurgence again? |
Ray D O'Gaga 22.09.2008 11:51 |
Tero wrote: Next week will be the reality check. This week's figures include all the fans that will buy anything with the Queen name in every possible format (including the ones from across Europe who want to get it cheaper), and next week will show the opinion of the general public. Top 10 will mean there are actually people who are buying the album for the music instead of blind loyalty, and anything beyond top 40 means the general interest in new "Queen" material without Freddie is practically non-existent. Personally I'm guessing something around #30 with a sales of few thousand copies, which isn't exactly worthy of Queen's legendary status, but enough to keep the Brian-worshippers happy. ;)If you want a gauge of what the diehards buy, the last couple of live albums with Freddie on them that didn't break the top ten would be a better indication. The fact that this Fred-less album debuted at # 5 says a lot more about the album's broader appeal than you're willing to acknowledge. There are not enough "brian worshippers" to push the album into the top 5. Do you remember how Another World charted? It wasn't top 5. I checked. #23. The Milton Keynes set and the Montreal set, both #20. In fact, I think Cosmos Rocks has charted higher than anything Queen-related since Made in Heaven nearly 13 years ago. That's nothing to sneeze at. All I'm saying is, try to be fair. I know its hard for everybody out there who were hoping for total failure because they've dared to carry on without the 17 years dead man, but try. For a Freddie-less Queen-something album 13 years after the last studio album, its doing pretty damn well. If you're intent on pissing on it and wishing its failure, at least don't be disingenuous about it's success. |
Dubrock Orwell 22.09.2008 12:17 |
Rather good, highest chart position of News of The World was only 4 in the UK. |
Tero 22.09.2008 13:11 |
Ray D O'Gaga wrote: If you want a gauge of what the diehards buy, the last couple of live albums with Freddie on them that didn't break the top ten would be a better indication.In fact, I think Cosmos Rocks has charted higher than anything Queen-related since Made in Heaven nearly 13 years ago. That's nothing to sneeze at. All I'm saying is, try to be fair. I know its hard for everybody out there who were hoping for total failure because they've dared to carry on without the 17 years dead man, but try. For a Freddie-less Queen-something album 13 years after the last studio album, its doing pretty damn well. If you're intent on pissing on it and wishing its failure, at least don't be disingenuous about it's success.Queen At the Bowl did apparently reach #20 in the charts, but I honestly don't know where Rock Montreal ended up. Whether these are good comparisons to a studio album with all new material is up to everyone's personal choice, but you should remember than the Cosmos Rocks has more versions for sale. ;) Like I said before, the severity of the album's fall in the charts is more telling than an individual ranking. I hope everybody keeps that in mind as well, instead of just quoting the peak in the charts. |
fire-and -water 42047 22.09.2008 14:03 |
so tero youre argument consists it only reached number 5 because only diehard queen fans who buy anything queen are the only ones who bought it.Well thats a really piss poor argument i mean metallica is number 1 i wonder how many non metallica fans bought that album.And this argument can be applied to when all of queen including freddie were releasing albums how many non queen fans bought innuendo or many non queen fans do you know who have queens back catalogue no they all have the greatest hits.So dont give us its only diehard fans that bought it because its only fans diehard or other as you would say non diehard fans of queen who are going to buy a queen album.And one last thing you always try and make out that you're not biased and you're just arguing the otherside but every good piece of news about queen and paul rodgers you crap on and every bad piece of news like c-lebrity reaching number 33 you jump on and say you new it would fail and this proves that the songs are bad, and then wont acknowledge when they succeed like the album reaching number 5. |
AmeriQueen 25.09.2008 05:23 |
I think a follow up single of Call Me might add a boost to sales. It should sell steadily so long as they tour big. |
Michael Allred 25.09.2008 13:21 |
AmeriQueen wrote: I think a follow up single of Call Me might add a boost to sales. It should sell steadily so long as they tour big.What an awful idea for a single. "Call Me" might be good if you just want interest from country music fans but the mainstream will just ignore it. |
ggo1 25.09.2008 14:01 |
Call Me is far and away the worst track on the album... I don't have the words to describe just how awful I think it is. Also it is so non representative of the album that I don't see how it would help sales. I think Time to Shine or Cosmos Rockin' would probably be the next singles. |
kingogre 25.09.2008 15:05 |
There is only a relatively small group of die-hards, not near enough to get a record into the Top 5. |
Renne 25.09.2008 15:35 |
In Finland the album has entered the charts at #15. Which is a lot better than I expected. Nice! |
Hitman 25.09.2008 19:25 |
link As you can see in the link provided, in Italy Queen have 8 (i said EIGHT) dvds in the first 20 (TWENTY) positions of charts (some are new entries...) BUT... NO rank position for the cosmos rocks! i wonder why...let's see after the two gigs... |
Fone Bone 26.09.2008 06:04 |
In France, The Cosmos rocks entered the charts at n°28 C-Lebrity entered the charts at n°100 Source : link That's not good, of course. The only albums to have charted lower than TCR were the live albums. As for C-Lebrity, AOBTD w. Wyclef made it to N°62. Oh well ... |
emrabt 26.09.2008 06:24 |
I think Everyone is forgetting that the Paul Rodgers fanbase is buying the album too. |
FEEL THE FORCE 2 27.09.2008 07:44 |
Hi, in Spain at number 10 the fisrt week. |
Stick 27.09.2008 12:02 |
Dutch charts: Cosmos Rocks dropped from 8 to 18 C-lebrity dropped from 50 to 83 |
griffin76 27.09.2008 15:13 |
queenside wrote: new album in top 5 is great! especially when we know that they are all (almost all) 60 year old men and that they're missing half of the original band including most loved member which is by far queen best known for. i really don't think who else could've done that! i don't think stones would make top 5 without jagger. qpr deserve that recognition!Maybe they would do better with rodgers than with jagger :p |
Marcos Napier 27.09.2008 16:10 |
I don't really trust these charts, I never think they are accurate and it won't be like that now. Not because I'm a hater blah blah blah but there's something there that smells payola in a lot of times. Example: The Cure (a best seller? No way) had their last 4 singles released in the last 2 months or so ALL in the top 10 of the Hot Singles chart at Billboard - and all at #1 (are they the new Beatles?). And try to find a single for sale, stores just don't have them. "Oh they don't have it because they sold them all hence the #1!" would say a narrow minded fan. And what about radio play? None. If they are (were) #1, one of these things should have been happening, or both. But what is happening is (was, as they already dropped leaving space for this week's single) some manipulation by Universal. It might not be happening with TCR, but... |
TheGame 27.09.2008 20:00 |
Norway: The album entered at #31. Not too bad actually since there is total lack of advertisement. |
Marknow 28.09.2008 12:03 |
Entered the Irish album chart at 47 last week. This week it has dropped to 84. There has been no promotion here at all for the album, not a mention of it on the radio, not a single song played. Such a shame they decided not to tour or promte the album here. |
FlorianS 28.09.2008 13:16 |
The Album entered the German Chart at # 4 |
Tero 28.09.2008 14:28 |
So... #18 in the UK chart for the second week. Not much demand from the general public, is there? |
im_on_the_wembley_dvd 28.09.2008 14:29 |
Official Album chart has The Cosmos Rocks at number 18 (from 5 last week) what do you think ? Kiss my ass goodbye |
Mr Mercury 28.09.2008 19:24 |
Its not surprising that the album has fell that many places, since they, Q+PR havent done any UK tv slots to promote it other than some shitty ad's at daft times. Bette Midler turns up on at least one prime time slot show (The One Show on the beeb) and her repackaged greatest hits - for that is really what it is - enters at number 6. Now imagine if the lads had done something similar. They might have got to at least the number 2 slot, considering they would have no chance landing first place seeing as Kings Of Leon are this years "in thing". Since the tour will be in the UK soon, I dont see what argument they have against not doing any tv here to help promote the album. |
e-man 29.09.2008 21:05 |
with no promotion - what do you expect?? everyone who bought the album the first week were those who knew about it beforehand. |
Ray D O'Gaga 29.09.2008 21:38 |
Sales will spike when the UK tour kicks off. The Cosmos Rocks' journey is far from over. |
August R. 30.09.2008 04:45 |
Tero wrote: So... #18 in the UK chart for the second week. Not much demand from the general public, is there? Much better than the "something around #30" you predicted, though ;) |
Tero 30.09.2008 10:12 |
August R. wrote:Tero wrote: So... #18 in the UK chart for the second week. Not much demand from the general public, is there?Much better than the "something around #30" you predicted, though ;) I can live with my error. :P So what was your guess? |
inu-liger 30.09.2008 11:03 |
Just out of curiosity, with regards to Amazon UK sales, are purchases of albums & singles by international (non-UK) customers eligible towards otherwise domestic (UK) chart performances? If so, I'm glad I helped contribute to the album's first week chart entry at no. 5 :-P |
krantzet80 30.09.2008 11:24 |
In sweden The Cosmos Rocks entered the charts at no 24. |
tonimau 02.10.2008 07:25 |
Today, in Portugal's public television RTP1, a small report on the new Queen album appeared, with footage from C-Lebrity and small interviews with the band. This was broadcasted around 10 a.m. local time and is the first news I hear about the album in the portuguese media. The report wasn't really interesting, just noticed that it is the first, I think. I think both the single and the album have failed to chart in Portugal. Not making concerts in portugal will probably make it never enter the charts. |
PieterMC 02.10.2008 08:22 |
The album charted at #23 in Portugal. |
tonimau 02.10.2008 08:30 |
Thanks for the info, the charts I saw didnt have the album in it. Probably they were outdated or something ;) Still, a poor place in the chart for a band that had so many #1 albums and singles in this country. |
August R. 02.10.2008 16:26 |
Tero wrote:I didn't dare to take a wild guess after such a great first week. BUT, I guessed that TCR would be somewhere around #35 this week in Finnish charts. Pity I didn't write about my prediction few days earlier, cos that was spot on.August R. wrote:I can live with my error. :P So what was your guess?Tero wrote: So... #18 in the UK chart for the second week. Not much demand from the general public, is there?Much better than the "something around #30" you predicted, though ;) |
Ray D O'Gaga 02.10.2008 21:29 |
tonimau wrote: Still, a poor place in the chart for a band that had so many #1 albums and singles in this country. Do you really think so? Considering this how long the predecessor version of this band has been a defunct entity and how much the music business has changed in the last 15 years or so, I think they're doing remarkably well, especially in light of not having their beloved frontman, which seems to be all some people have to talk about. How many acts from the 70s and 80s, or even early 90s, are still having the success that QPR are having? Especially acts where all the principles are 60+ years old? |
April 04.10.2008 16:17 |
We still have to wait for the British tour and for the album to be released in the US. These events will definitely boost the sales and the chart positions in some other countries as well. |