I really liked 'Reckoning' and 'Naked'. The rest of the album is just Radiohead doing what they've been doing since Kid A, some tracks are just too weird, others worth giving a listen, and a few others are excellent.
Let's face it, Radiohead will probably never make something as brilliant as OK Computer.
Mr.Jingles wrote:
Let's face it, Radiohead will probably never make something as brilliant as OK Computer.
But I suppose a sunny way of looking at it is : They will always be able to say that they did make OK Computer in the first place.
I appreciate Radiohead's desire to always be original and explore new grounds, but I think I'd rather have some of the sounds from The Bends and the OK Computer era instead of this Radiohead we've heard over the past years.
Although I can't deny that some of their best songs are from the post OK Computer albums.
My pal put it to me this way earlier today : it's like Sgt. Pepper, in that they're putting out music of a similar standard to what they have been, but it's clearly no improvement on 'Revolver'.
Everything In Its Right Place
Pyramid Song
Nude (live version from 1998 is best. Try the San Fran performance. Was originally called Big Ideas (Don't Get Any))
Morning Bell
In Rainbows is...disappointing. Probably ranks 4th or 5th out of their albums for me. The previous three albums all were growers, but I know that this isn't gonna grow enough for me to really like it.
Too samey, too dreary/dreamy, too few attention-grabbing moments, not enough piano/keyboard, too many weak songs, not enough electronica.
radio_what's_new wrote: I think it's cool, what about you?
hello there!
Like it as a "chill out background sound" but not as an album wich I will listen to very carefully.
Try the new Foo Fighters LP or the new Manic Street Preachers album... think you'll like them both....
Good list, Bohardy, but I take it you're not a fan of The Bends? I'd recommend from that album 'Planet Telex', 'The Bends', 'High And Dry', and 'Fake Plastic Trees', 'Just', and 'My Iron Lung'.
And 'The National Anthem', from Kid A. I love that song.
In Rainbows is a good chill out album. I like it as background noise, but yeah, there aren't many memorable riffs like the others. Maybe it'll grow on me.
Sir GH<br><h6>ah yeah</h6> wrote: Radiohead... I've tried for years, and still don't get them.
Can some of you post your top 5 "non-OK Computer" Radiohead songs?
The Trickster
Knives Out
I'd strongly recommend giving 'The Bends' and the 'My iron Long - EP' a try if you're fond of the OK Computer sound.