It's going to be 2007 in less than a month. It's been 30 years since "News Of The World" was released. And more importantly, "We Will Rock You".
Now, take your guesses on how many remixes we will hear on the following year of our favourite football arena theme, to which people rather disturbingly are still eager to clap along to.
I'll go for: 42.
I think Douglas Adams was too preoccupied with Pink Floyd, Dire Straits and Paul Simon to have his '42' apply to Queen. I mean, I doubt the 'question to the ultimate answer to the question of life, the universe and everything' is "how many remixes of WWRY are needed to bring about the end of times?"
After reading this thread, the theme music to 'The Twilight Zone' is playing in my head. What's the alarming, disturbing part of your message? That there are so many re-mixes or something??? The disturbing things about year 30 for NOTW is that A.) 'WWRY' and 'We are the Champs' are the only two major hits on the same album that contains 'Spread Your Wings', 'All Dead All Dead', 'Who Needs You', 'It's Late' and 'My Melancholy Blues'. B.) That Queen unfortunatley has mentioned no plans to update the 'NOTW' album, or any other album, after teasing us with the 'A Night At The Opera' DVD re-release.