deleted user 17.01.2007 12:33 |
What is your worst. most humiliating memory EVER? I'll start. Once, in second or third grade, we were doing our traditional "Fall Feast." My friends Rox, Auggy and Sam were all at the table as we were dining on pumpkin pie (mmmm...). Then, when my mouth is full of pumkin pie (covered in whipped cream, I might add), someone tells a joke. I spurt out pumkin pie ALL OVER Rox and Sam. Auggy, who was next to me, wasn't to badly hit, but that still comes up in converation every once in a while. :O Since I sacrificed my pride for you guys... please share? |
7 seas of Rhye 17.01.2007 16:54 |
I have tons of embarassing moments! Where to start? One time I was home alone I was hyper and I was randomly singing "The Hills are alive with the sound of music" at the top of my lungs. Then I realized that there was a window open and I looked out and all of my neighbors were staring at me and laughing. And another time I was dancing around my house to Queen music and getting really into it. Then I noticed that my brothers had a video camera and were filming me. One time I was at a water park and I went down one of the slides and my bikini bottom came down! And another time I was really excited about something (can't remember what) and I was singing that song "I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it!" and then I realized that my older brother had a bunch of his friends were over and they all heard me. that's all I can think of now |
deleted user 17.01.2007 16:57 |
The day I signed up for Queenzone. Other than that... I can't really think of anything that stands out. I don't get embarrassed easily... I mean... : / I'll let you know if I think of something. |
deleted user 17.01.2007 17:16 |
About two weeks ago, I wrote a bunch of notes that we had in History class on my hand...and that day we just HAD to have a I took the quiz.......And got an A...TRUTHFULLY WITHOUT looking at my hand....but then the teacher saw my hand and asked me to stick it out and show her......I did...and I got an F -_-. One time in art class, I was sneaking in my ipod into class and started listening to Queen....I fell half-asleep and started singing "Save me" XDDDDDDD. The class looked at me as if I was crazy. :P It's a good song damnit! Another time...I went to an 8th grade party....and it was a pool party...and all of the girls were wearing I decided to stuff my bikini bra XD....when they asked me to join them in the pool, I forgot about the tissue for a minute, took my shirt off, and all of that paper went into the pool! XDDDDD. That was probably the MOST embarassing.... |
deleted user 17.01.2007 17:30 |
^^^ lol, that's funny. |
Queenluv4Life 17.01.2007 17:32 |
well something really embarrasing whas when i was staying at my friends house for a sleepover but suddenly she started to puke. It turns out that she had a stomach virus and i caught it too. well we had school the next day and right in the middle of science class i started to puke. it was so bad that i couldnt stop puking and i got my friends bookbag full of barf. |
steven 35638 17.01.2007 17:50 |
When I was very young I remember diving into a pool...little did I know my swimming trunks were just a tad too loose and they came right off. To this day I can't understand just why they slipped off, but needless to say I was embarrassed. I thought that while I was still underwater maybe nobody had noticed, so while I was struggling to hold my breath and find my pants both my parents and sister were giggling. Terrible I tell you...just terrible. Another memorable and disturbing moment would have to be when I was caught doing my "thing." My very own father walked in on me. Actually, I think he was quite proud of me. But still, who wants their father to walk in on them? Embarrassing... That's all that I can think of at the moment. I can hardly believe I admitted to those moments. Oh well, at least I'm getting to know some of you by doing this. :) |
KillerQueen840 17.01.2007 17:54 |
<font color=Maroon>Dobbies Deacon, Sr. wrote: What is your worst. most humiliating memory EVER? I'll start. Once, in second or third grade, we were doing our traditional "Fall Feast." My friends Rox, Auggy and Sam were all at the table as we were dining on pumpkin pie (mmmm...). Then, when my mouth is full of pumkin pie (covered in whipped cream, I might add), someone tells a joke. I spurt out pumkin pie ALL OVER Rox and Sam. Auggy, who was next to me, wasn't to badly hit, but that still comes up in converation every once in a while. :O Since I sacrificed my pride for you guys... please share?I'm not sharing any of my embarrassing moments but I have a story simliar to yours concerning a friend. It was a few weeks ago. We were at lunch and had a pretty random discussion on the bake sale and serial killers. And somehow I seized the opportunity to make a wise-crack and she laughed so hard that she squirted soda out of her nose. It was nasty, and she hated me for it haha. I'm not allowed to make her laugh while we eat anymore. :P |
Nathan 17.01.2007 18:03 |
My embarassing moments are exactly that. So do excuse me if I don't share them. |
Winter Land Man 17.01.2007 18:20 |
This is hard to answer. I am not quite sure. I wonder what I should write. Hmmmmm... Let's see... Yeah................. Hold on........ Once I slipped on ice in front of a mall. I actually jumped on the ice and then slipped! |
I♥The80's 17.01.2007 18:31 |
About 4 years ago, I was riding my bike and fell into a bush... :S In 2004 (I think) I was playing a complete Bach sonata at a competition and I was so freaked out for some reason. I messed up in the middle of the Fuga and wasn't able to do anything about it because it was the first, and only, time that had happened to me.....after about 10 seconds of standing there like an idiot, I asked the judges "where can I start" and started the whole section again ;____; It was SOOO embarrasing. I felt so terrible. Luckily, after that incident, I never messed up on stage again. :) There have been tons more embarrasing moments in my life but I don't recall any, other than those two, right now. xD I'll write more later. |
sparrow 21754 17.01.2007 20:52 |
ummmm....i think i repressed my very embarassing ones. although one time i broke out into song while the instructor was talking because eveyrone was so tense. it just made things worse really another time i was on a bus at the canaadian border, and someone asked 'is everyone here from the USA?' and me being a smart-ass answered 'no were from austrailia!'....turns out it was the customs guy....whoops! oddly enough i didnt get in trouble (i dont think they heard me). another one i was in class and wasnt paying attention, and my teacher was telling a story about an amusment park accident (it was a metephorical story) only i wasnt aware of it. so i asked 'how come it wasnt on the news?' everyone looked and laughed because they thought i was stupid. >.< one time i went swimming at my friends house and i had to run home, so i threw my clothes over my bathing suit and ran home. my neighbors mom found my underwear on her driveway. how nice. i think thats the extent of it, i dont get embarassed easily. a little off topic, do you ever read the teen magazines and see the embarassing stories where most of them are everyday things and some rate it as 'move out of town and change your name' level of embarassing? i dunno i just think its dumb but i guess its different from everyone. |
blerp 17.01.2007 21:13 |
Body surfing Big waves Got hit with One Real bad Stood up Friend suddenly shouts My name frantically I look down and my top Had a slippa to the side Hopefully no one noticed. There are loads other blushy moments...but yeah. |
Smitty 17.01.2007 22:21 |
Oh jeez, my two most embarassing moments happened at the same place, just a few days ago. Well, my Grandma died a couple days ago, we went to the wake and I met many relatives I hadn't known earlier which was a great thing that came out of the whole ordeal, but two things happened that...just plain ugh Embarassing Moment #1: Well, I met many old great-aunts and uncles there and many of them were a bit...out there. Well, I was standing with my mom, sister, my mom's friend, my aunt and my cousin. My uncle Marv came by and said hi to everyone. Not having met me he asked "What is your name?" I replied with an "Uh, Jim," "Audrey?" "No, Jim" "Jim?" "Yes. Jim," "But, Jim's...a boy's name right?" (Wait, it gets better!) Well we laughed it off, it seemed it'd be fine until he said "Well, you're a very pretty boy," Embarassing Moment #2: This one is WAY worse. We were waiting for the priest to say some prayers at the end of the wake and when he started talking, and this guy was a piece of work. He was obviously trained to put inflection into the words he said, but he put inflection into all of the wrong places. And he had a terrible lazy eye, but that's besides the point. Everyone there had been generally used to the guy as he was the priest for the town (it's a small town). But my Mom and Sister weren't used to him, so they just started laughing. Yep. Welcome to my world. |
Sweetie 17.01.2007 23:19 |
At my music school's Christmas Party I was playing bass and I fell off the stage. |
Sweetie 17.01.2007 23:21 |
<font color="0000FF">Thing #1<h6>hehe :D wrote: One time in art class, I was sneaking in my ipod into class and started listening to Queen....I fell half-asleep and started singing "Save me" XDDDDDDD. The class looked at me as if I was crazy. :P It's a good song damnitI sing Queen at school all the time, I even started dancing (And singing) along to it in a shop in town (Mind you it was around Christmas time and the shop was PACKED, but I didn't care, I ended up getting money thrown at me, and to me if a story has Queen in it there is no reason to have been embarrassed) |
its_a_hard_life 26994 18.01.2007 09:23 |
<font color=Mercury>Larry Lurex's Girl wrote: At my music school's Christmas Party I was playing bass and I fell off the stage.Was you too near to the edge...??? Or you was drunk...??? How did this happen?! :O |
john bodega 18.01.2007 11:07 |
Cop this : When I was 5 years old, wasps had infiltrated our clothesline outside. Mum was helping me put my pants on, when about 6 of the buggers assaulted me in the nuts. *True* story. The entire family went berserk leaping on the furniture trying to kill escaped wasps - and the next time I got dressed, I didn't let Mum do it. I did it myself. |
7 seas of Rhye 18.01.2007 11:47 |
I thought of more embarassing things. One time I was shopping with my mom and the music in the store was playing really loud so my mom was talking really loud so I could hear her. My mom was saying, "LOOK AT THAT GUY! HE'S HOT! IF I WERE YOU I WOULD GO TALK TO HIM!" And then just as she said that, the music stopped and everyone heard her. And then to make it worse, my mom was like, "Oops, Stephanie I think he heard me say that." The guy was staring at me. My face was like bright red. Another time, I was shopping again and I accidentaly went into the men's dressing room. Another time I was hanging out with my friends (one was a guy) and my mom came down and was like, "Here Steph! I washed your bra!" and she threw it at me to be funny but she didnt realize I had friends over. Another time I was talking about how much I hate this one band and how much they sucked. Then I realized the girl I was talking to was wearing a shirt with the band's name on it. And probably my most embarrassing moment ever was when I got out of the shower and didn't have towel so I thought I would just run to my room and no one would see me. I have to go pass my older brother's room to get to mine and I didn't know it but he and his friends were in there and just as I was running past his room, they opened the door! |
Eviltwin 18.01.2007 12:05 |
Zebonka12 wrote: Cop this : When I was 5 years old, wasps had infiltrated our clothesline outside. Mum was helping me put my pants on, when about 6 of the buggers assaulted me in the nuts. *True* story. The entire family went berserk leaping on the furniture trying to kill escaped wasps - and the next time I got dressed, I didn't let Mum do it. I did it myself.That's not embarrassing, that's tragic. |
deleted user 18.01.2007 12:21 |
7 seas of Rhye wrote: And probably my most embarrassing moment ever was when I got out of the shower and didn't have towel so I thought I would just run to my room and no one would see me. I have to go pass my older brother's room to get to mine and I didn't know it but he and his friends were in there and just as I was running past his room, they opened the door!:S :S :S :S :S... Ouch. X_X Hmm...I once recall...I was sitting in class...and then a guy passed by, tripped, and spilled RED gatorade all over my pants. -____-' IT HAD TO BE RED! ~>:O!!!!! ;_;... One time...I was presenting a science project in the seventh grade...and as I got on stage, there was a piece of toilet paper on my ass...stuck by a piece of gum X_X...People started laughing for some reason ( I didn't know why at that time ) ... I started shaking, and ran off crying ;_;. Alsooooooooo!!!! This one time...In class we were discussing Mary Antoinette.......and then the teacher asked "Who here has ever heard of Mary Antoinette?" I was SO I raised my hand and shouted out "Freddie Mercury sings about Mary Antoinette in Killer Queen!!!!"....The class was like: huh? 0_o... Me: ;_;...he.....<voice gets smaller> does.... *whine* :S |
Raf 18.01.2007 13:05 |
Zebonka12 wrote: Cop this : When I was 5 years old, wasps had infiltrated our clothesline outside. Mum was helping me put my pants on, when about 6 of the buggers assaulted me in the nuts. *True* story. The entire family went berserk leaping on the furniture trying to kill escaped wasps - and the next time I got dressed, I didn't let Mum do it. I did it myself.Oh my... Ouch... |
Dances With Freddie 18.01.2007 13:12 |
<font color="FF00CC">AnnaBanana<h6> :D wrote: Alsooooooooo!!!! This one time...In class we were discussing Mary Anoinette.......and then the teacher asked "Who here has ever heard of Mary Antoinette?" I was SO I raised my hand and shouted out "Freddie Mercury sings about Mary Antoinette in Killer Queen!!!!"....The class was like: huh? 0_o... Me: ;_;...he.....<voice gets smaller> does.... *whine* :Saaaw that's so cute :D |
deleted user 18.01.2007 13:13 |
<font color="FF00CC">AnnaBanana<h6> :D wrote: Alsooooooooo!!!! This one time...In class we were discussing Mary Anoinette.......and then the teacher asked "Who here has ever heard of Mary Antoinette?" I was SO I raised my hand and shouted out "Freddie Mercury sings about Mary Antoinette in Killer Queen!!!!"....The class was like: huh? 0_o... Me: ;_;...he.....<voice gets smaller> does.... *whine*Marie Antoinette.... ! That reminds me of last year in AP English, we were discussing kinds of poetry, and there was a bit about ballads, and I said something about "The Ballad of John and Yoko". And I think three people and the teacher knew what I was talking about. But I wasn't embarrassed. I thought it was great (the teacher and the three students laughed). I still can't think of anything. I'm pretty good about turning a situation that would be "embarrassing" into something funny or at least good at not caring. |
deleted user 18.01.2007 13:18 |
<font color=red>The Audacity of Charles wrote:Typo: Marie Antoinette. Thank you Charles ;D<font color="FF00CC">AnnaBanana<h6> :D wrote: Alsooooooooo!!!! This one time...In class we were discussing Mary Anoinette.......and then the teacher asked "Who here has ever heard of Mary Antoinette?" I was SO I raised my hand and shouted out "Freddie Mercury sings about Mary Antoinette in Killer Queen!!!!"....The class was like: huh? 0_o... Me: ;_;...he.....<voice gets smaller> does.... *whine*Marie Antoinette.... ! That reminds me of last year in AP English, we were discussing kinds of poetry, and there was a bit about ballads, and I said something about "The Ballad of John and Yoko". And I think three people and the teacher knew what I was talking about. But I wasn't embarrassed. I thought it was great (the teacher and the three students laughed). I still can't think of anything. I'm pretty good about turning a situation that would be "embarrassing" into something funny or at least good at not caring. |
Freya is quietly judging you. 18.01.2007 13:28 |
Hmm.. Well, I actually tend not to get embarrassed, I taught myself not too. However, there is the one moment that most people on here already know about as I've mentioned it before but, because I'm so bored, I'll write about it again. Well.. It was about 2 or 3 years ago and it involves a scanner, at school. Me and my friends always used to get bored in lessons in the computer room so we always used to situate ourselves near the scanner. We used to gain great amusement from scanning random objects, for no particular reason. Gradually we lost interest and started scanning our hands and our faces. One day, after school, we were working in the computer room, and we'd sunk to new lows. Scanning our breasts. it was all very funny, until of course a teacher walked in. On this occasion it was Mrs Russell our Food Tech teacher. Mrs Russell was the all knowing, all seeing type, somehow, she knew what we had been up to in an instant (Possibly because Sophie was mid-scanning when she came in) I remember feeling utterly mortified, but was laughing so hard all the same. Tori was guarding the computer with the pictures on but eventually Mrs Russell saw the offending pictures. The next day we were called to the head of senior schools office and told off for 'abusing school property' I think we got a detention, but to be honest the worst punishment was knowing that slimy Mr Cooper had probably seen our breasts. Oh, how I miss that school. |
deleted user 18.01.2007 13:42 |
<b><font color=009966>?Freya? wrote: Hmm.. Well, I actually tend not to get embarrassed, I taught myself not too. However, there is the one moment that most people on here already know about as I've mentioned it before but, because I'm so bored, I'll write about it again. Well.. It was about 2 or 3 years ago and it involves a scanner, at school. Me and my friends always used to get bored in lessons in the computer room so we always used to situate ourselves near the scanner. We used to gain great amusement from scanning random objects, for no particular reason. Gradually we lost interest and started scanning our hands and our faces. One day, after school, we were working in the computer room, and we'd sunk to new lows. Scanning our breasts. it was all very funny, until of course a teacher walked in. On this occasion it was Mrs Russell our Food Tech teacher. Mrs Russell was the all knowing, all seeing type, somehow, she knew what we had been up to in an instant (Possibly because Sophie was mid-scanning when she came in) I remember feeling utterly mortified, but was laughing so hard all the same. Tori was guarding the computer with the pictures on but eventually Mrs Russell saw the offending pictures. The next day we were called to the head of senior schools office and told off for 'abusing school property' I think we got a detention, but to be honest the worst punishment was knowing that slimy Mr Cooper had probably seen our breasts. Oh, how I miss that school.Oh My Gosh! =X!!! |
deleted user 18.01.2007 17:53 |
Holy crap! These are so funny! I usually don't embarrass easily, but there are those times... The whole bathing suit in a water park has happened SO MANY TIMES. Or, at the beach. Like, I had this bathing suit and the outer layer of fabric on the bottom part was stretched loose. And there was sand in it. So, it looked a bit like I'd pooed my pants. xD Needless to say, I put on my board shorts after that... And when I was little, I was at a neighborhood barbecue, and there was this ceramic cheesecake. So, being a kid, I stared at in in awe for, like, a minute, and then my neighbor saw me and was like, "Do you want a piece of that?" Oh, and when I was around four or three, at a family reunion, there was my cousin, so then my mom tells some people that, "Little Dobbies has a crush on Peter." He's bald! What's even worse is that we had to stay with him a year or two ago when we were at my gramp's funeral. |
its_a_hard_life 26994 19.01.2007 09:15 |
Zebonka12 wrote: Cop this : When I was 5 years old, wasps had infiltrated our clothesline outside. Mum was helping me put my pants on, when about 6 of the buggers assaulted me in the nuts. *True* story. The entire family went berserk leaping on the furniture trying to kill escaped wasps - and the next time I got dressed, I didn't let Mum do it. I did it myself.OH MY GOD... :O Sorry... I kinda laughed. But I feel guilty for laughing now. :( xD |
Donna13 19.01.2007 10:48 |
MarkieKnopflie 19.01.2007 15:31 |
i never told anyone and i'm not gonna... it's TOO discusting! |
Carol! the Musical 19.01.2007 15:45 |
<font color=pink> Ni<font color= red>Co wrote: i never told anyone and i'm not gonna... it's TOO discusting!Tell, PLEASE! If you tell yours I'll post some of mine. :P |
Raststätte-Knödel 20.01.2007 09:37 |
MarkieKnopflie 20.01.2007 09:40 |
i'm soo sorry,pomponias marrion, but i can't tell mine... its TOOOOOOO emberassing and too worse and i'm really ashamed of it... i want to know yours but i cannot tell mine... sorry it's just toooooooo worse |
MarkieKnopflie 20.01.2007 09:48 |
i CAN tell the most embarassing moment of my classmate XD she had a speech at school, and after that, we had gymnastics... so we all had to take a shower(including her, she had to pull out her underwear as well) so the teacher checked if we were taking a shower and the girls underpants fell on the ground, and the teacher found it, there was a brown shit stain in it, and she asked : who's underpants is this? the girl was so dumb she anweserd: yes, thats mine. so the teacher looked at the shit spot and said: were you so nervous from your speech? KLOOOOOTE sooo embarassing but she was incontinent XD XD XD whhahah if you get it ;) |
Grapes 20.01.2007 15:05 |
I've got so many!! But the other day the head of music asked me where one of the music teachers was. I replied with 'He's probably bumming some student in a corner.' ... I really didn't mean to say it. It just kinda slipped out, needless to say he wasn't too impressed. And once me and my mates went to the park and its got a small kiddy thing that you sit in and it spins really wierdly and my friends stuffed me in there and spun me round really fast.. I then realized I was desperate for the toilet.. I was screaming and shouting for them to stop it but they just carried on spinning it faster and faster until... well you can probably guess what happened and I had to treck home wet :( |
Carol! the Musical 20.01.2007 17:06 |
I love this thread.. :P |
Killer Queenie 21.01.2007 14:02 |
hmm.... I was in America in August/September time visiting my cousins. We were watching Dog the Bounty Hunter... the day before we left I think... and I was sitting on the chair, Nathan was on the computer, Uncle Dave was sleeping, Georgie, Alex, Darren and Rhiannon and myself were watching the tv when Alex (Georgie's boyfriend) said to me: "So is that your guy then, Leland??" I was like OMG how did you guess?? But I just shrugged an said "eh..." luckly my dad was in the bedroom and my mum and auntie Lyn were out shopping!! (it was my mum's birthday you see) the other embarresing moment was... last weekend I think... Me, my dad and my mum were out in the back garden cutting down the trees. I was having a ball jumping in the brown bin squashing all the twigs down so we could get more in, when my dad sarted saying "I'm a tree I'm a tree" I started laughing and tried to work it out where I'd heard it. Dad then says summat and says to me - infront of my mum - "you like Leland don't you??" I'm just like is it that obvious?? Do I have "I love Leland Chapman on my forehead" or summat!!! |
sparrow 21754 22.01.2007 13:04 |
this one isnt so embarassing but funny: my dad called from my grammas house and my family were having a party. they found out i was dating someone and he put me on speaker phone!!! (i was at moms). of course i didnt know, but he kept asking questions....none too personal. but my littlest cousin finally goes 'are you gonna marry him?' XD it was cute. |
7 seas of Rhye 22.01.2007 16:39 |
Oh my gosh! The most embarrassing thing happened today!!! I accidentally called one of my teachers "Daddy"! Ahhhh!!!! I wanted to crawl in to a hole and die! Everyone was laughing. My teacher was like, "Yes, daughter?" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! |
deleted user 22.01.2007 16:41 |
^ LMAO. Don't happened with me...but I called one of my teachers "mother" XD |
Carol! the Musical 22.01.2007 17:04 |
^ I did that once.. hehe. "What was that?" "Nothing. O_O " |
Sergei. 22.01.2007 17:14 |
I hate my science teacher. So I accidentally called her a bitch after she yelled at me once. Back on msn, pomponias you! XD |
Carol! the Musical 22.01.2007 17:35 |
<font color=teal>Edgarlicious! wrote: I hate my science teacher. So I accidentally called her a bitch after she yelled at me once. Back on msn, pomponias you! XDMy msn keeps booting me, I didn't log out on purpose! :PP EDIT: Ooooh, and about the "bitch" thing.. Did she hear? Once a kid in my class fingered our teacher.. She was facing forward looking at the map, so she didn't see him. He kept doing it for a while until the teacher said, "David..the map has a glass cover and I can see your reflection." BURN, DAVEY- BOY, BURN. |
~im a fool~ 22.01.2007 18:49 |
in fifth grade, i was in chorus and we had a christmas concert. the uniform was to wear a white shirt, and black pants. only i didnt have a white shirt, my mom bought me a red shirt. and it just so happened that i had to stand in the middle of the group. uggh. i was blushing the whole time. and just now the alarm on the oven went off and my brother said the cookies were done. and i said what kind of cookies are they? but it was just the timer for when he was done practicing cello, and he called me gullible backwards: elbillug. he says stuff backwards like mozart and leonardo de vici. grrr. and he read that over my shoulder. he was yelling at me for it. |
FreMe 23.01.2007 13:26 |
I ran naked into the bathroom where my sisters boyfriend where shaving.. I was about eleven. Did I mention this like a milion times before? |
Sweetie 23.01.2007 16:32 |
<font color="#FF00FF">its_a_hard_life wrote:Well...<font color=Mercury>Larry Lurex's Girl wrote: At my music school's Christmas Party I was playing bass and I fell off the stage.Was you too near to the edge...??? Or you was drunk...??? How did this happen?! :O Joel (rhythm guitarist) was jumping around like a mad man and flew himself at me and we fell off the stage |
deleted user 23.01.2007 16:38 |
Anytime I bring up Queen or the Stones with my 'friends' I get embarassed in some way. |
its_a_hard_life 26994 23.01.2007 16:39 |
<font color=brianJM>RollingBowieQueen wrote: Anytime I bring up Queen or the Stones with my 'friends' I get embarassed in some way.You really shouldn't be. :O |
Queenluv4Life 23.01.2007 17:14 |
<font color=brianJM>RollingBowieQueen wrote: Anytime I bring up Queen or the Stones with my 'friends' I get embarassed in some way.i dont get shy when i talk about Queen in front of my friends. the problem is that they start calling me a hippie and before i know it everyone at school is also calling me a hippie. Oh well! anyways i take it as a compliment. xP |
deleted user 23.01.2007 17:44 |
<fontc/=hotpink>QueenLuv4life</font> wrote:Haha ! I got called a hippie for liking Queen, too... I think it was mainly because they had long hair on the cover of Queen II (which is the CD I had with me).<font color=brianJM>RollingBowieQueen wrote: Anytime I bring up Queen or the Stones with my 'friends' I get embarassed in some way.i dont get shy when i talk about Queen in front of my friends. the problem is that they start calling me a hippie and before i know it everyone at school is also calling me a hippie. Oh well! anyways i take it as a compliment. xP I wasn't embarrassed (though they should be for calling ME a hippie) - in fact, when someone brought up the whole "Freddie was gay" thing, I hammed it up with hippieness and got into a fruity and long-winded speech about free love or something. Needless to say, our Spanish Field-Trip was much more exciting for that (and the incident involving my claiming my soda was a Guinness - which was only lastingly amusing since one girl didn't know what a Guinness was and we had to explain to her). Yep. I don't get embarrassed. Even when I mistakenly say "foreskin" in class. There's always a way to turn a "mistake" into a joke (even if it's a tasteless joke). |
Sweetie 23.01.2007 18:00 |
<fontc/=hotpink>QueenLuv4life</font> wrote:hey, I get trani - freak<font color=brianJM>RollingBowieQueen wrote: Anytime I bring up Queen or the Stones with my 'friends' I get embarassed in some way.i dont get shy when i talk about Queen in front of my friends. the problem is that they start calling me a hippie and before i know it everyone at school is also calling me a hippie. Oh well! anyways i take it as a compliment. xP |
Carol! the Musical 15.04.2007 13:29 |
Revive this thread! XD |
deleted user 15.04.2007 14:07 |
One time, my teacher was discussing rock bands that changed the world, and he mentioned the following 1. Rolling Stones 2. Beatles 3. Led Zeppelin 4. Pink Floyd 5. The Who and he just kept listing and listing...and I just kept on mourning inside, waiting patiently for him to write QUEEN on the board. He finally stopped at like number 10 with NO QUEEN. So, I got really pissed...marched up to the board (without permission XD) erased the Rolling Stones, and wrote in gigantic capital letters QUEEN. I then smiled and returned to my seat. XD people were laughing XD. But, I'm proud of my actions :D |
Vincent. 15.04.2007 14:10 |
WELL... Once I was trying on clothes and I was half-nekkid in the dressing room when my mom opened the door on me and practically yelled "Kaylee! Get dressed! I'm about to shit my pants!" She yanked me out while I was pulling up my pants and everything! To make matters worse, there was a really hot guy that worked at the store that heard her! I was mortified. D: |
QueenTaylor 15.04.2007 14:15 |
Kween<h6>Indeed... wrote: One time, my teacher was discussing rock bands that changed the world, and he mentioned the following 1. Rolling Stones 2. Beatles 3. Led Zeppelin 4. Pink Floyd 5. The Who and he just kept listing and listing...and I just kept on mourning inside, waiting patiently for him to write QUEEN on the board. He finally stopped at like number 10 with NO QUEEN. So, I got really pissed...marched up to the board (without permission XD) erased the Rolling Stones, and wrote in gigantic capital letters QUEEN. I then smiled and returned to my seat. XD people were laughing XD. But, I'm proud of my actions :DWay to go Anna!! :D |
Queenluv4Life 15.04.2007 16:46 |
Kween<h6>Indeed... wrote: One time, my teacher was discussing rock bands that changed the world, and he mentioned the following 1. Rolling Stones 2. Beatles 3. Led Zeppelin 4. Pink Floyd 5. The Who and he just kept listing and listing...and I just kept on mourning inside, waiting patiently for him to write QUEEN on the board. He finally stopped at like number 10 with NO QUEEN. So, I got really pissed...marched up to the board (without permission XD) erased the Rolling Stones, and wrote in gigantic capital letters QUEEN. I then smiled and returned to my seat. XD people were laughing XD. But, I'm proud of my actions :DOMG what a heroic action! congrats! |
deleted user 15.04.2007 17:32 |
<font color=Mercury>Deaky's Bitch<h6>Yum wrote: hey, I get trani - freakUm... why ? Do you identify as transsexual or are you an on-line version of a cross-dresser ? ;p |
you_rock_my_socks06 16.04.2007 07:14 |
Kween<h6>Indeed... wrote: One time, my teacher was discussing rock bands that changed the world, and he mentioned the following 1. Rolling Stones 2. Beatles 3. Led Zeppelin 4. Pink Floyd 5. The Who and he just kept listing and listing...and I just kept on mourning inside, waiting patiently for him to write QUEEN on the board. He finally stopped at like number 10 with NO QUEEN. So, I got really pissed...marched up to the board (without permission XD) erased the Rolling Stones, and wrote in gigantic capital letters QUEEN. I then smiled and returned to my seat. XD people were laughing XD. But, I'm proud of my actions :DLOL good on ya XD |
deleted user 16.04.2007 09:23 |
<font color=purple>FreMe wrote: I ran naked into the bathroom where my sisters boyfriend where shaving.. I was about eleven. Did I mention this like a milion times before?Ay caramba! I would die... Sorry! When I was about.. I dont know, 13, 14. I was with the menstruation so I hided an Evax stuff in my socks and ran to the ladys' toilet room. In the way to there were many boys of the 11th classes talking. When I got to the toilet, the stuff had disappeared!! Panic! So I returned on the same way back and there it was... right between the older guys' feet! They didnt seem to notice it. So I kneeld myself down between the guys, pick it up and said loudly (almost shouted): "Oh my God! Look at this! Someone let this fall here, right on the middle of the floor! Maybe it's better if I pick it up before someone steals it!" Well, I was in panic, so I couldnt think! Once I fainted in a church. It was a hot summer afternoon, there were lots of candles and the air condicioner was off. In the church the priest was praying singing and I couldnt controll myself and laught. And everybody around me sayd shhh but I couldnt stop. I cant remember anything more. I loooove this topic!! |
deleted user 16.04.2007 10:30 |
Oh yes, when I was at the 7th class, we went to Santarém in a school trip, al pupils of 7th class and some teachers. One of those teachers was gay. Of course there's nothing bad in it, but he was always slapping our butts. That was very distrbing. In the middle of a meal I was in a table with some friends (all girls, thanks God!) and a few teachers. Yes he was there, too. I was tired and with a wrong posture and he said: "You should keep your back in the right position. So do boobies grow faster." I was mte and I looked and our sport teacher and she was smiling meanly. Then, after some bathroom incidents with him, he was fired. Bt he was a good portuguese teacher and a good person. Poor guy! |
Carol! the Musical 17.04.2007 15:57 |
<font color=#FF0000>Queen Mab wrote: after some bathroom incidents...Was George Michael there..? |
deleted user 17.04.2007 22:06 |
I don't know if this is embarassing...but on monday, I went to the doctor's office, and they were taking my blood pressure. I was just sitting on the bench. I woke up 3 minutes later and realized that I had fainted...and fallen on the doctor! lol... |
Sweetie 19.04.2007 06:23 |
<font color=red>The Audacity of Charles wrote:umm.... it kinda involves one of our school socials from last year....<font color=Mercury>Deaky's Bitch<h6>Yum wrote: hey, I get trani - freakUm... why ? Do you identify as transsexual or are you an on-line version of a cross-dresser ? ;p |