mercurys girl 36036 10.03.2007 18:53 |
Hey i'm sorry for my harsh language. I'm just mad that you guys are so arrogent and don't care about anyone but yourselves. Please stop being bitches and dumbasses. It's not cool. Please check your attitudes before you enter the forum. Thanks so much for understanding. |
deleted user 10.03.2007 19:10 |
I'm not really a bitch - being submissive just doesn't really "do it" for me. And really, when you start posting nasty things about other people - you get what you give. So grow some thicker skin and get over it. |
sparrow 21754 10.03.2007 19:28 |
um...likewise? |
Drummer imense! 10.03.2007 19:36 |
Plus its only been like 3 days.... steady on. |
Sweetie 10.03.2007 19:45 |
I remember doing the time warp.... My birthday party is going to be a gay leather, transsexual party, do you think it'll work? |
Sweetie 10.03.2007 20:54 |
azzadude wrote:oh ;_;<font color=Mercury>Larry Lurex's Girl wrote: I remember doing the time warp.... My birthday party is going to be a gay leather, transsexual party, do you think it'll work?no |
7 seas of Rhye 10.03.2007 22:57 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: Hey i'm sorry for my harsh language. I'm just mad that you guys are so arrogent and don't care about anyone but yourselves. Please stop being bitches and dumbasses. It's not cool. Please check your attitudes before you enter the forum. Thanks so much for understanding.Hey, don't tell me not to be a bitch and a dumbass. I'll be whatever I want. Mind your business, devil woman! |
Winter Land Man 11.03.2007 00:42 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: Hey i'm sorry for my harsh language. I'm just mad that you guys are so arrogent and don't care about anyone but yourselves. Please stop being bitches and dumbasses. It's not cool. Please check your attitudes before you enter the forum. Thanks so much for understanding.Learn to fucking spell... by the way, Roger Taylor wants to give you a bitch slap. |
deleted user 11.03.2007 04:07 |
.*.Messenger: Jake Pyndle.*. wrote:I'll do the honersMercurys Girl wrote: Hey i'm sorry for my harsh language. I'm just mad that you guys are so arrogent and don't care about anyone but yourselves. Please stop being bitches and dumbasses. It's not cool. Please check your attitudes before you enter the forum. Thanks so much for understanding.Learn to fucking spell... by the way, Roger Taylor wants to give you a bitch slap. |
Rick 11.03.2007 05:26 |
Boowoohoo, cootchie cootchie coo. Once a bitch, always a bitch. That's what my grandma told me. |
mercurys girl 36036 11.03.2007 09:13 |
Are you sure that Roger Taylor wants to slap me or are you making this bullshit up? To tell you the truth i'm not sorry so shove that up your ass. Who cares about your gandma she's probably 100 years old or dead. What she says does not count so get that through your big ass head. You should be sorry you ever posted here because there's a new "Bitch Queen" in town. Get used to it. If you don't o well that's your problem and you have many more where that came from. |
Rick 11.03.2007 10:10 |
First you cause chaos by spamming the board and now you say you're sorry? That is soooooo 2006. All you do is moan, call names, spam, be a pain in the neck etc. What purpose do you have? |
Winter Land Man 11.03.2007 11:38 |
<font color=blue>Rick wrote: First you cause chaos by spamming the board and now you say you're sorry? That is soooooo 2006. All you do is moan, call names, spam, be a pain in the neck etc. What purpose do you have?I think she has green crotch! She's itchy & bitchy! |
Winter Land Man 11.03.2007 11:39 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: Are you sure that Roger Taylor wants to slap me or are you making this bullshit up?He really does. And John Deacon is going to string your face up with bass strings and play you! And Brian is going to write bad things about you on his website! And Klaus Meine is going to wreck you like a hurricane! And Brian Wilson wants to go to Hell with you in his car, then leave you there alone. |
QueenTaylor 11.03.2007 11:44 |
Can we please all it's getting to the point where..everyone is spamming...just let the thread die. |
deleted user 11.03.2007 12:58 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: Are you sure that Roger Taylor wants to slap me or are you making this bullshit up? To tell you the truth i'm not sorry so shove that up your ass. Who cares about your gandma she's probably 100 years old or dead. What she says does not count so get that through your big ass head. You should be sorry you ever posted here because there's a new "Bitch Queen" in town. Get used to it. If you don't o well that's your problem and you have many more where that came from.No - David Bowie says you're just not "Queen Bitch" material. And I have a very hard time believing you're twenty-five. I mean, honestly, petty attacks at someone's GRANDMOTHER ?! Are you twenty-five and still in elementary school ? Even if someone was "being mean to you" doesn't mean you have to lower your level of intelligence and make yourself appear to be the sort of person who seems in great need of nap time and a a fresh diaper. Then again, silly me - there I go assuming there was actually some intelligence to lower ! And, I'm sorry to let you know - you have pretty much failed in an attempt to be "bitchy". You HAVE succeeded remarkably, though, in making me thankful to have much more interesting friends than you. Indeed - I have met fourteen-year-olds (and younger still) whose level of maturity surpasses yours. Not to mention the fact that they surpass you in articulation. Then again, I'm not sure if you're sharp enough to be embarrassed by that. I know it may be hard for you and your remarkably shallow reserve of intelligence to understand - but it might not be the best idea for you to go around insulting people when there are those around who posses far more skill in the art of "giving someone their due". |
mercurys girl 36036 11.03.2007 13:57 |
First of all I'm 25 years old. I have a husband and an adpoted kid. Okay so don't tell me about some dumbass teenagers because i'm not one. Are you comprehending what i'm saying (probably not)? Unlike you and those other bitches i have a husband who married me not just because he thought i was beautiful but because i am a very nice women. You don't beleive me because you keep verbaly abusing me so i can't show my other side. That is only because i'm getting fuckin mad. What are you gay or a lesbien? Personaly i think you're both. My croch is not green or any other color. Why would you care anyway. You need help with your sexual thoughts. And i mean ASAP! |
Freya is quietly judging you. 11.03.2007 14:01 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: Unlike you and those other bitches i have a husband who married me not just because he thought i was beautiful but because i am a very nice women.Well, he certainly didn't marry you for your outstanding spelling and grammar.. Or your maturity.. Or your supreme intellect.. Or your sweet charming nature.. Or your docility.. |
deleted user 11.03.2007 14:06 |
Mercurys Girl : I think YOU'RE the one that needs help. Look at all of these nasty comments you're throwing at people you don't know and will (most likely) never meet. What is WRONG with you? And, by the way, most of the people here, which are YOUNGER than you, have better grammar/spelling/punctuation. Not that that's the MOST important thing...because it's not. It's the way you're acting. Look at you...insulting Charles. If you state that you're 25, with a husband and kid...then you need to act that way. Because, truthfully, you come across as a very mean, disturbed 13-year old with the I.Q equal to that of wallpaper. Your friend Taylormad has better "manners" than you. Since you've joined've created about 4 pointless threads...and ruined your reputation on QZ in less than 5 days. |
deleted user 11.03.2007 14:08 |
<b><font color=009966>?Freya? wrote:^_^Mercurys Girl wrote: Unlike you and those other bitches i have a husband who married me not just because he thought i was beautiful but because i am a very nice women.Well, he certainly didn't marry you for your outstanding spelling and grammar.. Or your maturity.. Or your supreme intellect.. Or your sweet charming nature.. Or your docility.. |
Raf 11.03.2007 14:08 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: First of all I'm 25 years old. I have a husband and an adpoted kid. Okay so don't tell me about some dumbass teenagers because i'm not one. Are you comprehending what i'm saying (probably not)? Unlike you and those other bitches i have a husband who married me not just because he thought i was beautiful but because i am a very nice women. You don't beleive me because you keep verbaly abusing me so i can't show my other side. That is only because i'm getting fuckin mad. What are you gay or a lesbien? Personaly i think you're both. My croch is not green or any other color. Why would you care anyway. You need help with your sexual thoughts. And i mean ASAP!You have a husband, you took the decision to adopt a kid, and you're wasting your time spamming a board and getting told off by every kind of people, some of them almost 40 years older than you and some of them over 10 years YOUNGER than you? You really need professional help. |
deleted user 11.03.2007 14:09 |
What does anyone's sexuality have to do with anything ? It is not impossible for humans to be mistaken about each other. And perhaps you are a very nice woman with your husband - but here you're acting like a petulant child and that's what people here are going to judge you on - the behaviour that is presented to them. It is not generally "acceptable behaviour" for an older, married woman, to make childish attacks at fifteen-year-old girls - though I am aware that this does happen. If you are raising a child, you had best get your act together. Your child will watch you (if they are not already old enough to do so) and learn from you. This doesn't mean being perfect, but it means at least attempting to behave as a dignified adult. Then again, perhaps I'm being foolish in hoping that in the modern world things like "integrity", "modesty", "humility", and "dignity" are still considered important things to bestow onto the next generation. |
Raf 11.03.2007 14:09 |
<font color="FF0066">Helter Skelter wrote:Ditto.<b><font color=009966>?Freya? wrote:^_^Mercurys Girl wrote: Unlike you and those other bitches i have a husband who married me not just because he thought i was beautiful but because i am a very nice women.Well, he certainly didn't marry you for your outstanding spelling and grammar.. Or your maturity.. Or your supreme intellect.. Or your sweet charming nature.. Or your docility.. |
SK 11.03.2007 14:09 |
<font color="FF0066">Helter Skelter wrote: Mercurys Girl : I think YOU'RE the one that needs help. Look at all of these nasty comments you're throwing at people you don't know and will (most likely) never meet. What is WRONG with you? And, by the way, most of the people here, which are YOUNGER than you, have better grammar/spelling/punctuation. Not that that's the MOST important thing...because it's not. It's the way you're acting. Look at you...insulting Charles. If you state that you're 25, with a husband and kid...then you need to act that way. Because, truthfully, you come across as a very mean, disturbed 13-year old with the I.Q equal to that of wallpaper. Your friend Taylormad has better "manners" than you. Since you've joined've created about 4 pointless threads...and ruined your reputation on QZ in less than 5 days.Truth. |
QueenTaylor 11.03.2007 14:31 |
QueenTaylor 11.03.2007 14:33 |
<font color="FF0066">Helter Skelter wrote: Your friend Taylormad has better "manners" than you. on QZ QUOTE] |
Killer Queenie 11.03.2007 14:41 |
I'm arogant?? Hmm... I always thought I was shy... hmmm *thinks* |
Nathan 11.03.2007 14:45 |
Who needs a TV to watch soap operas when we have one (or many) right here on QZ? |
deleted user 11.03.2007 14:46 |
<font color=0099FF>Killer Queenie wrote: I'm arogant?? Hmm... I always thought I was shy... hmmm *thinks*Nu-uh, you're an OGRE. And don't you forget it. |
Killer Queenie 11.03.2007 14:47 |
<font color=red>The Audacity of Charles wrote:hehe yay finally someone agrees with me *dances*<font color=0099FF>Killer Queenie wrote: I'm arogant?? Hmm... I always thought I was shy... hmmm *thinks*Nu-uh, you're an OGRE. And don't you forget it. ^__^ |
Nathan 11.03.2007 14:50 |
Any ideas for how to kick a sugar addiction? |
Poo, again 11.03.2007 14:59 |
WARNING - THIS THREAD IS BEYOND GAY! (Sorry about the caps) |
squidbits 11.03.2007 15:12 |
Okay, everybody needs to relax. Mercurys girl you need to stop bashing people and spamming up the forum. A true Queen fan wouldn't use the forum to hurt people's feelings. So everybody RELAX. |
QueenTaylor 11.03.2007 15:14 |
Thank You...we should just let the thread die, no? |
Winter Land Man 11.03.2007 19:00 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: First of all I'm 25 years old. I have a husband and an adpoted kid. Okay so don't tell me about some dumbass teenagers because i'm not one. Are you comprehending what i'm saying (probably not)? Unlike you and those other bitches i have a husband who married me not just because he thought i was beautiful but because i am a very nice women. You don't beleive me because you keep verbaly abusing me so i can't show my other side. That is only because i'm getting fuckin mad. What are you gay or a lesbien? Personaly i think you're both. My croch is not green or any other color. Why would you care anyway. You need help with your sexual thoughts. And i mean ASAP!Learn to spell. Are you really 25? You write as if you're nine. I'm not a female. I have a girlfriend though. She doesn't have green crotch. I never verbally abused you until you said everyone here's a bitch, and I don't know why you said it. By the way... GREEN CROTCH = Gonorrhoea I only care about it because I could smell you from here! |
mercurys girl 36036 11.03.2007 21:04 |
I am sorry about the words i've been saying. It's just that my husband's mom died and things have been out of control. I think we should all be friends. It's not worth fighting. This is how i think of things so u dont have to agree with it. Please forgive me. |
Carol! the Musical 11.03.2007 21:47 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: I am sorry about the words i've been saying. It's just that my husband's mom died and things have been out of control. I think we should all be friends. It's not worth fighting. This is how i think of things so u dont have to agree with it. Please forgive me.After reading all the hogwash you've been spewing, I remain untouched. |
SK 11.03.2007 22:09 |
<font color=660066>Pomponias Marrion wrote:It's hard to sympathize, even harder to empathize(and believe me Empathizing is my career). But I think everyone deserves another chance.....Maybe im just a softy these days though :pMercurys Girl wrote: I am sorry about the words i've been saying. It's just that my husband's mom died and things have been out of control. I think we should all be friends. It's not worth fighting. This is how i think of things so u dont have to agree with it. Please forgive me.After reading all the hogwash you've been spewing, I remain untouched. |
Lisser 11.03.2007 22:34 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: I am sorry about the words i've been saying. It's just that my husband's mom died and things have been out of control. I think we should all be friends. It's not worth fighting. This is how i think of things so u dont have to agree with it. Please forgive me.Mercury's Girl, you fall into one of the following categories: 1. You are somewhere between 11 & 12 and are simply acting your age. 2. You really are 25 years old but are mild to moderately retarded by clinical definition 3. Psychopathic 4. Just an attention seeking moron, any age will do. I'm going with #1 bc I'm hoping there are not too many people like you that are really 25 years old, allowed to adopt a child, and able to find someone to marry them that are running around freely. The only thing that is out of control on this board is you. You act like a baboon. You've asked for forgiveness now twice that I've seen yet you keep on with your ignorant behavior. You've been a member here for....5 days? You're definitely not 25 or you are 25 and totally insane. |
Winter Land Man 12.03.2007 00:01 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: I am sorry about the words i've been saying. It's just that my husband's mom died and things have been out of control. I think we should all be friends. It's not worth fighting. This is how i think of things so u dont have to agree with it. Please forgive me.Did you give her a heart attack while insulting her badly? |
Rick 12.03.2007 03:18 |
Now where is that violin I used in another topic? *searches* |
eenaweena 12.03.2007 05:45 |
i don't get it... you tell us you're sorry, but you end up fighting us again. you also say you're sorry for using harsh language... but you're using it again. here's the deal: 1. you and your roger extremist friend should shut up. 2. i think that you aren't 25. why? you can't spell properly, you fight people 10 years younger than you are when you're the "mature adult" who's supposed to prevent the start of fights. you belong to the level of dead bovine carcasses, plus it's unethical to fight someone way younger than you in any way. so technically, i BELIEVE that you are an immature asswipe trying to get some attention. 25. yeah right. 3. i spit at the face of people who are not cool. ~carlito carribean cool, WWE. -- that being quoted, you're not cool. 4. i still don't get why you blame the others for bitching at you... YOU DESERVE IT. (sorry for the caps to those with OCD) 5. shut up and stop whining. you 10 year old carcass. i don't even think you know what a carcass is, judging by the level you're in and by your so called maturity. 6. wow. i'm even surprised you got married. and i can't believe you were even allowed to adopt a kid! 7. there is NO WAY you can talk about grandparents like that. you really are stooping that low just to insult others, when clearly you don't have the strength or power to do so, since you're just a crappy old weakling. i love my grandmother! and she's still alive and kicking, whereas you are just a mass of bovine fecal matter and bovine carcass. |
QueenTaylor 12.03.2007 15:00 |
<font color=blue>Rick wrote: Now where is that violin I used in another topic? *searches*In the Helter Skelter thread! : ) |
QueenTaylor 12.03.2007 15:04 |
<font color="indigo"><b>friedchicken \m/ wrote: i don't get it... you tell us you're sorry, but you end up fighting us again. you also say you're sorry for using harsh language... but you're using it again. here's the deal: 1. you and your roger extremist friend should shut up. 2. i think that you aren't 25. why? you can't spell properly, you fight people 10 years younger than you are when you're the "mature adult" who's supposed to prevent the start of fights. you belong to the level of dead bovine carcasses, plus it's unethical to fight someone way younger than you in any way. so technically, i BELIEVE that you are an immature asswipe trying to get some attention. 25. yeah right. 3. i spit at the face of people who are not cool. ~carlito carribean cool, WWE. -- that being quoted, you're not cool. 4. i still don't get why you blame the others for bitching at you... YOU DESERVE IT. (sorry for the caps to those with OCD) 5. shut up and stop whining. you 10 year old carcass. i don't even think you know what a carcass is, judging by the level you're in and by your so called maturity. 6. wow. i'm even surprised you got married. and i can't believe you were even allowed to adopt a kid! 7. there is NO WAY you can talk about grandparents like that. you really are stooping that low just to insult others, when clearly you don't have the strength or power to do so, since you're just a crappy old weakling. i love my grandmother! and she's still alive and kicking, whereas you are just a mass of bovine fecal matter and bovine carcass.well I can agree with you on the last one...should definitely not be insulting anyone's grandparents...respect your elders...but so what if I'm a Roger extremist, I have a right to like who I want...when I want...and if I want to and no one is going to tell me otherwise. Thank You! Take Care! |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 12.03.2007 15:15 |
Lisser wrote:Mercurys Girl wrote: You act like a baboon.a green crotch and an orange arse does not a pretty picture wonder she's teasy |
Killer Queenie 12.03.2007 15:29 |
<b><font color=009966>?Freya? wrote:*ahem* No comment *disappears into thin air*Mercurys Girl wrote: Unlike you and those other bitches i have a husband who married me not just because he thought i was beautiful but because i am a very nice women.Well, he certainly didn't marry you for your outstanding spelling and grammar.. Or your maturity.. Or your supreme intellect.. Or your sweet charming nature.. Or your docility.. |
mercurys girl 36036 12.03.2007 15:47 |
You know i blame you for all YOUR Shit and sorry about the caps you're not cool enough to use them. Im sorry about you grandparents ok but you cant tell me im 10,shouldn't be married , and lastly not have an adopted kid. Hello this is connecticut not africa or where ever you live. Rules are different sweetheart get that through your head. At least someone loves me unlike you. The only thing that loves you is.... Lets see! The shit that you made in the toilet. Shove that up your ass bitch. |
Killer Queenie 12.03.2007 15:52 |
*edit* don't matter... |
sparrow 21754 12.03.2007 16:02 |
lmfao ok i read the apology again....and it reminds me of something one of my 5 year old cousins would do. does anyone remember how when you were a kid and were pissed about someone calling you out, and you would say something like 'im sorry for calling your mom a big dumb poopy face but you're still a booger breath!' to someone? yeah. her apology reminded me of that. |
Killer Queenie 12.03.2007 16:05 |
^^ haha... yah come to think of it, it does remind me of my brother... wierd... |
deleted user 12.03.2007 16:21 |
Plenty of people love me ! I'm adorable, and I know it. And my personality is by FAR more marketable than yours. And I don't see what "Africa" has to do with it. Are you implying that in Africa they have stricter standards for adoption or that that in Africa they have a higher value on mothers with maturity or a general readiness to be a member of society and be not themselves a child ? I don't know about the cultural values of other places - but most of the developed world believes something along the lines of, "It's a bad idea for a child to be responsible a child". This is different for baby-sitting. I hope you're not this atrocious in real life. I don't hold grudges and I give lots of people "second chances" - but you're just being putrid (and to be honest, boring). But, I forgive you - as there must be some members of society who fall far short of "acceptable". Otherwise, society would have some problems on its hands. So, I congratulate you in your fine job of being less than stellar so that society may continue on its own pathetic path and humans may feel virtuous about allowing a creature, that most other species would have killed off, to live. |
Killer Queenie 12.03.2007 16:28 |
^ Big words hurt my brain... I'm only little hehe |
deleted user 12.03.2007 16:34 |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 12.03.2007 17:01 |
i feel sorry for stellar now |
user name 12.03.2007 17:07 |
This is a funny thread. |
blerp 12.03.2007 17:14 |
<font color="indigo"><b>friedchicken \m/ wrote: 3. i spit at the face of people who are not cool. ~carlito carribean cool, WWE. -- that being quoted, you're not cool.Oh, Inna, I always knew you had something against me. :) I was expecting for about half of the people on QZ to find that WWE joke corny; which was basically the whole point of it. Don't know what you mean by cool, either.. Wasn't trying to be. |
deleted user 12.03.2007 17:15 |
<font color=red>The Audacity of Charles wrote: SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS !!!Even though the sound of it...bla bla la la la... |
eenaweena 12.03.2007 20:53 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: You know i blame you for all YOUR Shit and sorry about the caps you're not cool enough to use them. Im sorry about you grandparents ok but you cant tell me im 10,shouldn't be married , and lastly not have an adopted kid. Hello this is connecticut not africa or where ever you live. Rules are different sweetheart get that through your head. At least someone loves me unlike you. The only thing that loves you is.... Lets see! The shit that you made in the toilet. Shove that up your ass bitch.[edit] i'd rather be nice and ignore this "person". oh. just so you know, i'm from the PHILIPPINES. [edit edit] oh. and i can't really re-shove my crap back up my ass. i'm constipated at the moment, which technically means my crap is stuck in my colon. it will get out soon. with colonic irrigation. |
eenaweena 12.03.2007 20:56 |
la paix wrote:it wasn't directed at you, but oh well. anyway, maybe about 15% of the people in QZ know about WWE... so safe to say we're the only ones who get it. :-P<font color="indigo"><b>friedchicken \m/ wrote: 3. i spit at the face of people who are not cool. ~carlito carribean cool, WWE. -- that being quoted, you're not cool.Oh, Inna, I always knew you had something against me. :) I was expecting for about half of the people on QZ to find that WWE joke corny; which was basically the whole point of it. Don't know what you mean by cool, either.. Wasn't trying to be. |
deleted user 12.03.2007 21:05 |
<font color="FF0066">=^.^= Kitty! wrote:is something quite atrocious !<font color=red>The Audacity of Charles wrote: SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS !!!Even though the sound of it...bla bla la la la... If you say it loud enough you'll always sound precocious ! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ! |
deleted user 12.03.2007 21:54 |
It's okay. (To Mercurys Girl) I m sorry if anyone was offended by my posts. I didn't intend for that. I just have a dream that one day, all QueenZOners will be able to get together. LET FREEDOM RING! :) Thanks to all of the funny posts. ;) |
Killer Queenie 13.03.2007 15:22 |
<font color="indigo"><b>friedchicken \m/ wrote:yah... I didn't need to know that... *silently pukes*Mercurys Girl wrote: You know i blame you for all YOUR Shit and sorry about the caps you're not cool enough to use them. Im sorry about you grandparents ok but you cant tell me im 10,shouldn't be married , and lastly not have an adopted kid. Hello this is connecticut not africa or where ever you live. Rules are different sweetheart get that through your head. At least someone loves me unlike you. The only thing that loves you is.... Lets see! The shit that you made in the toilet. Shove that up your ass bitch.[edit] i'd rather be nice and ignore this "person". oh. just so you know, i'm from the PHILIPPINES. [edit edit] oh. and i can't really re-shove my crap back up my ass. i'm constipated at the moment, which technically means my crap is stuck in my colon. it will get out soon. with colonic irrigation. |
Adolfo and the spiders from Mercury 13.03.2007 16:12 |
mercurys bitch -> would u blow me? |
Killer Queenie 13.03.2007 16:22 |
right then... |
Poo, again 13.03.2007 17:11 |
Oh, the teen drama. |
im going slightly mad 13.03.2007 17:34 |
wow, this sounds like a school playground, what differnce does it make if u can spell correctly or not, and stop ganging up on mercurys girl, she has a right to an opinion! |
deleted user 13.03.2007 17:44 |
im going slightly mad wrote: wow, this sounds like a school playground, what differnce does it make if u can spell correctly or not, and stop ganging up on mercurys girl, she has a right to an opinion!People were nice to her when she made an "I'm new here" thread. I would have been willing to give her "another chance". But telling people off is pretty much the only thing she's done since she came here. That's not the way to make friends or get sympathy, now is it (unless you're attacking someone that everyone hates anyway) ? The fact that she's acting like a child herself while claiming to be a mother isn't helping her. Poor spelling for medical reasons or if they never had a decent chance at an education (for instance, they had to work to help support the family) is "excusable", but so far this doesn't appear to be the case. Also, implying that coming from Africa would be an insult is just fast-track to have people murder you and leave your body in a back alley (unless you're saying so at a KKK meeting). |
im going slightly mad 13.03.2007 17:54 |
will u stop harking on about spelling, it doesnt matter...get over it, i'm not a brilliant speller and i have brought up a child that she is both clever as she is beautiful! |
mercurys girl 36036 13.03.2007 17:58 |
Thank you! and the only reason I started this whole thing is becuase I had read a couple of threads that Anna...or now =^.^= Kitty! has wrote on...and let me tell knew this had to be addressed because she is a b****. and its not right to do what she did to someone. |
mercurys girl 36036 13.03.2007 17:59 |
Thank you! and the only reason I started this whole thing is becuase I had read a couple of threads that Anna...or now =^.^= Kitty! has wrote on...and let me tell knew this had to be addressed because she is a b****. and its not right to do what she did to someone. |
mercurys girl 36036 13.03.2007 17:59 |
posts are messed up again! |
deleted user 13.03.2007 18:00 |
... I said that it wasn't necessarily the spelling that was the problem, but the attitude she's got. Although I don't know you well - I know some people that I like and respect who aren't the best at spelling. The difference from this person is that these people I like and respect don't "act" like children. |
deleted user 13.03.2007 18:18 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: Thank you! and the only reason I started this whole thing is becuase I had read a couple of threads that Anna...or now =^.^= Kitty! has wrote on...and let me tell knew this had to be addressed because she is a b****. and its not right to do what she did to someone.Alright, ya know what?...You're the bitch. Yes. I fucking said it. And I'm fucking sick of you being on my fucking case. I did fucking NOTHING to you. So, I suggest, you FUCK the hell off, you miserable piece of illiterate shit, or I'll have you removed from this site. STOP bugging me. STOP calling me by my name (because you have no right to), and STOP posting shit after shit of pointless threads and words. Nobody cares. Screw off. |
7 seas of Rhye 13.03.2007 18:22 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: Thank you! and the only reason I started this whole thing is becuase I had read a couple of threads that Anna...or now =^.^= Kitty! has wrote on...and let me tell knew this had to be addressed because she is a b****. and its not right to do what she did to someone.Anna is not a bitch. Anna does not make pointless threads to put others down. But you do. Who's the bitch now, bitch? I suggest you leave Anna alone or I will hunt you down. Seriously. Go be retarded somewhere else. |
Sweetie 13.03.2007 18:23 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: Hey i'm sorry for my harsh language. I'm just mad that you guys are so arrogent and don't care about anyone but yourselves. Please stop being bitches and dumbasses. It's not cool. Please check your attitudes before you enter the forum. Thanks so much for understanding.Piss off, you're not wanted, skank |
Sergei. 13.03.2007 18:24 |
See, So, let me get this straight.. in the same thread you apologise AND call us a bunch of bitches and dumbasses. Fuck me in the nose! |
im going slightly mad 13.03.2007 18:44 |
hey why the personnel threats to her, grow up |
deleted user 13.03.2007 18:49 |
im going slightly mad wrote: hey why the personnel threats to her, grow upI think the thread is messing up (my last post is floating near the top of the page)... but - I didn't mean to come off so hard on the spelling - I know people that I like and respect who aren't the best. It's just this person's attitude... And I think the personal threats are TOO FAR (and just a little weird). I apologise if I sounded like that, too... I know I wasn't being nice, but I hope I at least explained why... : / |
im going slightly mad 13.03.2007 18:56 |
It wasnt aimed at you the audacity of charles, it was aimed at the 7 seas personnel threat to mercurys girl |
Queenluv4Life 13.03.2007 19:10 |
Mercurys girl, i dont know why you apologise for your harsh language and then call us bitches when you dont even know us. You cant judge someone that you dont even know. If you want to be respected, then respect others as well. |
deleted user 13.03.2007 19:16 |
<font color=teal>Cookies!<h6>A scientist wrote: See, So, let me get this straight.. in the same thread you apologise AND call us a bunch of bitches and dumbasses. Fuck me in the nose!XD In the nose. . . Okay. . . I think your signature is 'Let's do the Time Warp again." In German. |
Sergei. 13.03.2007 19:54 |
<font color=Puce>Dobbies<font size=1>Wot wrote:'Tis! :D<font color=teal>Cookies!<h6>A scientist wrote: See, So, let me get this straight.. in the same thread you apologise AND call us a bunch of bitches and dumbasses. Fuck me in the nose!XD In the nose. . . Okay. . . I think your signature is 'Let's do the Time Warp again." In German. |
Killer Queenie 14.03.2007 15:54 |
<font color=teal>Cookies!<h6>A scientist wrote:Ooh... that summat to sing in a German lesson!!! haha I wonder what Mrs Pickles will say when I sing that... hmmm...<font color=Puce>Dobbies<font size=1>Wot wrote:'Tis! :D<font color=teal>Cookies!<h6>A scientist wrote: See, So, let me get this straight.. in the same thread you apologise AND call us a bunch of bitches and dumbasses. Fuck me in the nose!XD In the nose. . . Okay. . . I think your signature is 'Let's do the Time Warp again." In German. |
deleted user 14.03.2007 19:47 |
<font color=0099FF>Killer Queenie wrote:XD You should try and see! :D:D<font color=teal>Cookies!<h6>A scientist wrote:Ooh... that summat to sing in a German lesson!!! haha I wonder what Mrs Pickles will say when I sing that... hmmm...<font color=Puce>Dobbies<font size=1>Wot wrote:'Tis! :D<font color=teal>Cookies!<h6>A scientist wrote: See, So, let me get this straight.. in the same thread you apologise AND call us a bunch of bitches and dumbasses. Fuck me in the nose!XD In the nose. . . Okay. . . I think your signature is 'Let's do the Time Warp again." In German. |
deleted user 14.03.2007 22:18 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: Hey i'm sorry for my harsh language. I'm just mad that you guys are so arrogent and don't care about anyone but yourselves. Please stop being bitches and dumbasses. It's not cool. Please check your attitudes before you enter the forum. Thanks so much for understanding.I'm not a bitch, I'm a guy. |
Sweetie 15.03.2007 03:51 |
Sweetie 15.03.2007 03:51 |
eenaweena 15.03.2007 08:42 |
oh. just for the record, i still don't condone the racist remarks. i'm waiting for an apology. :) |
Killer Queenie 15.03.2007 15:19 |
<font color=Puce>Dobbies<font size=1>Wot wrote:Me: Ohh Mrs Pickles!! I found summat I think you will be very interrested in...<font color=0099FF>Killer Queenie wrote:XD You should try and see! :D:D<font color=teal>Cookies!<h6>A scientist wrote:Ooh... that summat to sing in a German lesson!!! haha I wonder what Mrs Pickles will say when I sing that... hmmm...<font color=Puce>Dobbies<font size=1>Wot wrote:'Tis! :D<font color=teal>Cookies!<h6>A scientist wrote: See, So, let me get this straight.. in the same thread you apologise AND call us a bunch of bitches and dumbasses. Fuck me in the nose!XD In the nose. . . Okay. . . I think your signature is 'Let's do the Time Warp again." In German. Mrs Pickles: What's that?? Me: *sings* Mrs Pickles: Where did you find that?? Me: A friend of a friend... can I ask you summat?? Mrs Pickles: What's that?? Me: Can I be excused from work now?? If only... |
mercurys girl 36036 17.03.2007 20:18 |
You know it doesnt matter if ur a guy or a girl but ur still stupid. I dont respect the way u have been treating taylormad and I. Ill promise to be nicer only if u promise to. If u dont then thats ur loss. At least I notice my mistakes and I'm trying to fix it.If ur a mature adult then u know wat I mean. All this needs to stop and going to put an end to this nonsense. |
Yogurt 17.03.2007 20:24 |
<fontc/=hotpink>QueenLuv4life</font> wrote: Mercurys girl, i dont know why you apologise for your harsh language and then call us bitches when you dont even know us. You cant judge someone that you dont even know. If you want to be respected, then respect others as well.I agree to that... doesn't really sound like a sorry... |
Sergei. 17.03.2007 20:26 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: You know it doesnt matter if ur a guy or a girl but ur still stupid. I dont respect the way u have been treating taylormad and I. Ill promise to be nicer only if u promise to. If u dont then thats ur loss. At least I notice my mistakes and I'm trying to fix it.If ur a mature adult then u know wat I mean. All this needs to stop and going to put an end to this nonsense.I thought this topic was over... and I think taylormad's fine... It's you who's making a big deal about all this. Like I said, this fucking topic was almost on the second page. And no, we don't know wat u mean. |
deleted user 17.03.2007 20:31 |
As a general note on how to apologise... You can't really say "You're still stupid" and then say "If you were mature, you would end it now". That in itself is immature. Why couldn't you just leave this thread alone ? No one cared about it any more. In fact, I'm willing to bet that no one cares about YOU any more. |
Sergei. 17.03.2007 20:33 |
And I bet you're not 25 either. |
mercurys girl 36036 17.03.2007 20:39 |
Taylormad told me that Anna is being nicer to her but what about the rest of us? This may not be a sorry but im "trying" to address my problem in a calm manner. Isnt it what the sight is for? I told u that I would like to be treated the way everyone else is on this sight. I may be making it a big deal but I diserve respect just like anyone else. Im asking for forgiveness. Its ok if u dont accept but either way i will show u guys some sympathy. All i want is to be friends. |
Sergei. 17.03.2007 20:50 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: All i want is to be friends.Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we? Mercurys Girl wrote: you guys are so arrogent and don't care about anyone but yourselves. Mercurys Girl wrote: Please stop being bitches and dumbasses. Mercurys Girl wrote: Thanks so much for understanding.You're welcome. |
Yogurt 17.03.2007 20:50 |
Well, this site it for queen fans to chat. It is up to you to do whatever you want in it. But if others get upset at you for whatever reasons, you shouldn't care too much. I mean, its just the internet. Who really cares what people think? If they forgive you, great! If not, move on and forget about it. |
Sweetie 17.03.2007 21:48 |
Yogurt<br><font size=1>The Artist wrote: I mean, its just the internet.How many times have people said that in Queenzone's history of fights? or just Queenzone's history? Yogurt<br><font size=1>The Artist wrote: Who really cares what people think?by the looks of it, not many people on this site think |
Yogurt 17.03.2007 22:02 |
<font color=Mercury>Larry Lurex's Girl wrote: by the looks of it, not many people on this site thinkHaha. That's true. |
eenaweena 19.03.2007 09:25 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: Taylormad told me that Anna is being nicer to her but what about the rest of us? This may not be a sorry but im "trying" to address my problem in a calm manner. Isnt it what the sight is for? I told u that I would like to be treated the way everyone else is on this sight. I may be making it a big deal but I diserve respect just like anyone else. Im asking for forgiveness. Its ok if u dont accept but either way i will show u guys some sympathy. All i want is to be friends.correction. she is not nice only to YOU. she's nice to everyone else. i suggest that first, you apologize for your racist statement which is equally as stupid as you are, since what i was talking about was you calling me african. second, i suggest that you stop making a big deal about her so called bitchiness towards you. you should keep it to yourself. and third, unlike you, taylormad is actually handling this better than you are, so props to her. |
mercurys girl 36036 19.03.2007 09:49 |
First of all im not being racist and im sorry if u feel that way. Im going to drop this subject right now cause this is a site to talk about queen not our issues. So as of right now im only responding to positive feedback. Im sorry if i affended u but this subject is not important right now. |
eenaweena 19.03.2007 10:28 |
Mercurys Girl wrote: First of all im not being racist and im sorry if u feel that way. Im going to drop this subject right now cause this is a site to talk about queen not our issues. So as of right now im only responding to positive feedback. Im sorry if i affended u but this subject is not important right now.finally. -.-' |
Sweetie 20.03.2007 01:34 |
<font color="indigo"><b>friedchicken \m/ wrote:I know,Mercurys Girl wrote: First of all im not being racist and im sorry if u feel that way. Im going to drop this subject right now cause this is a site to talk about queen not our issues. So as of right now im only responding to positive feedback. Im sorry if i affended u but this subject is not important right now.finally. -.-' Good to see that she's finally let the rest of us win.... |