bubbles, mr.brooks must have been visiting the u.s.a., since 911 is not the emergency number in england. the incident must have happened in san francisco california.
Greg, Greg, Greg.... How many times do I have to tell you.. enough with the Gerbils... come on.. if you really want some fun try a snake.. but put its head into a condom.. much safer.. less chance for it to bite.. of course the bigger the snake the more chances of it biting you.. so I suggest duct taping its mouth shut.. Gerbils are so 70's ish....
anyways, have fun all..
Bubbles, master of the pan flute wrote: link
Get well soon my friend!
Wasn't it you who was preaching about everyone making fun of Greg's picture? I think telling everybody that Greg has stuck a Gerbil up his rectum for his sexual pleasure is worse, especially as people (as illustrated above) are stupid enough to actually believe it.
Ducksoup wrote: Not very polite to post things like this...
If it bothers you, file a complaint in triplicate at your local planning office, after which it will duly be ignored, locked away, stored safely and left to ferment and ripen.
Ducksoup wrote: Not very polite to post things like this...
If it bothers you, file a complaint in triplicate at your local planning office, after which it will duly be ignored, locked away, stored safely and left to ferment and ripen.
I'm just giving my opinion. That's what people do on message boards...
I think it's not very polite to post false facts like this on the internet (complete with someones name and last name) if I was Greg Brooks I would take legal steps against such actions.
I agree a thousand percent!
The thing is, is that I actually believed that article! I can be very gulible at times. Besides, it sounds like something BUBBLES would do. lol
I shoulda put it in personal anyway. Perhaps it can be moved.. and I'll change some things...
I sincerely apologize. I've been eating a lot of cream cheese lately.
Silly bubbles, I can't wait for Mr. Brooks to attack you with verbal artillery! You know its coming, just wait and he'll find this thread...
(plays JAWS theme)
joxerthemighty wrote: how do you create one of these fake messsages.?
it appeals to my warped humour
All you gotta do is replace the part before swellserver.com in the URL, and use periods to separate names.
They have other stories to choose from: link