Sorry, it should be "Do you wanna be my fjortisboy". You can search it on google. :( I dont know what it means.
deleted user 05.03.2007 17:06
fjortis is Swedish for an annoying teenager...
Well a fjortis is usually a girl, 14 years old, standing outside the grocery store begging someone to buy her cigarettes, she gets "drunk" after a low-alcoholed beer, she's bitchy, wears too much make up (read sun tan), lip gloss, sporting pants or hot pants, veeeeery deap cleavage, TyPeZ LiKe ThIzZz and changes the mood all the time.
<font type="verdana">_Tatterdemalion_ wrote: fjortis is Swedish for an annoying teenager...
Well a fjortis is usually a girl, 14 years old, standing outside the grocery store begging someone to buy her cigarettes, she gets "drunk" after a low-alcoholed beer, she's bitchy, wears too much make up (read sun tan), lip gloss, sporting pants or hot pants, veeeeery deap cleavage, TyPeZ LiKe ThIzZz and changes the mood all the time.
<font type="verdana">_Tatterdemalion_ wrote: fjortis is Swedish for an annoying teenager...
Well a fjortis is usually a girl, 14 years old, standing outside the grocery store begging someone to buy her cigarettes, she gets "drunk" after a low-alcoholed beer, she's bitchy, wears too much make up (read sun tan), lip gloss, sporting pants or hot pants, veeeeery deap cleavage, TyPeZ LiKe ThIzZz and changes the mood all the time.
<font type="verdana">_Tatterdemalion_ wrote: fjortis is Swedish for an annoying teenager...
Well a fjortis is usually a girl, 14 years old, standing outside the grocery store begging someone to buy her cigarettes, she gets "drunk" after a low-alcoholed beer, she's bitchy, wears too much make up (read sun tan), lip gloss, sporting pants or hot pants, veeeeery deap cleavage, TyPeZ LiKe ThIzZz and changes the mood all the time.
<font type="verdana">_Tatterdemalion_ wrote: fjortis is Swedish for an annoying teenager...
Well a fjortis is usually a girl, 14 years old, standing outside the grocery store begging someone to buy her cigarettes, she gets "drunk" after a low-alcoholed beer, she's bitchy, wears too much make up (read sun tan), lip gloss, sporting pants or hot pants, veeeeery deap cleavage, TyPeZ LiKe ThIzZz and changes the mood all the time.