What certain points or instances do u guys think or want to be in the movie if it does happen? It could be Either a Freddie thing or a Queen thing or be both. I think for sure Live Aid should be in the movie, also I would like to see the famous Jazz album launch party at New Orleans. What about the rest of you??
I'll be happy with an accurate portrayal of his life. No need to elaborate on his lovers. I want to know more about his childhood. I'm Indian and Freddie used to study in some school in Delhi(or was it Bombay?) during his time in India. It would be cool to focus on that, because I heard he had a painful sexual history in high school...
This will end up like the Michael Jackson film - a complete pile of shit.
I'm hoping that Roger Daltrey also resists the urge to keep following the need to have a film about Keith Moon - potential disaster lurks just around the corner.
OK... In conclusion: is there or is there not going to be a Freddie film? I mean where do all these rumours come from? Who stated in the first place that there's going to be such a film? Don't get me wrong! I long for something like this, but lately, after all these threads about the name of the movie, about who's going to play the Freddie part etc etc, well... some of you are claiming that there won't be any movie..:( I'm really confused... (ps sorry for the excessive use of 'film' & 'movie')
Benn wrote: I'm hoping that Roger Daltrey also resists the urge to keep following the need to have a film about Keith Moon - potential disaster lurks just around the corner.
Exactly. The Kids Are Alright was Moonie's film. Let's keep it that way.
Benn wrote: I'm hoping that Roger Daltrey also resists the urge to keep following the need to have a film about Keith Moon - potential disaster lurks just around the corner.
Exactly. The Kids Are Alright was Moonie's film. Let's keep it that way.
>You couldn't afford me
That is the ONE piece int he film that disturbs me. Anyone who knew Keith (as a fan) has always told me that he'd HATE to have been portrayed like that.
I'd like to see a good bit of the film dedicated to his music career, of course, but also enough non-music details so that we can identify with Freddie.
A lot of biopics focus on a certain period or event in the hero's life. Look at "Walk The Line" and "Capote" and what good films they were. Merely reciting his entire life following a so boring "Zanzibar-London-Smile-Early Queen-Bo Rhap-Fame-Live Aid-AIDS-Death" theme would probably not give the film any substance or plot whereas focusing on a particular event or period could provide more insight on his character.
I'm not saying that I'd agree with the idea, but one solution for a plot could be to base the movie around Freddie Mercury and Mary Austin's friendship. They were best friends and the way I understand it they went through a lot.