Do you have any nicknames for the members?
And I'm not talking the standard Fred, Bri, Rog or, simply, John.
Funnily enough, I only have nicknames for the two less prominent members - Roger (my favourite member), and John.
"Rog McGog" (pronounced to rhyme with Rog)
"John 'Dicky' Deacon" (as his middle name is Richard)
I realise the one for John is not really a nickname, just an affectionate term I have for them!
I refer to each of the members as a type of kitchen utensil. Brian, for example, is 'Spatula.' Roger is 'Egg Beater,' John is 'Bread Knife,' and Freddie (for obvious reasons) is 'Stainless-Steel Teflon-Coated Frying Pan.'
I haven't really thought about that. I call Roger "Roggy" and that's it. I read in Peter Freestone's Freddie Mercury biography that Freddie hated being called "Fred"
deleted user 01.08.2007 12:51
The only nickname I have given one of them is Rogy for Roger.
Um, I never really use their nicknames when I'm talking, but when I'm on queenzone I find myself calling John 'Johnny' :) The others... eh, not really.
LozlanTheMage wrote: I refer to each of the members as a type of kitchen utensil. Brian, for example, is 'Spatula.' Roger is 'Egg Beater,' John is 'Bread Knife,' and Freddie (for obvious reasons) is 'Stainless-Steel Teflon-Coated Frying Pan.'
Excuse me...did you just imply that feminizing the various members of your favourite rock band allowed you to pass math?
Damn, and all I have is this crappy Graphing calculator. I wonder if the same trick would work for Led Zeppelin.
LozlanTheMage wrote: Excuse me...did you just imply that feminizing the various members of your favourite rock band allowed you to pass math?
Damn, and all I have is this crappy Graphing calculator. I wonder if the same trick would work for Led Zeppelin.
It won't. Led Zeppelin made me have to retake my math final, actually. ;_;
I figured with a topic like this you would have to have some that just can't seem to resist to bring up Freddie's sexuality.....That's about as played out as clock radio speakers.....Peace