Hello everyone in here !!!
I'm Olivier from France. I'm trying right now to complete my Official Fan Club magazines collection, and I'm about to complete it very soon (I also managed to get one from 1975!), but I still need your help for some others missing. Do someone could tell me where to buy these ones :
1974 (if someone has this one, it interests me A LOT of course !!)
spring 75
Automn 75
winter 75
Winter 81
Spring 86
Automn / winter 2003
Spring 2004
Summer 2004
Spring 2005
Automn 2006
I'm working on a lot of different projects right now, and I need the infos contained in those magazines, some are really useful !
Oh, and also, I'm also searching for the binders the fan club made in the past, if somebody is interested in selling one or some, it can be great...
Thanks a lot for helping me on building my queen collection. That's great from you !!
Have some good moments you little Queenies... Thanks God Paul Rodgers helps in making Queen rock again... Those three ones are gonna make the world move again !!!!
I believe the Fan Club still sells (relatively recent) back issues of the fanzine, but I can not find any reference on their website.
You might try to ask Jacky [qfc@dircon.co.uk] if any of the back issues you need are still available - the oldest are not, probably.
Sorry I can't help you further: I never even saw the binders, and I have no "doubles" in my small collection.
Good luck!
Thanks a lot you all, yes I did some searches on Ebay and already found some of the magazines missing, but none of those listed in my first message. Also I prefer my money going to Queen fans instead of Ebay sellers who won't use money for Queen but for other items non-related to Queen. If my money goes to other queen collectors that can build their collection with it, I would be more than pleased !!
As for the rarest magazines are concerned, I managed to get one from 1975, it costed me around 100 € to get it, but that's a rela pleasure to have this one !! I can buy any other one from the beginning at this amount, it worths it.
As far as the fan club is concerned, I also contacted them abouth that, for no moment I had no reply, but hey, we are a lot to ask questions so I have to wait my turn of course !!! they probably don't have the very first ones anyway....
So it's all up to you, if you have some of those items, or binders, don't hesitate to contact me!
And remember, if it's rainy as it is here in northern France today, just put a queen CD and have a good time, you will forget the weather !!!
Ok, hope to have some news from you, 'old tarts' as said Freddie (friendly of course!), but I would just say 'friendly and kind Queenies', I prefer this a lot !!!
Hope my english is good and clear enough... I do my best !!
Have a good rocking time !!!
Many thanks to you for your replies. Really helpful.
Bye !
The fan club has some magazines but definitely NOT from the 70's and most likely not from the 80's either. When I was in the fan club some 6 years ago, they had only very little amount of memorabilia - and only a few common mags from the 90's if I remember well.
Hi, Olivier. I'm not totally sure (I'm not at home, now, and I can't check), but I probably could have some of fan club magazines you're looking for. Won't you please let me know your e-mail adress, so as I can let you know how my "check" at home has gone?
I only have Spring 80, Summer 82, Summer 89 and Spring 94 spare, but since you "need" the "useful information" for an "important project", I'm happy to go and read the post-75 ones for you.
What would you like to know?
Oh, and you may like to explore the possibility that some ebayers ARE Queen fans - the two groups are not mutuall exclusive.
ruth.olivier wrote: Also I prefer my money going to Queen fans instead of Ebay sellers who won't use money for Queen but for other items non-related to Queen.
Any money I've made selling Queen stuff on ebay was used to buy more Queen stuff.
Hello dear Queenies,
yes I know that some Ebayers are also Queen fans, I meet some of you sometimes, that's a fact, and i'm glad to even discuss with these sellers, which are GREAT !!! But you don't always know it, and sometimes there are stores behind the auctions, only waiting for the money to fall in their pocket, and usually the most possible of course (especially for vinyls). I don't mind with that, but I prefer buying my items to Queen fans !!
Well, I would be very interested to know the infos included in those items !
My email address is ruth.olivier@caramail.com, please use it only if you have some magazines that can interest me (for info I just bought some 2004, 2005 and 2006 ones, I'm only searchng for spring 2004, summer 2004, spring 2005 and automn 2006 for these three years).
thanks a lot for this interesting discussion. Have a good time and enjoy yourself !!! happy Weekend !!!