Does anybody have its transcription? (Xmas Eve 1977). If so, please send it to me, because I've lost mine.
Of course, if anybody's got the audio, it'd be even better ;)
Sebastian wrote: It used to be available at Queen Interviews (when it existed), and it was by far my favourite interview: they discuss each album up to 'News'.
What happened to that site?
I remeber it! It was a very interesting site, but i didn´t knew that no longer exists.
There were some interviews that i would like to read again!! It´s sad, and i never download interviews to the computer, i must change that!
Take care
Queen Interviews went down late 2003, or early 2004. I remember it well because I used to read the site every day at school, and when it disappeared I felt like smashing something!
That's very nice Pieter, but you're missing 75% of the interview as well: when they discuss 'Bo Rhap' (and Freddie says it'd got 200 voices), when John mentions why did he play piano in 'Best Friend', Rog's, Bri's and Fred's personal choices (John was the first to pick), etc.
I use to have the Tom Browne interview audio! But got lost in a fire, but why can't you share it with the rest of the queenzoners....... I no some are leechers, but the rest of us are true FANS! Just wondering why u can't share the interview on the site, I shared everything so far I had, and still looking....and u can look up my name and see what I shared... mickyparise
u can email on this subject or send me a email why u hold back?
Sorry for the outburst everyone.....I understand the whole situation on QZ and just want to say sorry if I offended anyone.....One of those days, i guess! Once again I apologize...
I uploaded a few interviews a while back at QOL. The transcript of this one is on page five of this thread (about 2/3 of the way down). It's in four parts. link