Would people stop comparing this cocksuckin, bottom feeding, no talent, unfunny, piece of shit motherfucker to the late great FREDDIE MERCURY!!! ENOUGH ALREADY!!!
HAHAHAHAHAH YOU RIGHT!! I dont know what they wanna do with the memory of Freddie Mercury, IS NOT enought what they done with him? JESUS CHRIST, Roger and Brian have to do something about it, STOP DOING CRAPPY THINGS PLEASE.....
As Cohen is 6'3", how tall is the person to play Brain going to be? (He's 6'1" before the hair).
Freddie was 5'9", so the person playing Brian would have to be 6'9"!!
This is a disgrace to Freddie-kind. It can't happen. I simply will not allow this. And that car accident thing makes it so much worse.
deleted user 06.05.2007 18:27
lyricalassasin_77 wrote: Would people stop comparing this cocksuckin, bottom feeding, no talent, unfunny, piece of shit motherfucker to the late great FREDDIE MERCURY!!! ENOUGH ALREADY!!!