Sweetie 28.04.2007 00:41 |
EVERYONE LOVES JOHN DEACON!! And those who say they don't are either brain damaged or just in denial! YAY DEAKY!! |
Freddies Delilah 28.04.2007 01:43 |
Yay! Go Johnny! He's not my favourite band member, but he's pretty sweet. I must say, though, he lost his cute look when he went and cut his hair. John with long hair forever! |
Elizabeth Knightson 28.04.2007 02:59 |
John's the best! (along with the other three :) ) No, he's really nice and wonderful bass player! |
The Deaky 28.04.2007 08:40 |
Deaky held Mr.Mercury as a father figure. It is very respectable that Deacon left the band after the proper tributes to Mercury were held. |
MeganEnright 28.04.2007 10:01 |
I always feel like John was sort of jaded. I don't think he ever got the respect he deserved as a bass player ... he is just so underrated. I think it's great that this thread was started. John seemed like such a great guy! JOHN DEACON forever! Also, I agree with what "the deaky" had to say. It just shows how much John respected Freddie. |
Katicas..(L) 28.04.2007 12:17 |
aww jonny and cutie pie.. |
deleted user 28.04.2007 12:34 |
YEAH, JOHNNY! He is such a good bassist! And I love how he respected Freddie. |
Vincent. 28.04.2007 13:50 |
WEEEEE! Johnny! Weeeeee! I love Johnny!!!! :D :D |
deleted user 28.04.2007 14:29 |
I love Johnny! He kinda lost a bit of his cuteness when he grew a 'fro, but he was still cute. lol |
Katicas..(L) 28.04.2007 15:04 |
afros rule!! |
deleted user 28.04.2007 15:05 |
w00t! Johnny, Johnny!! lol :-DDDD |
lillian 28.04.2007 15:07 |
john is john no matter what. |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 28.04.2007 15:29 |
what i like about John is that we kinda new the other 3's characters but Johns was always lurking just under the surface,an enigma,always something there to ask whether does he enjoy this or does he do that? it's always the quiet ones that intrigue me.if its full on and in my face i get bored easily. i think i would enjoy a pint with the man quite easily. |
Dacoviac 28.04.2007 15:35 |
Deaky sure is underrated, I mean, just listen to the intro of "The millionaire waltz" at Earl's Court '77, man! |
Eregwen 28.04.2007 16:20 |
I love Deaky... He seems to be overlooked a lot, which is a crying shame for so many reasons (for example, he, uh, kinda wrote "You're My Best Friend" and "Another One Bites the Dust," two of their biggest hits.) I guess I'm particularly drawn to his quiet nature...sigh. And bass players are automatically cool. |
skiqueen 28.04.2007 20:27 |
john is amazing. he has got THE moves. pay close attention to him during wembly. he can boogy! |
deleted user 28.04.2007 20:32 |
^ I noticed that! I am going to dance like him next time I watch it! |
Sweetie 29.04.2007 00:50 |
link somewhere in there shows why Deaky was quite :P |
mike hunt 29.04.2007 02:20 |
I alway's liked john, and I respect him even more for not joining the Queen + paul thing. I liked his songs. |
Sweetie 29.04.2007 04:54 |
^ I like Queen +Paul Rodgers |
MarkieKnopflie 29.04.2007 06:14 |
mike hunt wrote: I alway's liked john, and I respect him even more for not joining the Queen + paul thing. I liked his songs.I agree. I love his songs a lot too, they're really cool. Deaky is just so cute!! |
you_rock_my_socks06 29.04.2007 08:07 |
MeganEnright wrote: I always feel like John was sort of jaded. I don't think he ever got the respect he deserved as a bass player ... he is just so underrated. QUOTE] |
deleted user 29.04.2007 08:47 |
<font color=Mercury>Deakys Bitch<h6>Yum? wrote: link somewhere in there shows why Deaky was quite :PLMFAO! That was great! |
Sweetie 30.04.2007 02:09 |
<font color=blue> <b>Water Baby wrote:Why thank-you...I just don't know what to do with the second episode...any ideas?<font color=Mercury>Deakys Bitch<h6>Yum? wrote: link somewhere in there shows why Deaky was quite :PLMFAO! That was great! |
deleted user 30.04.2007 17:52 |
^ Um... you could have Deaky undergo a random near death experience (caused by Roger and his not being able to stick up for himself) and then he has a complete turn-around in character and becomes REALLY outspoken. |
Sweetie 01.05.2007 02:07 |
^ hmmm.... would the kiddy's be afraid of blood? |
deleted user 01.05.2007 14:33 |
^ I don't think the kiddies will watch. But I sure as hell will. Stick some blood in there. |
Vincent. 01.05.2007 18:56 |
^ahh! Don't kill dear deaky! |
deleted user 01.05.2007 21:14 |
^ She won't! She's his gal pal in the story :P! |
Sweetie 02.05.2007 18:54 |
<font color=yellow>Leroy<h6>peace. wrote: ^ahh! Don't kill dear deaky!oh don't worry, he wont die...maybe lose the half of him, but that is only if Freddie's released from his cage |
Vincent. 02.05.2007 18:56 |
<Font color=Puce>Deakys...<h6>Microwave? wrote:ooooh... O_O I don't think I'll be watching this. :P<font color=yellow>Leroy<h6>peace. wrote: ^ahh! Don't kill dear deaky!oh don't worry, he wont die...maybe lose the half of him, but that is only if Freddie's released from his cage |
Sweetie 02.05.2007 19:07 |
^tee hee, Don't make me force you? >:P |
deleted user 02.05.2007 19:20 |
Fred's in a cage? I am so watching this! So random, it's awesome! |
Sweetie 02.05.2007 19:25 |
^ YAY!! |
deleted user 02.05.2007 19:33 |
^lol. I see you read the story. And liked it. Further suggestions? You are more than welcome to invite yourself in the thread, darling. |
Sweetie 02.05.2007 20:16 |
^ I don't want to write anything in case I ruin it... |
Vincent. 02.05.2007 20:22 |
^You couldn't ruin it! :P |
Sweetie 02.05.2007 21:07 |
^ I bet you $50 that I can |
QueenTaylor 02.05.2007 21:49 |
^no we want you to post there-I'm sure you're a great writer. |
Sweetie 03.05.2007 07:04 |
^ HA! |
Freddies Delilah 03.05.2007 07:49 |
Well, either way, Lex, you couldn't mess it up anymore than Nathan ever did ;-) No offence, Nathan! I love reading your crazy posts! |
Sweetie 04.05.2007 02:38 |
sure sure anyways - back to DEAKY!!! Sexy Deaky :P |
deleted user 04.05.2007 11:31 |
Yay Deaky!!! :D |
Queen-Obsessed 05.05.2007 14:26 |
Deaky is so cute :) He is definetley not recognized enough though. I was watching the hour interview with John and Brian again and in the beginning bit it says stuff about Queen and it says something like 'as we all know Queen was made up of Freddie Mercury, Brian May, and Roger Taylor' I was like HEY!? What about John?! |
deleted user 05.05.2007 19:34 |
^ I know! And I saw a magazine clipping where they referred to Deaky as "the other one." I started screaming at the article. "Hey! THAT'S DEAKY! He wrote awesome songs, plays excellent keyboards, guitar and bass!!! Get his name right!" |
Sweetie 06.05.2007 04:21 |
I wanna make sexy time with him :P (Of coarse only the 70's him) |
deleted user 06.05.2007 07:54 |
^lol |
Sweetie 07.05.2007 06:34 |
Sneezicles! |
Sweetie 08.05.2007 02:28 |
OH Come ON! Why doesn't anyone want to talk about the obviously best member of Queen? |
Sweetie 08.05.2007 02:36 |
<Font color=Puce>Deakys...<h6>Microwave? wrote:link<font color=blue> <b>Water Baby wrote:Why thank-you...I just don't know what to do with the second episode...any ideas?<font color=Mercury>Deakys Bitch<h6>Yum? wrote: link somewhere in there shows why Deaky was quite :PLMFAO! That was great! link You COULD watch: link AND link But the story for them doesn't go with the second one I made.... ROGER TAYLOR'S WORST NIGHTMARE PARTS 1 (Highly Edited) & 2 PLUS THE ORIGINAL AND FIRST EDITED!! BY ME!! :D:D:D:D Enjoy! |
deleted user 08.05.2007 14:40 |
^ YES! I loved it, darling! Brian came out of the closet...lol. |
Sweetie 09.05.2007 03:46 |
<font color=gold>Honey Chile wrote: ^ YES! I loved it, darling! Brian came out of the closet...lol.OOOOOH YAY! someone 'liked' it :) :D :) :D |
Sweetie 10.05.2007 02:11 |
Miami Vice wrote:really?<Font color=Puce>Deakys...<h6>Microwave? wrote:I watched and enjoyed the two versions of Roger Taylors Worst Nightmare part 1 and also part 2. I thought the shorter version of part 1 was superior. The visual of the wine glass hurtling through the air and laying on the on the ground broken was so good it didn't need the 'OH MY GOD' and 'NOOOO' titles. And your your cutting to close up when Roger wakes up and yells 'AHHHH' and then cutting to John followed by the wide angle shot of them together was very cinematic. You should do more films.<font color=gold>Honey Chile wrote: ^ YES! I loved it, darling! Brian came out of the closet...lol.OOOOOH YAY! someone 'liked' it :) :D :) :D hmmm... I don't think I could....I suck (or maybe I lick...?) |
Sweetie 10.05.2007 07:43 |
DEAKY IS A SEXY BEAST!! (Sexy 70's beast...) |
Sweetie 11.05.2007 02:20 |
Miami Vice wrote:...yum! lollipops TEA-TOWEL!<Font color=Puce>Deakys...<h6>Microwave? wrote:I'm sure you could. Yes, you lick lollypops!Miami Vice wrote:really? hmmm... I don't think I could....I suck (or maybe I lick...?)<Font color=Puce>Deakys...<h6>Microwave? wrote:I watched and enjoyed the two versions of Roger Taylors Worst Nightmare part 1 and also part 2. I thought the shorter version of part 1 was superior. The visual of the wine glass hurtling through the air and laying on the on the ground broken was so good it didn't need the 'OH MY GOD' and 'NOOOO' titles. And your your cutting to close up when Roger wakes up and yells 'AHHHH' and then cutting to John followed by the wide angle shot of them together was very cinematic. You should do more films.<font color=gold>Honey Chile wrote: ^ YES! I loved it, darling! Brian came out of the closet...lol.OOOOOH YAY! someone 'liked' it :) :D :) :D |
Sweetie 11.05.2007 20:13 |
JOHNNY! JOHNNY! JOHNNY! JOHNNY! JOHNNY! anyone want to chant with me? |
Sweetie 12.05.2007 20:52 |
Miami Vice wrote: John doesn't like this kind of attention, i don't think. But ... WE WANT JOHN! WE WANT JOHN! WE WANT JOHN! WE WANT JOHN!He'll want it *shakes fist* also....ummm I forget what I was going to write... |
Sweetie 13.05.2007 03:55 |
JOHNNY JOHNNY JOHNNY JOHNNY Damn I wish I was around about his age in the 70's *Drools* |
deleted user 13.05.2007 20:17 |
^ lol And then a riot broke out. And then John came and all went silent. And then he told them all to riot, and a riot broke out again. That's how awesome John is! |
Sweetie 14.05.2007 04:49 |
You know Deaky, Freddie and Roger were the sexiest in the 70's - I LOVE THEIR LONG HAIR!! It made them look sooooooooo sexy *drools* |
deleted user 14.05.2007 20:55 |
Miami Vice wrote:Yeah, he does! I'd riot for him any day of the week!<font color=gold>Honey Chile wrote: ^ lol And then a riot broke out. And then John came and all went silent. And then he told them all to riot, and a riot broke out again. That's how awesome John is!John is a gangster of few words! But when he speaks he speaks volumes! *John struts before we the rioting mob in his pimp suit* |
deleted user 15.05.2007 02:21 |
whos deaky??? |
Sweetie 15.05.2007 03:17 |
<font color=00666> Rachachachachachael wrote: whos deaky???Are you for cereal? |
Sweetie 17.05.2007 07:11 |
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo? |