I have 468 songs = 1.2 days = 2.17 GB.
My housemates find this ridiculous, but I'm sure a lot of you have a lot more!
I'm not sure if other music programs tell you this information, but feel free to estimate or something.
NB My total includes the audio from 3 DVDs but doesn't include a couple of live concerts as iTunes can't play .flac files...anyone know of a fix for this?
deleted user 15.01.2007 10:58
This is awfully embarassing...but...<_<...
246 songs, 15.8 hours, and 936.8 MB >_>...and that is ONLY under the name QUEEN. The solo projects not included >_<...
this website converts youtube videos into several formats, including the one for my ipod. it can also rip audio from a video if you only want a song. link
and i have 265 queen tracks in my itunes, as well as the complete live at wembley dvds...