Hi Guys,
Have any of you American fans been able to get the new Mika album? I loved what I heard on youtube, but I could not find anything at Barnes and Noble or Best Buy. Has anyone been able to get ahold of it in US stores yet? When are they releasing it here?
Hi Guys,
Have any of you American fans been able to get the new Mika album? I loved what I heard on youtube, but I could not find anything at Barnes and Noble or Best Buy. Has anyone been able to get ahold of it in US stores yet? When are they releasing it here? I am tired of all the crap on the US stations. Heavy metal and hip hop stations are just terrible, so I hope that we cab hear interesting new artists like Mika in place of the same of boring stuff that we are used to.
Freddie's #1 Fan Forever wrote: Hi Guys,
Have any of you American fans been able to get the new Mika album? I loved what I heard on youtube, but I could not find anything at Barnes and Noble or Best Buy. Has anyone been able to get ahold of it in US stores yet? When are they releasing it here?
Mika is evil and dangerous. If you play Grace Kelly backwards you can hear "Plaaaaaay backwards...Hear why it's sung here, opzeeshnur. My Sweet Satan..." OMG HE RIPPED OF STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN BACKWARDS!!!!
Drowse1 wrote: Mika is going to America? GOOD! Please keep him there. For about 50 years or so and try to keep this over rated ass quiet while you're at it.
I second that.
Keep all the bad Freddie Mercury impersonators out of here. We already got rid of Robbie Williams and Justin Hawkins, so please don't give us more of the same.
Mika - Life in Cartoon Motion link
"Å høre på denne platen føles som å bli pisket med rosa fjær".
"To listen to this record feels like getting whiped with a pink feather".
Freddie's #1 Fan Forever wrote: No, I mean Mika! He is important to QUeen fans. Too bad it will not be out for another few weeks.
No he isn't. Don't try and generalise my tastes. Admit this is way off topic, apologise, and move on.
Trying to weasel out of it will get you called names.
Drowse1 wrote: Mika is going to America? GOOD! Please keep him there. For about 50 years or so and try to keep this over rated ass quiet while you're at it.
I second that.
Keep all the bad Freddie Mercury impersonators out of here. We already got rid of Robbie Williams and Justin Hawkins, so please don't give us more of the same.
theres a fair chance that mr Hawkins will be representing the UK in the Eurovision song contest.so that will be nil points for us this year!