I'm not sure if this is against the rules or not... but being as it's so expensive to track down (and I'm a poor college student, haha), would anyone be so kind as to rip the audio of the Super Live in Japan release and post it?
Or PM me if you're not allowed to post it?
I do want this show on video myself, as its supposed to be superior than ROTC, but I'll pay for it when I can afford it.
Although I must protest about the price - it is expensive, Penetration Guru. I can only ever find it on ebay for about £20, which to students is a lot for one DVD purchase.
What rate does your local McDonald's pay at?
If it's less than £5 an hour I'll be amazed. Which means four hours and you've earned yourself a DVD.
Sorted, and an early lesson into how the world works for most of us - want something? work for it...
I know this topic was a month or so back, but I just noticed the responses:
Im not sure exactly what you mean by that!?
Ive got plenty of A levels and a degree thank you very much, but I still think £20 plus is steep for one DVD.
Ive earned my fair share of money to keep me ticking over since becoming a student, but the simple fact is, if you happen to be student, you are poor. Theres no such thing as a rich student.
£20 is simply too much to justify for one purchase of any sort unless its food to keep you for the next week or two!
Anyway, Im not trying to get anything for free - I'll probably just wait until fundage allows!
I got this on ebay for 25 € including postage. That´s much cheaper then 20 pounds, I think.
At the moment there´s a "buy now" - offer for 8 pounds. (link
There´s an ebay-member from Aserbaidschan who offers this item from time to time.
So waiting is the hardest time but sometimes worth it and with open eyes you always find something. By the way: You pay for 2 DVD's not only for one.
@ pittrek: Hopefully not an S 100 or MB 1000 then you get problems whenever you drive in the mountains.