Hello people i was wondering even though Queen were one of the best bands in the world dont u think they created the most loviest love songs too?
wat is ur fav love song by Queen?
mine is Las Palabras De Amor ( The Words Of Love)
its soo romantic
I think You Take My Breath Away is an incredibly lovely song and Freddie's vocals take MY breath away.
Seaside Rendevouz is another fave--sunny and playful.
It's a Hard Life, Las Palabras De Amor, Love Of My Life, Somebody to Love, The Kiss, You're My Best Friend, You And I, One Year of Love, Who Wants To Live Forever, etc.
I can't choose.
deleted user 14.12.2007 15:51
Oh, so many.
I like You and I, You Take My Breath Away, Teo Torriate, Seaside Rendezvous, Save Me (I suppose that's a love song.), Love of My Life, It's A Hard Life, I Can't Live With You... all the love songs have a lot of emotion.
I agree with those already mentioned. One more I love is 'Bijou' I don't know whether it's necessarily a love song but the very few lyrics there are are gorgeous.
I have 3 favorite love songs...Sorry I just can't choose! :)
They are (in no particular order)
1. One Year of Love
2. Love of my life
3. Take My Breath Away