With talk of the money grabbing remainig members of queen recording a new album isnt it about time they tried to get john deacon back in and give it some relevence,Yeah i know he is supposed to of retired but lets face it he knew the right time to quit,do the tribute concerts do the made in heaven album and honour freddies memory.But with these two milking it to the last drop get John back as he was important as the rest of them and deserves to give the record some significance.Or if he doesnt come back end this musical farce, Paul rogers who is he some 60s throwback who should be working on a building site,Queen have left a great legacy when John and Freddie were there DONT RUIN IT NOW.
Black knight wrote: With talk of the money grabbing remainig members of queen recording a new album isnt it about time they tried to get john deacon back in and give it some relevence,Yeah i know he is supposed to of retired but lets face it he knew the right time to quit,do the tribute concerts do the made in heaven album and honour freddies memory.But with these two milking it to the last drop get John back as he was important as the rest of them and deserves to give the record some significance.Or if he doesnt come back end this musical farce, Paul rogers who is he some 60s throwback who should be working on a building site,Queen have left a great legacy when John and Freddie were there DONT RUIN IT NOW.
excuse me, but they tried to get John back many times. He refused to do the reunion tour with them. He said he didn't want any part of the music business. They asked him many times, but he refused. He didn't attend Brian and Anita's weding in 2000, he said "I didn't want to be a part of the musical, and I'm so glad I wasn't" He doesn't want anything to do with the business...thre is like no getting him back...he's a stubborn man!
deleted user 24.01.2007 16:16
Bring back, Bring back
Bring back that John De-con !
I'm gonna get that cutie pie !
(He may have a ninety dollar smile, but 've heard rumours that his hair is... on vacation)
^ bravo!
I say, let him be, apparently he's doing quite well in the investment industry
deleted user 24.01.2007 18:41
Why should John get back in the band? Sure he was good and made the band a whole lot better, but at least he's being sensible and giving up on his legendary band whose legacy should've ended 15 years ago.
<font color=space>sweden_man wrote: Why should John get back in the band? Sure he was good and made the band a whole lot better, but at least he's being sensible and giving up on his legendary band whose legacy should've ended 15 years ago.
umm..noo...their legacy SHOULD NOT have ended 15 years ago...that sucker's gonna live on forever!
John has made his decision, won't turn on it, fuck em. He is a lazy ass. I love his musical talent, but face it, he didn't even have the decency to show up to accept the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Induction! WTF kind of person or musician is that? Fuck John, that was like turning your back on the people who helped you make millions and millions for many of years, and you just don't even show up. THE SHOW MUST GO ON! Get on with it!
Why should John bother getting back with Brian & Roger? He's said more than once that Queen died with Freddie and anything they do under the Queen banner wouldn't be the same. I would like to see him perform and record again but not as part of this ill conceived idea of Brian & Rogers.
john is a millionaire and he's 55 years old. he has no reason to get back with queen and tour the world. brian and roger love performing music and playing live. that's why they do it. john is a very private man and he's done with the rock n' roll life style. on top of that i think he took freddie's death harder than the rest of the guys and he would never allow himself to be associated with queen without freddie. i respect his decision and i only hope he writes a book some day or maybe record a solo album because i always loved his songs.
As much as I'd like to see him work with the guys again, I respect his decisions. He could probably do just about anything he wanted to and release it and know that Queen fans would buy it, so I admire him for not cashing in. (not than anyone else is.. that's not what I mean)
What I'd like to see him do is a bass instruction DVD or an interview or anything like that. I'd just love to hear him talk about his music, his life or anything.
Bubbles the bunny wrote: He could probably do just about anything he wanted to and release it and know that Queen fans would buy it, so I admire him for not cashing in. (not than anyone else is.. that's not what I mean)
Well, look what happened to Brian and Roger's latest solo albums. It seems that regular Queen fans aren't interested in solo stuff (and that's propably why Bri & Rog call themselves Queen nowadays).
John has made his decision, won't turn on it, fuck em. He is a lazy ass. I love his musical talent, but face it, he didn't even have the decency to show up to accept the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Induction! WTF kind of person or musician is that? Fuck John, that was like turning your back on the people who helped you make millions and millions for many of years, and you just don't even show up. THE SHOW MUST GO ON! Get on with it!
I agree, I think it would be great to have John back but if he did now how much of an arsehole would he look.