This single is a half curse because i'm going ape with excitement for the album release. At least a release date would calm me down.
I miss the Queen world, seeing you guys like I did in Birmingham, Los Angeles and San Diego, and I'm from Dallas. I'll travel to Bagdhad if I have to in '08 to see them. I took PR as vocalist hook line and sinker.
AmeriQueen wrote: This single is a half curse because i'm going ape with excitement for the album release. At least a release date would calm me down.
I miss the Queen world, seeing you guys like I did in Birmingham, Los Angeles and San Diego, and I'm from Dallas. I'll travel to Bagdhad if I have to in '08 to see them. I took PR as vocalist hook line and sinker.
I never really bought any Queen plus Paul Rodgers cds or dvds, and I won't either. I don't hate Paul Rodgers but his vocal style doesn't grip into my mind the way Freddie's does. I don't mind listening to some Bad Company on the radio once in a while, but other than that, I don't listen to much of Paul Rodgers. Not into that kind of vocal style. If I don't like something 100%, then I can't stand to listen to it all the time.