What a shame man i've just found out about it i was watching the beatles anthology just yesterday all 10 hours of it and he's in it as thefifth beatle.
Such a shame R.I.P neil aspinall.
such a shame....listening to some of the outtake albums i got....and you can hear him talking and he also plays on some stuff
nice guy, understated and geuine....
Brian Epstein
Mal Evans
John Lennon
George Harrison
Derek Taylor
Peter Brown
Billy Preston
The guys from Badfinger
Neil Aspinal...
Who's next??? Maharishi????
True!!!!! I forgot Linda, Jim Capaldi and Ringo's ex wife Maureen Starkey.
Aside that, Ringo had to go to Rehab 'cuz of Alcoholism and Michael Jackson went to bankrupt. And one of Ringo's daughters had brain cancer or something like it.
Tell me now who's the most dangerous -.-'