FriedChicken 23.01.2007 18:25 |
Hey Greg, Could you please tell us something about the 2nd Part of the Anthology. :-D It was one of the best topics of 2007 so far! |
ARCHIVIST?WTF! 23.01.2007 18:31 |
He is probably too busy drafting another rant against JSS! |
FriedChicken 23.01.2007 19:56 |
Am I really the only one who did think it was a great joke |
Smitty 23.01.2007 20:51 |
It was probably his best post in my opinion. |
Crezchi 23.01.2007 23:57 |
ARCHIVIST?WTF! wrote: He is probably too busy drafting another rant against JSS!Nah, he is busy drafting a plan for penile enlargement, and figuring out how he can turn the caps lock off. |
Crezchi 23.01.2007 23:58 |
<b><font color=gold>SMI<font color=1>TTY wrote: It was probably his best post in my opinion.My opinion is that his best joke was when he wrote the Queen Live book. :P |
write your letters in the sand 24.01.2007 01:10 |
ARCHIVIST?WTF! wrote: He is probably too busy drafting another rant against JSS!What's he got against Jeff? ;) |
Crezchi 24.01.2007 01:18 |
write your letters in the sand wrote:Wrong JSS :PARCHIVIST?WTF! wrote: He is probably too busy drafting another rant against JSS!What's he got against Jeff? ;) |
The Real Wizard 24.01.2007 09:44 |
Hahahaha... you guys rock. |
FriedChicken 24.01.2007 09:54 |
Crezchi wrote:Oh come on.. Please.<b><font color=gold>SMI<font color=1>TTY wrote: It was probably his best post in my opinion.My opinion is that his best joke was when he wrote the Queen Live book. :P You may or may not like Greg Brooks. But I don't think you can call Queen Live a joke. It's been a great resource for many. I doubt anyone could've made a book without any mistakes without the benefits of the internet, 200+ bootlegs for download and so on. But there are different topics about that.. This topic is about Part 2 of Gregs excellent topic |
The Real Wizard 24.01.2007 10:25 |
FriedChicken<br><font size=1>The Almighty</font> wrote: But I don't think you can call Queen Live a joke. It's been a great resource for many. I doubt anyone could've made a book without any mistakes without the benefits of the internet, 200+ bootlegs for download and so on.I think our dear friend Crezchi is referring to the second book, when Greg did indeed have the benefits of the internet, 200+ bootlegs for download and so on. |
FriedChicken 24.01.2007 11:10 |
Ah, I don't know the second book, so I can't judge |
buderhin 24.01.2007 11:26 |
FriedChicken<br><font size=1>The Almighty</font> wrote: Am I really the only one who did think it was a great jokeno :D |
write your letters in the sand 24.01.2007 13:01 |
Crezchi wrote:I know. Crezchi meant Justin "Don't Call Me Shirley" Smith, right? ;) (I know.)write your letters in the sand wrote:Wrong JSS :PARCHIVIST?WTF! wrote: He is probably too busy drafting another rant against JSS!What's he got against Jeff? ;) |
cmsdrums 24.01.2007 14:10 |
well I'd be happy to prepare a rant against Justin Shirley Smith - he always completely ruins most stuff of Queen's that he produces, especially the drum sounds. David Richards must be so pissed off that for some reason Brian prefers to continue using JSS (sorry, bit off topic here!) |
ARCHIVIST?WTF! 24.01.2007 14:16 |
I meant John S Stuart not Justin Shirley Smith! |
write your letters in the sand 24.01.2007 18:13 |
ARCHIVIST?WTF! wrote: I meant John S Stuart not Justin Shirley Smith!I know. : ) |
The Real Wizard 24.01.2007 21:13 |
FriedChicken<br><font size=1>The Almighty</font> wrote: Ah, I don't know the second book, so I can't judgeIn short: it's just as bad. |
Crezchi 25.01.2007 01:50 |
Sir GH<br><h6>ah yeah</h6> wrote:Yep, you got that one right on target. :) The second book is such a waste of time and money.FriedChicken<br><font size=1>The Almighty</font> wrote: But I don't think you can call Queen Live a joke. It's been a great resource for many. I doubt anyone could've made a book without any mistakes without the benefits of the internet, 200+ bootlegs for download and so on.I think our dear friend Crezchi is referring to the second book, when Greg did indeed have the benefits of the internet, 200+ bootlegs for download and so on. |
Crezchi 25.01.2007 01:50 |
write your letters in the sand wrote:Nope, i meant John S StuartCrezchi wrote:I know. Crezchi meant Justin "Don't Call Me Shirley" Smith, right? ;) (I know.)write your letters in the sand wrote:Wrong JSS :PARCHIVIST?WTF! wrote: He is probably too busy drafting another rant against JSS!What's he got against Jeff? ;) |
Markman38 25.01.2007 03:23 |
It was a great Topic can't wait for the counting outtakes of nevermore |
Sabazzz 26.01.2007 17:43 |
Crezchi, are you really dumb, or just pretending to be so? |
Crezchi 26.01.2007 18:42 |
LT_United wrote: Crezchi, are you really dumb, or just pretending to be so?I am not aware of anything on here that makes me sound dumb. Bugger off. |
Queen Archivist 27.01.2007 05:54 |
To Crezchi, It's all very well you criticising my Queen Live book, again, like you do every other week, boring us all, yawn yawn, but, crap or not, it's much better and much more entertaining than the book you wrote... because you have NEVER written a book. You don't have any knowledge to base a Queen book on - only becoming a Queen fan in 1989 and missing the entire Queen boat by EIGHTEEN whole years. By the time you found Queen they had done 99% of everything they were going to do - and you missed every second of it, you dozy know-nothing. You heard I Want It All and Breakthru (and your dad told you about "Bohemian Rhapsody") and suddenly you had found Queen. If you think now that you're an expert, because you bought a few records and read everyone ELSE'S books, you are wrong... you must be getting used to that by now though. Pal, when many of the rest of us bought that LP in '89, the NEW Queen album, it was for the 15th or 16th time for us, it was only NEW to you. And, by the way, most of us DID actually see Queen perform live many times... hence the book I wrote. Queen ended 2 years after you got into them, you big dumbo, so you know nothing more than what you see others write, and what you hear others say and what you have learned second hand. You missed the boat by nearly two decades and are simply not qualified to comment on my book in a knowledgable way when you base your rubbish on other peoples' words rather than your own first-hand observations. I have taken constructive comments from several people on QZ, but you are a joke. Who the hell do you honestly think rates what YOU think, Mr "I got into Queen in 1989" ???? Nobody gives a sod about the criticisms you keep repeating, which were OTHER peoples' words in the first place anyway - which you just adopted. You would have NO CLUE if my book is accurate or bad or not, because you NEVER EVER saw Queen in concert. I bet you've seen TONS of tribute bands, haven't you??? Oh dear!!!! But not the real thing. You missed the last FANTASTIC Queen shows by three years. You are basing your bandwagon comments on what OTHER people say, you have to take their word for it, don't you, you tedious half-wit. Had you been a fan since 1979 or 84 or even 86 and seen them a dozen or so times, I might be inclined to listen to your resentment based waffle. But I'm not, but mainly because you're a boring knob-end. You personally have done nothing at all for Queen fans, other than criticise others who have... while you sit on your sorry arse trying to find new things to take the piss out of, but STILL not actually doing anything yourself that requires effort or research or putting yourself out. You are ANOTHER one of those people who says, "Yeah right buddy, but 'IF' I did do a book it would be better than your.... bla bla bla." BUT you don't. You never will. If if if if if, it's always 'if' with people like you. So that comment is as empty as that round thing on the top of your shoulders that looks vacant all day. You're too lazy and too dense to write even a pamphlet, let alone a book, you annoying twat. Vanish now and go do something useful and constructive, if you think you can. Write a GREAT book on Queen (gathered from everyone else's work, not your own obviously ,because you can't base it on YOUR OWN experiences, LIKE I COULD AND DID) and then come back here with that chip on your shoulder and we'll tell you what we think of your book. OK, big mouth??? Anyone can moan and criticise like you do, endlessly, but few people in this world ever get their ideas published - they just talk about it a lot. You are one of the millions who will NEVER do anything like that Crezchi and whom will spend your whole life time resenting others that do. YOU know it, WE all know it, because everyone knows tons of people like you - whichever country they live in. FRIED CHICKEN.... Part 2 details of Anthology will follow in my n |
little foetus 27.01.2007 06:46 |
Better writing no book than writing a book with so many very avoidable errors... |
Queen Archivist 27.01.2007 08:33 |
Little Foetus, you are talking rubbish. You must think that all factual books written before the advent of internet and www, are all 100% accurate, and you would be 100% wrong. You should think before you comment. |
little foetus 27.01.2007 10:59 |
I think you wrote your second version of Queen Live after the appearence of Internet, didn't you? |
John S Stuart 27.01.2007 11:55 |
Queen Archivist wrote: It's all very well you criticising my Queen Live book... missing the entire Queen boat by EIGHTEEN whole years... and you missed every second of it, you dozy know-nothing.Using the same logic, this must invalidate Brian May's 'Bang! The Complete History Of The Universe' by a few million years. |
cmsdrums 27.01.2007 13:12 |
Touche, JSS!!!! |
Crezchi 27.01.2007 15:32 |
Queen Archivist wrote: To Crezchi, |
ARCHIVIST?WTF! 27.01.2007 15:49 |
Thank Christ somebody has given Gobshite a run for his money."I Know more about Queen than you do.I have access to the archives". This sounds like a fucking child in the playground.Who gives a shit if you do know more.With all that knowledge at your fingertips and with access to the band your second voloume of live concerts should have been more accurate. I myself only got into the band at the tail end of the magic tour having seen the wembley concert broadcast on the telly. Does that mean I know fuck all about the band as well? |
TRS-Romania 27.01.2007 17:10 |
Greg, don't push me publishing your direct phonenumber on Queenzone! I think there are quite a few people wanting to talk to you ! |
Crezchi 27.01.2007 18:10 |
Yeah, anyone want his email address? lol. |
FriedChicken 27.01.2007 19:07 |
Thanks greg, I'm looking forward to it! |
The Real Wizard 28.01.2007 23:51 |
Crezchi wrote: Wow! you missed intelligence by about 4million years you fucking caveman. I was talking about your SECOND attempt to make some cash. The SECOND book blows ass. That is my opinion. And for your information, i have written 3 books, not Queen books, but books on Information Technology. So fuck off. In conclusion you twit, i do everything in my life to this principle, (...) You cannot be a serious aspiring author if you can't cope with critism. get that in your fat ass head you twit!Very good post, Crezchi. |
Sabazzz 29.01.2007 08:49 |
Crezchi wrote:...I hoped you just pretenting to be dumb, so I was mistaken.LT_United wrote: Crezchi, are you really dumb, or just pretending to be so?I am not aware of anything on here that makes me sound dumb. Bugger off. |
Seven_Seas_Of_Rhye II 29.01.2007 09:27 |
He surely knew Queen facts, he could be a real Greg Brooks, I think. But this 'Queen Archivist' is filled with anger. My God... how this kind of people could work with Queen. Oooh, no - how Queen could work with this kind of person?... |
Donna13 29.01.2007 11:33 |
"It's all very well you criticising my Queen Live book, again, like you do every other week, boring us all, yawn yawn..." Isn't there a way that we all can agree to not discuss certain points with Greg that have already been discussed more than once? It just starts sounding compulsive after a while. I hope there is no vindictiveness in some of the repetition. There is no need for that among friends and fellow Queen fans. |
Micrówave 29.01.2007 12:44 |
Crezchi wrote: And for your information, i have written 3 books, not Queen books, but books on Information Technology. So fuck off.Yeah, GREG!!!! His book on the Sanyo 4782 kicks the hell out of any Queen book I've ever read. |
Crezchi 30.01.2007 06:16 |
Micrówave wrote:I think you need to do some research before you attempt to be a smartass! Information Technology has nothing to do with a fucking Projector! Read sometime retard. I was making a point, writing books about Queen doesn't exactly require much smarts (as Greg has pointed out 2 times now), but on a subject of I/T does.Crezchi wrote: And for your information, i have written 3 books, not Queen books, but books on Information Technology. So fuck off.Yeah, GREG!!!! His book on the Sanyo 4782 kicks the hell out of any Queen book I've ever read. |
Crezchi 30.01.2007 06:22 |
LT_United wrote:No actually you were mistaken when you thought you were going to make me look dumb. Look, i would LOVE to sit here and have a battle of wits with you, but i can see you are unarmed. go fuck yourself idiot.Crezchi wrote:...I hoped you just pretenting to be dumb, so I was mistaken.LT_United wrote: Crezchi, are you really dumb, or just pretending to be so?I am not aware of anything on here that makes me sound dumb. Bugger off. |
Sabazzz 30.01.2007 11:30 |
you just proved it by yourself, my dear:} |