BTW bon jovi sucks as a singer...i listened to one of his songs the other day and he tries to sing with a gravely voice and it sounds so fake and embarrassing...fucking pathetic being honest. wat a piece of dirt he is.
its a song for the broken hearted...and then its so stadium rock but in a bon jovi way....u know the way anthems can be tacky (but not queen cos they had talent)...bon jovi suck.
- Shouldn't you take your pills?
- What has this got to do with Queen?
- Did you know you are insulting me with your criminally bad taste?
- Did you know that usually, people are expected to provide ARGUMENTS for their rants?
- Did you know that you are very annoying with topics like these?
una999 wrote: BTW bon jovi sucks as a singer...i listened to one of his songs the other day and he tries to sing with a gravely voice and it sounds so fake and embarrassing...fucking pathetic being honest. wat a piece of dirt he is. ...bon jovi suck.
"Forums > Queen - General Discussion > bon jovi" ???
okay i am having problems working out what the f**k this has to do with Queen...see if you can work out which forum this belongs in....
Queen - General Discussion - Polls, favourite songs and other fun stuff
Queen - Serious Discussion - SERIOUS discussion on the greatest band in the land
Queen + Paul Rodgers Tour - Discuss the Queen + Paul Rodgers Tour Here
Sharing The Music - Announce - The Queen Hub, Queen BitTorrents. Also general swapping / trading
Sharing The Music - Request - Request non-official Queen related items
Fan mixes - Mixes of Queen songs by fans Personal - To discuss anything you like
i think EVERY forum has a non-too subtle clue as to what belongs there...and either you can't read or you are just being awkward and ignorant - after all, it's not like this is a rare offence for've got form for it
try sticking stuff in the right place...did you not read Richard's notice - he said he may have to close it down if people continue to post in the wrong places - as he hasn't time to keep tidying up his website
una999 wrote: BTW bon jovi sucks as a singer...i listened to one of his songs the other day and he tries to sing with a gravely voice and it sounds so fake and embarrassing...fucking pathetic being honest. wat a piece of dirt he is.
Are you feeling alright? are you on any drug?
Ugh, Pathetic!
excuse me, but u do NOT insult jon bon jovi or any of teh members of bon jovi as long as im on queenzone. first of all theyre SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FRIGGIN GORGEOUS and second of al theyre talented guys too. so if u insult them again, im gonna track u and stalk u and then im gunna...DO SOMETHING BAD TO U!!!!!!!!!!
<b><font color=666600>Music Man wrote: I agree with TQ.
I also must state that I do enjoy the music of Bon Jovi.
I've seen Bon Jovi twice live and they put a kick ass live show. Sure, there's plenty of cheesy power ballads but for the most part is just fun. Without Bon Jovi, metalheads would have a difficult time getting laid.