"At a mere three minutes, this is a very severe edit of the 6:28 original and the song suffers a great deal for it. Only promo copies of the original US 7" seem to exist, but again the Spun Gold label has it as the B-side to "Killer Queen". However, unlike the "Keep Yourself Alive" edit very few dealers have spotted it, and it often sells for only a few pounds. Nowhere near as good as the album version though, this has frequently been described as "the worst officially released Queen product ever" (Record Collector, amongst others). But then, that was before the "You Don't Fool Me" remixes. Time 3:00 "
"Quite possibly the worst Queen edit. A butchering would be a more appropriate description. The edit begins at 1:13 into the song, cuts from 2:14 through 3:27, picks up 3:28 through 3:44, cuts 3:45 through 4:17, plays 4:18 through about 4:57, cuts 4:58 through 5:31, and plays the rest of the song from that point onward. Needless to say, it sucks. The 7" vinyl is hard to find and frankly shouldn't be found."
"I've got it"
Here's what it sounds like. I did this recreation in February, 2004.
The only difference is.. hard as I tried, I couldn't do the edits as roughly as they did, so mine is smoother ;) link
Also, in March 2004 I was messing around and did this version using the Hollywood remix. Most of it is the same edits as the single, but I've given it a cool intro and freaky ending: link
Just thought I'd share that again too, whilst dipping my paws into the archives.
I just listened to the Liar 'Edit' on my 7" Spun Gold single... I actually liked the edit but it was definetely missing something of course.
But I reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyyy LOVE edits!
Well, they took a shot at getting radio airplay by making it a radio-friendly length. It failed, but at least they tried :)
With "Keep Yourself Alive" not breaking through, I don't know why they thought Liar would anyway, but they even gave KYA another chance in 1975.. it kinda shows that Elektra was doing what they could to try to help Queen reach an American audience anyway.