You know what i am a very nice young lady when people don't shit around with. It's taylormad not taylor madness dumbass. You don't know who the fuck you're talking to. Get that through your little head or i'll shove it up your ass. Got that? Now do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up. That'll be the day!
Mercurys Girl wrote: You know what i am a very nice young lady when people don't shit around with. It's taylormad not taylor madness dumbass. You don't know who the fuck you're talking to. Get that through your little head or i'll shove it up your ass. Got that? Now do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up. That'll be the day!
I think someone needs to stock up on tampons and midol cause it may be that time o' the month....
deleted user 10.03.2007 14:51
^ Can I interest any of you in fruit or, dessert? We have a lovely apple tart today ^^
Wow how dumb must you be. I'm a girl. Where did i come up with Mercury Girl then? I'm am 25 years old for your information. Taylormad is my best friend unlike you who have no friends.
Mercurys Girl wrote: Wow how dumb must you be. I'm a girl. Where did i come up with Mercury Girl then? I'm am 25 years old for your information. Taylormad is my best friend unlike you who have no friends.
If you're really 25, then "GROW THE FUCK UP" is even more pertinent than I ever previously dreamed it to be.
Everyone needs to stop...and you tell me I need to grow up...please...what are you doing? posting sarcasticworthless comments on the thread...and even if she started it...let it go...let the thread need for this really
Mercurys Girl wrote: I am grown up. You're just blind and have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. And how old are you 1,569 years old. Trust me it shows.
Yeah, like grown-up adults really exaggerate their numbers like that.
Mercurys Girl wrote: I am grown up. You're just blind and have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. And how old are you 1,569 years old. Trust me it shows.
Honey, no one in their right OR left mind would EVER have the lack of perception to purport that you are, in fact, a "grown-up".
Maturity, obviously, is not a commodity that is doled out with age - quite like charm and intelligence.
I suppose that is the way the world works and it is necessary that some of such an advanced age lack the mental capacity to even appear to be less than twenty years their junior. If this did not happen, there would be a tragic social collapse - of that I am certain.
Mercurys Girl wrote: I am grown up. You're just blind and have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. And how old are you 1,569 years old. Trust me it shows.
Mercurys Girl wrote: You know what i am a very nice young lady when people don't shit around with. It's taylormad not taylor madness dumbass. You don't know who the fuck you're talking to. Get that through your little head or i'll shove it up your ass. Got that? Now do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up. That'll be the day!
Mercurys Girl wrote: Wow how dumb must you be. I'm a girl. Where did i come up with Mercury Girl then? I'm am 25 years old for your information. Taylormad is my best friend unlike you who have no friends.