Three songs written during these sessions were:
1) Fly By Night (Deacon)
2) Deep Ridge (May)
3) Surrender To The City (Mercury)
Has anyone heard these or can give any information about them such as if they were reworked into other Queen songs that were released, etc.? I would appreciate any info.
there have been countless rumours about the second and third tracks
they are usually discounted as nothing more than myth...they are actually broken-down parts of side black
I heard that Surrender To The City was the working title to The Fairyfellers Masterstroke. Maybe the others were working titles to other songs on the album.
It just occured to me that "Deep Ridge" may have been a working title for "Brighton Rock". "Brighton Rock" has roots going as far back as Smile's first and only album. And as we all know "Brighton Rock" had many working titles as it was being developed (one of them being "Happy Little Fuck"). It's not that much of a stretch to imagine that "Deep Ridge" sounds like it may have been the embryonic "Brighton Rock".
Can I get a witness?
Drowse1 wrote: I heard that Surrender To The City was the working title to The Fairyfellers Masterstroke. Maybe the others were working titles to other songs on the album.
Wouldn't it be more common is it was the demo for March of the balck queen?
"Surrender to the city of the fire flies. Dance with the devil, in beat with the band. To hell with all of you hand in hand, now it's time to be gone"
Drowse1 wrote: I heard that Surrender To The City was the working title to The Fairyfellers Masterstroke. Maybe the others were working titles to other songs on the album.
I agree with the last guy. Thats kinda silly to assume a song with the same name as a painting that the song is about will have another working title. Combined with the fact that the line surrender to the city is are actual lyyrics to the last part of the second said song.
At the risk of re-repeating myself (and I'd loved to be proved wrong about this):
"'Deep Ridge', and 'Surrender To The City' as unreleased tracks from Queen II, have their origins in a post made here, many moons ago, by some Wind Up Merchant".
(basically from this thread: link )
More info about this Wind Up Merchant, and the Queen II sessions can be found here: link
In summary, as far as I'm concerned the songs the topic-starter mentions were made up by a WUM on this messageboard in this post - link - and the myth spread across the internet over the next few years.
This WUM proved himself to be full of bollocks, by gradually over a few weeks outing himself on QZ as nothing but a speaker of bullshit. An example of his bullshit can be found here: link
Penetration_Guru wrote: The working title of Brighton Rock was "Happy Little Fuck" at one point, I concur
But this doesn't mean they couldn't have used more working titles. In the case of Brighton Rock: They also used Bognor Ballad and Blackpool Rock
(I hope I didn't misunderstood your post!)
Wow, Queen II sessions would be something. That's my favorite album of all time! The main Queen treasure that I would most like to have is the Queen II versions of "The Prophet Song" that were shelved 'til the later, eventual release of the ANATO version.