...I'd say to Queen to go out and surprise me with something old but that instead of requesting a song, I'd like to instead request that they retire TYMD, WWRY and WATC forever. Tie Your Mother Down is so completely worn into the ground while the other two have dominated every single encore over the past 30 years. ENOUGH already! What ever happened to encore songs like Liar and In the Lap Revisited?
We've paid our dues, time after time so c'mon guys and let's shake it up a bit.
I agree on the fact that they should do a less predictable setlist next time around.
THOUGH TYMD, WWRY and WATC specifically are the only ones that I am favour of KEEPING! :-)
TYMD just because I love the song and find it one of the ideal openers for a show.
WWRY, WATC... well, chauvinism I guess, but those songs 'belong' in any Queen-show even if they have been there forever.
Like Jeroen said.
TYMD is timeless, it's an awesome live song. Probably one of the best, and I never get tired of hearing it.
WWRY and WATC can leave if it was up to me. I heard them so much and they are played the same every night. While TYMD sounds spontaneously and fresh every single time they do it
It was mentioned once on here before, and I find it relevant now, that if Queen ended a show without WWRY and WATC, the fans would still be there at 6:00 AM the next morning waiting for the songs.
TYMD is a great song live, either as an opener or a closer. I think it could be used in another way, though, and I've always wanted to see this: Brian's guitar solo ending in a full-band performance of TYMD, which is followed up by a powerful number such as BoRhap.
Speaking of BoRhap, I don't want to see the video tribute again. It was beautiful and touching on the ROTC tour, but don't cheapen it by doing it again on subsequent tours. Either rearrange the song so Paul can sing it, use it as an opener (operatic from tape, rock section live leading into the opening rocker), or, best option, drop it entirely, along with the rest of the Freddie tributes. To do them again would make them less poignant, and cause people to forget about why they were so special to begin with.
There are two songs that they absolutely need to play on the next tour: Now I'm Here and Too Much Love Will Kill You. Now I'm Here sounds awesome when performed by Brian, and I have no doubt that Paul could handle it perfectly. TMLWKY was, in my mind, a horrible oversight from the setlist, and again, either Brian or Paul could take it on beautifully.
Here's a good compromise. What if they opened each concert with WWRY and WATC, instead of closing it? We are all so pumped at the start that everyone sick of the pair would be cheering for them.
AmeriQueen wrote: Here's a good compromise. What if they opened each concert with WWRY and WATC, instead of closing it? We are all so pumped at the start that everyone sick of the pair would be cheering for them.
WWRY would make a great opener (as proven in NOTW tour) but WATC is definately a closing track. As for TYMD, Brian has often stated the song his favourite live track, so don't expect them to drop that one out.
Anyway, if I could have one request for future tour(s) it would spell INNUENDO.
keep tie your mother down, its amazin, an wwry a watc you cant drop them, they sum up queen live, it wudnt be right not having them, an i think paul should sing all of boh rhap, apart from the oprea section, that could be the tribute in its self,if i had a request it would be a longer set list, more of the faveroutes, frob both catalogues!! an keep goin!!
We will rock you is fine, but i really am not a fan of we are the champions. I would be all in favour of moving wwry to another space in the set and dropping watc, would be nice to see another set closer.