L-R-TIGER1994 wrote: Why not?I have a lot of shows in mp3,I'll post them in January.
He said no more flac. We all know that there will be flac files shared so his request for no more flac will not be heeded.
Post mp3s if you must. They are more convenient but the sound quality does suffer(not that my old ears really notice)
Probably wouldn't hurt to creat a subforum for mp3 sharing.
seba_79 wrote: NO MORE FLAC, PLEASE..!!!
Thank you for reminding me of a reason not to be sad that humanity will find itself extinct someday.
Do me a favour: don't have children.
If you think you may have been drugged its ok then.so you are not stupid and you are probably not brainwashed either!!dumb nazi
Coming from the person who believes interpunction is a swear-word, and proceeds to write something so incoherent duct tape couldn't hold it together, I can only laugh at the accusation of being either stupid, brainwashed or drugged.
Might I note that a Nazi is extreme right wing, and Thomas far off to the left. Maybe you should learn a bit about the basics of politics before you want people to take you seriously.
<b><font color = "crimson"> ThomasQuinn wrote: Coming from the person who believes interpunction is a swear-word, and proceeds to write something so incoherent duct tape couldn't hold it together
It's never right on QZ. Wake me up when people are finally satisfied with what they get or either start to collect their own collection by themselves, instead of hitch-hiking on other people's arses.
This is fun! Keep it coming, hehe :).
Have you noticed that many times someone starts a topic about some nonsense like this, someone else attacks, a third one defends the guy and then the thread becomes a confrontation between these other two guys who have nothing to do with the original poster? The original poster might not even return to see what he has caused. Man, I just LOVE Queenzone, hehe :D.
<b><font color = "crimson"> ThomasQuinn wrote: It's called the QueenZone Insufferability Syndrome. In fact, it's also the reason *some of us* keep coming back.
<b>ThomasQuinn wrote: It's called the QueenZone Insufferability Syndrome. In fact, it's also the reason *some of us* keep coming back.
Cool name! hehe :). Let's face it, the QZIS is what keeps this place from eventually dying a painfully gradual death. Oh well, the syndrome and a handful of good threads from a few posters over 18 years old, hehe :).
Siempre habrán archivos Flac, porque son los preferidos por los coleccionistas, según sé es waw comprimido sin perder ningún atributo. El Mp3 sí le quita atributos al sonido. sin embargo, yo no lo distingo (no tengo orejas de perro). Aquí puedes descargar el convertidor a waw, luego puedes usar algo como Musicmatch o Winamp, para convertirlo a Mp3. Lo que yo hago es convertirlos para que no ocupen mucho espacio y guardar los flac en Backups. El programa se llama Flac Frontend link
Mis amigos, lo que intento transmitirles es que aqui hay muchos shows en formato flac, y muchos usuarios que NO encontramos la diferencia, sinceramente tienes que tener un oido muy calificado para encontrar alguna, salvo raras ocaciones, donde el sonido si es muy malo. Los archivos flac son considerablemente mas pesados que en mp3, por lo cual, estaria muy bueno que tambien se compartieran en mp3.
Tal vez haber puesto: "No more flac", sono un tanto radical, si es asi, me disculpo. Ahora escribi en español, haber si queda mas claro...