yep im a n00b at this but it also doesnt take rocket science that i must be doing something wrong.
ive been told the USB is the charger. well the problem is i charged my ipod for hours yesterday, and it didnt even reach the halfway point. when i took the USB out the battery immediately started draining. most of the time, the charging icon wont come up it just 'charges' sort of, when its synching.
do i need a docking system to make it charge better or am i missing something or is it defected?
There's a lot of things you can try rave...
Let it play and let the battery go pretty much dead.
Then reset it when you turn it back do that by holding down the menu and the very top of the select circle at the same time until the apple symbol appears.
Don't open i tunes first, let the connection do it.
Make sure you are squeezing the sides of the i pod end of the usb cable when you plug it in (and unplug it).
Make sure you are ejecting it from i tunes before you unplug.
Your usb may be less than 2.0 version. If you have a ps2 try charging it through that.
I'm pretty much a moron, so if that's no help check online for ipod troubleshooting.
Oh!! make sure the "hold" button is in the off position.
This is just stuff i've learned with mine.
Hope something is helpful.
<font color=red>?Sasha wrote: There's a lot of things you can try rave...
Let it play and let the battery go pretty much dead.
Then reset it when you turn it back do that by holding down the menu and the very top of the select circle at the same time until the apple symbol appears.
Don't open i tunes first, let the connection do it.
Make sure you are squeezing the sides of the i pod end of the usb cable when you plug it in (and unplug it).
Make sure you are ejecting it from i tunes before you unplug.
Your usb may be less than 2.0 version. If you have a ps2 try charging it through that.
I'm pretty much a moron, so if that's no help check online for ipod troubleshooting.
Oh!! make sure the "hold" button is in the off position.
This is just stuff i've learned with mine.
Hope something is helpful.
Also, make sure you pat your head and rub your stomach while you do this.
deleted user 12.01.2007 17:34
Thats what I HATE about ipods...the battery goes down all the time...I just got mine a year ago...and the power's drained all the way :S....It jumps up and down.
<font color="0000FF">Thing #1<h6>hehe :D wrote: Thats what I HATE about ipods...the battery goes down all the time...I just got mine a year ago...and the power's drained all the way :S....It jumps up and down.
Yup, mine too.. The batteries wear out way too easily, I'm on my third iPod.
deleted user 12.01.2007 18:22
I think there's something wrong with the software..i suggest you take it back to the store you got it from and get them to check it out and if it's their fault, you'll get a new one :)
deleted user 12.01.2007 18:30
I used to have the same problem, and I have yet to figure out why, but I just got one of those iHome things (or whatever you call them) and now it charges in about 15-30 minutes, or even less time if it's already mostly charged.
sasha, i did waht you did and it didnt do much better :(
some of it im sure it has to do with it being an ipod mini which i guess is like having a cassette player in the IPOD world. it was a birthday present and it was refurbished (leave me alone my family is piss poor right now and im not exaggerating).
yeah the USB doesnt help i dont tihnk it really does anything. i hear mp3 players are better, is that true?
I think what many people are having the same problem that I had with my old cell phone battery. Whenever you play it, make sure you play it until it dies. Then charge it up completely, and DON'T CHARGE IT AGAIN until it dies. If you constantly leave it plugged in to try and charge it up, even when it doesn't need it, the batteries loose their ability to hold a charge. I learned this the hard way on my cell phone battery and had to get a new one. Luckily, by the time I bought by IPod I knew this could be a problem. So I only plug it in to charge when it's dead. I've had it for several months now (and I use it daily) and it has never lost its ability to hold a charge ever.
Brimon wrote: Have you checked that you still have your receipt.
it was a birthday gift, so thats up to my parents. if i have more problems ill return it. im trying a different computer (the other was my laptop). well see what happens. ill give it a lil while longer.