Jacky, not to slag you or anything, but if you're going to post news items, could you post them ON PRESS RELEASE DAY?? Not two+ days later?
There's no point posting news items the following day, cos we're always up to date with that stuff by the end of the day. Doing that just clutters up the board and wastes bandwidth.
Please and thanks.
PS. Would be nice if you could actually post something, oh say, exclusive for a change? ;P
Posting exclusives here would make Queen Online redundant, wouldn't it.
You can get Queen news from a number of sources faster than on here, but when stuff is posted here, it would be more "informative" to have a single post relating to a particular subject and have it contain multiple "chapters" or "messages". Simpler to digest for all of us.
I think the sad reality is this....
Jacky was once a great source of information (the 80's and early 90's)
I remember my trembling hands unwrapping the latest fan club magazine to see what was happening in the world.
However - since the advent of the Internet she has been left behind. The fact that QP don't support or have an official affiliation with the QFC also hurts her position.
The official Queen site now has breaking news on a regular basis. This site is also fantastic for people to post quick updates and info. Brians soapbox also has great info. Jacky normally gets around to posting her "breaking news" a couple of days after we already know from other sources.
I'd love to see if she gets at least ONE piece of news out to the fans about the new album before the official site does.
I think Brian and Roger should throw her a bone for all the years of service she's given the fans and the band. Maybe an exclusive video message that could be uploaded to the QFC site - kind of like the old convention tapes we'd hear in the 80s
I was exactly the same! I used to dash down the stairs everytime I heard the mail when the fan club mag was due. I think she should stick to organising the convention and leave it at that.
Maybe have something to do with archive fan club stuff and QOL...do they still produce fan club mags? I can't see what would be worthy of going into them!
Brian_Mays_Wig wrote: I was exactly the same! I used to dash down the stairs everytime I heard the mail when the fan club mag was due. I think she should stick to organising the convention and leave it at that.
Maybe have something to do with archive fan club stuff and QOL...do they still produce fan club mags? I can't see what would be worthy of going into them!
I think the mags are done 4 times a year if I'm not mistaken. Certainly WAY less than the monthly, bi-monthly(??) issues I think, many years ago
iron eagle wrote: nice post jasonmack
they owe her more then a few bones
Yeah, considering the fan club's finances and budget has been really hurting over the last 5+, 10 years I believe.
Do they still list the fan club address on the newer CD releases anymore, whether live, compilations or whatever?
iron eagle wrote: nice post jasonmack
they owe her more then a few bones
Yeah, considering the fan club's finances and budget has been really hurting over the last 5+, 10 years I believe.
Do they still list the fan club address on the newer CD releases anymore, whether live, compilations or whatever?